This one was pretty good! I do love family drama
106 words = 1,060
#wgwordsearch #holidaybookdragons #wintergames2024 #serieslove2024 #readaway2024
This one was pretty good! I do love family drama
106 words = 1,060
#wgwordsearch #holidaybookdragons #wintergames2024 #serieslove2024 #readaway2024
Book 1 in the series and I was HOOKED! This is so different from the Black Dagger Brotherhood which I‘m admittedly tired of to be honest. Romance, suspense and a cast of characters that rival Dallas for drama. #romantsy #kentucky #readtheusa
Yes, another #bookhaul stopped at b&n on our way to bookgroup tonight. Could not resist these guys.
So I didn‘t dislike the story but the narrator was HORRIBLE. Can‘t decide if it‘s worth it to read the next book in the series. Anyone read them and can help me decide whether to keep going? Maybe I can find it recorded by someone else.... 🧐
This is more a 3.5 star review. I was both happy and sad with this book. Sad, because unlike with the BDB, I wasn't instantly sucked into the story line. It took me a long time to get into the story and really feel apart of it. That said, the characters were intriguing and definitely full of emotion that I could feel. I hope that the next book in Ward's Bourbon Kings series is easier to get into.
My youngest has a pre-op appointment today so I'm hanging with @jrwardauthor while we wait for the doctor to come in. #preops #uncchildrenshospital #craniofacialawareness #fistulasurgery #blessedmama #blogger #reviewer #booksofinstagram #instabooks #ilovereading #ilovebooks #currentlyreading
That moment when you walk into the Dollar Store and find book gold! They never have decent books in our little store so I was so pumped to find these today!!! #dollarstorebookhaul
1.My husband commissioned my favorite artists to paint it for me. Note the books, mermaids, coffee, shipwreck, and skulls ❤️ 2. 100 books on goodreads and #litsyatoz 3. I wear both. 4. Mountains. 5. There are so many BUT I think I am most excited about Ink and Bone!
Like Dallas only it's bourbon not oil and it's Easterly and not Southfork.
"Just a reminder that I'm a Bradford, my darling. We take care of things."
#amreading #jrward #bringbackgiantshoulderpads #howtheotherhalflives #holydysfunctionbatman
#10questions @LazyOwl
1. @MorbidAi Showed it to me!
2. Since I learned. 😂 My mom instilled good reading habits in me right away.
3. Harry Potter! It remains my favorite to this day.
4. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
5. I love knitting, running, and drawing.
6. iZombie I think.
7. I bought Caravel based on the cover. It turned out amazing.
8. None
9. Nope
10. My mom actually.
Picked up "The Devil's Cut" today. Since it's been a while I think I'll reread the first two. #jrward #thebourbonkings
Ms. Ward still got it. A completely different world, and a completely different set of characters, but it sucked me in just the same. The intimate stuff was steamy, the intrigue is twisted and dark, and the setting is grand and imposing. Dark romance done right. I will be on the look out for more. #doneintwodays #JRWard #romance 4.5/5⭐
Took a short trip to the library with my dear friend @ladylionbot yesterday. Although I have a mountain at home, and am still working through #GOT, I could not leave without a book. J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood was a guilty pleasure, so I am giving this series a shot. The other one just sounded fascinating. #bookhaul #librarytrip #TBR 😊😁📚
Felt like I was reading a soap opera. Don't mind me as a kick back with my popcorn and watch all the drama unfold.
And the shit hath officially hit the fan 😱🤔
Audiobooking while I do some housework. This narrator is a hoot!!
It took me a while to get in to this book, and I was underwhelmed when I finished it today. I have read Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, so I am familiar with her style, but I think for some reason it works better in the fantasy world of vampire badasses. This felt like Dallas, but set in Kentucky with bourbon and horse racing. Annoying southern cliches, but I guess I care enough about the mystery to continue the series. 😜
Up super early on a Sunday morning and everyone else is still asleep so reading this one for Kentucky for the #unitedstatesofbooks
This is not my typical genre AT ALL but it has a local setting (even though it's supposed to be fictional) and it was such an easy read. Rich, "southern" family and all their fucked-up deliciousness, mingled with murder, money embezzling, forbidden poorly timed love chances, and biting sarcastic wit from the writer.
"Much later, when everything had changed and he was living a life he couldn't have imagined on any level, he would come to recognize...that this moment, ..... was when he began to truly heal: For a brief instant, a split second, a single breath, his pilot light flickered on."
Took a break for dinner. It was Twitter approved 🙄🙄🙄. #crazyCat. #sheISboss #catsOfLitsy
Sire. Hahahahaha. I like her style of writing where she gives you just enough to be curious and want to know what is going on but dishes it out to you in little morsels.
I think I need a break from the supernatural. Dark Tower is hard to get into. Let's try some Southern fiction by a local writer.
I enjoyed this novel. It was fun. Dramatic. Gripping, even. I breezed through it, unable to put it down. But even as I was sucked in by the glamour and the darkness, there was so much frustration. The characters reacted, reacted, reacted, instead of thinking, and they seemed to refuse to communicate with each other. Most of the proverbial shit hitting the fan could have been averted had they simply opened their mouths. BUT, as I said, it's fun.
What an amazing read!!! I love J.R. Wards BDB series and this is right at the top of my list. It's page turning action and adventure.. few books make me yell at characters with such anger this one did. I am totally invested in the characters and how the rest of the story will play out! Can't wait to get the next book!!
This book has all the problems that a lot of romance novels have: static stock characters, borderline obsession/stalking described as love, far-fetched drama, predictable plot etc. But this fast paced book was exactly what I needed to read and I am interested in the sequel. Guilty pleasure worthy.
I was in the mood for a candy bar when I picked this book up at Target today. What I got was more disappointing. Egg custard disappointing. You know the type, looks good, smells delicious, but the texture is just not right. So it is with this book, JR Ward has written some good candy bars, the kind you hoard and pull out at midnight, knowing you need to sleep. This is not one of them.
Kind of like a soap opera. An insane amount of things happen over the course of a few days. Still, fun as pure escape. I liked it well enough that I plan to get around to book 2 one of these days.
I only got maybe 1/4 of the way through this. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series is a guilty pleasure of mine so I thought I'd try this one out. It got really gross and awful. But it's about a rich southern family so I don't know why I was surprised.
Dysfunctional epic family soap opera aka Dallas & Dynasty. Full of people you can love to hate.