One day, I‘ll be able to edit/upload pictures on here and they won‘t be blurry. Today is not that day 🥴
Point total of 16,145 for the #WinterGames and Team #XmasChaCha
Thank you to all the hosts for yet another amazing event! 🥰
One day, I‘ll be able to edit/upload pictures on here and they won‘t be blurry. Today is not that day 🥴
Point total of 16,145 for the #WinterGames and Team #XmasChaCha
Thank you to all the hosts for yet another amazing event! 🥰
In ‘22, I finally read the first and last book in this series, so looking at my paperbacks and inspired by the yellow binding, I went for book #3. This series began 20 years ago, but for its genre, I think the series stands the test of time and I‘m entertained reading it now, even when Becky makes her life way more complicated than need be.
Five seconds after I‘ve crossed the threshold of Tiffany‘s, I‘m already calmer. My heart rate begins to subside. My mind begins to turn less frantically. I feel soothed, just looking around at the cases full of glittering jewellery. Audrey Hepburn was right: nothing bad could ever happen in Tiffany‘s.
Becky made me SO frustrated with all her lies. I just wanted her to grow up and tell the truth. But still all characters and this story was so light and comfortable, perfect to read after heavy and dark book.
I enjoyed reading this book so much even though there was quite much to take in. This book was cute, entertaining and I loved it with all it's absurdness.
#aestheticallymatched #SeriesRead2022 #Pantone2022 #19822022 (16/41)
Chick lit is not the kind of thing I think I would like, but when I do read it, I tend to enjoy it! This book (and series) is no exception (even though I don‘t shop, am not “into” fashion, and I often get annoyed with Becky. I did feel like I had a solution for her early on in the book, and it kind-of (but not completely) went how I was thinking. But, I still enjoyed the ride. There was a more serious side to this one involving Luke and his mother
It‘s been a weird, long, and exhausting week. Is winter almost over yet? 😭
Spending my Sunday morning with some yummy coffee I brought back from Washington and one of my favorite comfort reads 💕
Mother's Day can be complicated and painful. So for today's #SelfCareSunday, I am avoiding most social media and reading a silly old favorite. Sending love to all who have mixed emotions about this day. ❤️
This book series is a great read so far, but it gives me anxiety! Had to retire to the beanbag with my reading assistant so I could finish the book in comfort.
This was so stressful.....why am I reading these???? I find this more stressful than suspense books. WHY DOES SHE LIE SO MUCH?!?!?! AHHHHH
May 17: #ReadingResolutions— #wedding; I‘m obsessed with the whole Shopaholic series! 💗💗💗
If you trully love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
-Vincent Van Gogh
I can't wait to be more hotter weather so I can read outside. Do you like reading outside or you prefer inside?
#MarchInBooks Spring vibes
#sophiekinsella #shopaholicseries #paperbacks #womansfiction #outside #ourdoors #springvibes #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsylove #litsyfun
Two good things about being sick: ice cream and books.
It was quite a stupid story with a stupid heroine. How can Becky Bloomwood be so stupid, naive, selfish and nobody sees that? And what infuriates me the most is how things work out for her in the end. How can anybody want to marry her. Kinsella shouldn't have continued this series. It is downright silly and crazy. Stay away from this series. Unless you want to read about immature Becky.
I love that our library system and mall are teaming up! There are about 1/2 a dozen Little Free Library type boxes throughout the mall near seating areas that are stocked with books withdrawn from the branches. Here‘s a picture of one. There‘s more to come, but it‘s not public yet so I can‘t say...but I can‘t wait!
I had so much fun reading this book a while back. It is a chick lit genre book. By my favourite author Sophie kinsella... I also did a teeny blog on her @bookaholicssancutaury.wordpress.com hope you guys will go and give it a read.. And this books just had me in fits of laughter.... Specially the scene where suze spills the tea all over becky's wedding dress.... Go and check it out.
This is what came to mind for #WhiteWedding. I've been reading the Shopaholic series for years, though I have next to nothing in common with Becky Brandon.
No plans on marriage, but if I ever did, I think I'd elope. I'd wear pants on the beach and no one would hear till after. 🤷🏻♀️
I had surprisingly few books with women's backs on the covers. These were the only I could find 📚
#TheBacksofWomen #MarchintoReading
Day 15 is Favorite character(s):: the Shopaholic series characters!