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The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy
This 1886 novel may be Hardys most intense and gripping narrative. We first see the central character, Michael Henchard, as a drunken and unemployed hay-trusser who sells his wife Susan and his daughter Elizabeth-Jane at a fair. When he is eventually reunited with the two, he has become the contented and prosperous mayor of a thriving market town. But the downward spiral begins. Henchards fall is hastened by a series of coincidences and quarrels, and by his own jealousy and pride. Though the perspective on events that Hardy gives us is often that of other characters (Elizabeth-Jane in particular), Henchard remains the central focus; in the end he is a tragic figure, bankrupt, emotionally broken and an outcast from society. Prepared by one of the worlds leading Hardy scholars, this edition includes a critical introduction and a range of background materials from the period. Historical documents (concerning such topics as the corn laws and the practice of wife-selling) and contemporary reviews help set this remarkable novel in the context out of which it emerged.
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Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy

Quite a good, but sad story, about how a drunken action can have long-term consequences. The main character is also self-destructive and proud, but does have some good qualities. There are deceptions or instances of bad luck that compound the sadness. The language is a bit hard to read, being old-fashioned, with classical allusions, but my copy had good footnotes that helped. Worthwhile if you are up for it!

Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy
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Starting a classic I have wanted to read ever since I saw The Claim, a Western movie, based on it.

bibliothecarivs I love Hardy and just saw The Claim for the first time a couple weeks ago. I haven't read The Mayor yet. I look forward to your thoughts. 4mo
KCofKaysville @bibliothecarivs I have only read some poetry but have seen movies of some novels 4mo
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And my haul was just three old Penguins (got to think of the weight of my suitcase!) 😋

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This book is a brilliant and somewhat intriguing story. I believe it is one of, if not the best work, produced by Thomas hardy. With multiple twists and multiple chances for a character redemption arc which penultimately fails, it most certainly is not a boring read. Instead, you end up empathizing and loathing the main character of Micheal Henchard all at the same time.

Soubhiville Aw, cute pooch! 3y
martellax @Soubhiville i think he was enjoying the book more than me!!! 3y
PhilipE Not as cute as my awesome poodle but . . . Lol. I loved Mayor of Casterbridge. Amazing how he can create someone you want to hate and root for. 2y
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One of my favourites from world classics. 👍

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I'm so surprised how much I'm loving this! As world classics go Thomas Hardy keeps surprising me on how modern twists and turns the stories seem to take. Also I'm suprised how well he describes women. It is really nice to see an old world classic that has toughtfully created female characters.

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I was familiar with the basic plot elements of The Mayor of Casterbridge prior to reading it, but I was quickly surprised by how soon it deviated from my expectations. I was expecting a redemption novel, a la Les Miserables, instead I realized that this was a different beast. Mayor of Casterbridge begins with Michael Henchard & his wife Susan arriving at a country fair with their infant Elizabeth-Jane. After an incident in a tent that truly👇

vivastory made my skin crawl, Michael & Susan are parted. Michael wakes the next day to swear sobriety & eventually finds a measure of success as a businessman & eventual mayor. Susan tracks down Michael 21 years later, with their daughter. All of the above happens in the first 30 pages. I don't recall the last time I read a novel that spanned a significant period of time in as few pages & did it so well, Hardy's pacing in MOC is impeccable. Certain tropes 4y
vivastory of his time are on display in this work (for what it's worth I think he pulls them off well), but what made this book stand out is the complexity of his portrayals. Michael Henchard isn't so much an unlikeable character, as a flawed & also deeply human character. As are the rest of the characters in this story. Hardy's so-called cynicism appeared to have been at odds with the middle class of his time; but there is a realism to his honesty. (edited) 4y
vivastory This quality pervaded the book, lending certain characters a measure of hard won understanding & occasional moments of joy. The final paragraph is perfection. (edited) 4y
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KVanRead Fantastic review!!👏 (edited) 4y
vivastory @KVanRead Thanks! I can't wait to read more by him! 4y
LeahBergen Great review. I feel like reading some more Hardy now. 😊 4y
vivastory @LeahBergen Do you have a fave? 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Great review. I read this in secondary school and do not remember much now. May reread it. 😊 4y
batsy Nice review! I need to read more Hardy. I really enjoyed Far from the Madding Crowd! 4y
Reggie Wow, you make this sound great! 4y
Cathythoughts Me too @erzascarletbookgasm ... we read in secondary school... it was on our exam course ... can‘t remember much 4y
LeahBergen I‘ve only read Tess of the d‘Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure (I liked Tess more). I want to read Under the Greenwood Tree next, I think. 😊 4y
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Three things:
1) Tonight's vp debate was a refreshing change from last week's disaster. I would honestly be fine with no more before the election. Not bc I'm worried about how my candidate will fare, but they will inevitably be as bad if not worse than last week.
2) Nobel Prize for Literature will be announced tomorrow morning! Based on nothing more than a hunch, I predict that either Javier Marias or Cormac Mccarthy will win.
3) Reading my 👇

vivastory first Hardy novel and I love it. Read the first 80 pages this evening. 4y
mklong Ooh interesting predictions. I would be happy with either of those! 4y
readordierachel I need to read more Hardy. Read Far From the Madding Crowd earlier this year. So good. 4y
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KVanRead 1)💯 re the debates. Couldn‘t watch last week‘s 💩show, was quite satisfied with last night especially the cameo by that fly who really knows a 💩 when he sees one. 2)Those were good predictions- surprised by the winner but excited to try reading her. 3)❤️Hardy - have only read Madding Crowd and Jude but moving Casterbridge up the list. 4y
vivastory @readordierachel I think that will be my next one 4y
vivastory @KVanRead I was surprised by the winner. I've read Gluck, but it it's been several years. I'm planning on reading Far From etc as my next Hardy. Will def eventually read Jude etc I remember enjoying the adaptation with Winslet although it's been years since I've watched it! 4y
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I ordered these two books with the intention of making one of them my #firstreadof2020. Now the question is, which one do I choose?! 🥰🤔

I may or may not have read LW in its entirety when I was much younger but I can‘t be entirely sure. As far as Thomas Hardy, I‘ve only read Tess of the d‘Urbervilles.

umbrellagirl I vote for the Mayor of Casterbridge. That‘s a gorgeous cover. 5y
Marni My vote is Little Women 5y
Bookwormjillk Little Women! 5y
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Cinfhen Little women/ I read it earlier this year and I was so pleasantly surprised 💜 5y
Ruthiella Little Women! 😀 5y
LeahBergen Little Women. 😄 5y
LiteraryinLawrence I vote for Little Women! 5y
MariettaSG Little Women 5y
JenniferP I read both of these in December and enjoyed them both. I think Mayor of Casterbridge is my favorite Hardy book. 5y
Mdargusch Little women! 5y
Bookzombie This is my same feeling about LW! Did I read it or did I see one of the movies so young or read an abridged version? I plan on getting to it this year. 5y
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❤️ Hardy‘s descriptions of fall, unfortunately we bypassed that yellow stage and the leaves all fell to the ground in a soggy mess. #reading1001 #1001travelingbookswap #groups

Liz_M Snow in October, in the cities at least, is probably not good for fall colors. 6y
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BookwormM When I read this at school I hated it when I read it again as an adult I really appreciated it 6y
Kristelh @bookwormM I‘ve liked everything I have read by Hardy. 6y
BookwormM Hardy is one of my favourites 👍 6y
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One of my favorite purple-covered books for #PurpleRain #PrinceofJuly @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vkois88 It's a beautiful cover. Sounds like an intense story 6y
Cathythoughts An exam book ! Good 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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Starting my third Hardy of the month!

Saknicole Yesssssss! I know the Hardy addiction too. I liked this one alright. I still need to watch an adaptation! 6y
SaraBeagle @Saknicole I haven‘t watched any. Recommendations??? 6y
Saknicole @SaraBeagle the 2003 version isn't bad! I watched some of the 70s miniseries but this book didn't really entice me to watch the whole thing. 6y
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Stopped by the Pink Elephant antique mall on our way home and picked up a couple goodies. 😁 (a man sells his wife at auction? What?! Hadn‘t heard of this one!)

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ladym30 Beautiful!! 6y
LeahBergen 😍😍😍 6y
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Love this so much. #travelingbookswap

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Got a couple books in the mail today, finally. One to my sister-in-law (who wants to read one of my all-time favorite books! 🙌🏻) and the other for #1001BookSwap.

@tnociti I apologize in advance for all the tape (not pictured). 😬

Princess-Kingofkings Tell me more about #1001BookSwap 6y
hes7 @Princess-Kingofkings It‘s a book club organized by @JenP and a group of 4-5 take turns reading and mailing books from the list 1001 Books to Read Before You Die. 6y
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Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy

Recommended from a reading course. This was a lovely book that took a satisfying amount of time to read.

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And this was our last stop of the day: Max Gate which Thomas Hardy designed himself (he trained as an architect) and which his brother built for him using bricks made by the family brickyard. So definitely a house with Hardy all over it.

Kaye Isn‘t that just beautiful ♥️ 6y
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Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy
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November #TBR
This month I‘m working on reading books I already own, because my to be read bookshelf is getting a little cramped!

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While in #Anchorage I added a few books to my bedside #tbr list. I found what I was looking for: Call the Midwife and A Hero with a Thousand Faces at my favorite #titlewavebooks 🌊

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Better sell all this finery and buy myself grammar books and dictionaries and a history of all the philosophies! #booksarebetter #tbrbingo #Hardy

Kimberlone Good quote! How are you liking it? I think watching the miniseries turned me off of the book.... 7y
Saknicole @Kimberlone definitely not as good as Far From the Madding Crowd, but it's alright: you know I love Hardy, haha. Hopefully the second half redeems the mayor to the point where I can actually forgive him. The first half was a really fast read and kept me going for sure! 7y
Kimberlone @Saknicole the mayor is the worst. I think that's why I decided to skip the book. You do have a strange affinity for Hardy and his ultra-depressing stories 7y
WhatDeeReads But I like my finery too. #conflicted 7y
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I was a terrible student when it came to finishing required reading, but now that the pressure's off, I might need to give some classics #OneMoreTry. #JuneTunz

Felso What will you pick first? 7y
gibblr I loved The Scarlet Letter when I was in high school and didn't read Hamlet until I taught it, but also loved that! 7y
Cinfhen I so hear you...required reading is a double edged sword 🙄😬 7y
Books88 Same! 7y
drbethandherkindle I didn't finish Walden either…but I sold mine at the end of the semester 🙄 7y
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Finishing this book, I was left with a web of complicated emotions. First: it's my belief that mostly everyone in this book, with the exception of Elizabeth-Jane, is loathsome. Second: my dislike of the characters did not prevent me from feeling great sympathy for them. This is a profoundly sad book. There's lots to say about Hardy's dense psychological themes, but it's the emotion that left its impression on me; it's close to heartbreaking. 🤘🤘

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