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Exhaustion: A History
Exhaustion: A History | Anna Katharina Dr Schaffner
10 posts | 7 to read
Today our fatigue feels chronic; our anxieties, amplified. Proliferating technologies command our attention. Many people complain of burnout, and economic instability and the threat of ecological catastrophe fill us with dread. We look to the past, imagining life to have once been simpler and slower, but extreme mental and physical stress is not a modern syndrome. Beginning in classical antiquity, this book demonstrates how exhaustion has always been with us and helps us evaluate more critically the narratives we tell ourselves about the phenomenon.Medical, cultural, literary, and biographical sources have cast exhaustion as a biochemical imbalance, a somatic ailment, a viral disease, and a spiritual failing. It has been linked to loss, the alignment of the planets, a perverse desire for death, and social and economic disruption. Pathologized, demonized, sexualized, and even weaponized, exhaustion unites the mind with the body and society in such a way that we attach larger questions of agency, willpower, and well-being to its symptoms. Mapping these political, ideological, and creative currents across centuries of human development, "Exhaustion" finds in our struggle to overcome weariness a more significant effort to master ourselves.
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Schaffner
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I‘m off today after working three 12-hour shifts in the psych emergency department. Wow! I haven‘t worked worked in forever. My brain is mush.

Plans: Catch up on #HashtagBrigade (@BreakingMadRead), therapy, finish the Suicide House, cuddle with babies, trash TV (not sure what's on the docket), and move just enough so that Lobster doesn't think I'm dead and eats my earlobes.

#FillYourCupFriday #SelfCareIsNotSelfish

TheBookHippie ♥️ 3mo
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Schaffner
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Working around the clock to keep up with distilling the constant communication from the CDC and DPH into critical information and advisories for our hospital community as our inpatient census continues to climb daily. Hubby on frontline as a firefighter/EMT, working with dwindling supplies of PPE. Not sure how much more of this either of us can take. It‘s only been a month here in Connecticut, but it feels like 12 years. 🥺

Butterfinger I know it is tough. I appreciate both of you and your dedication. 4y
Amiable @Butterfinger Aww, thanks! I wasn‘t trolling for gratitude, but I appreciate your words. ❤️ It‘s just so hard to keep moving forward at this level of intensity without an end in sight. When will this be over?? 4y
Crazeedi Thank you to you and hubby for your service during this time, you are among the heroic Americans❤ 4y
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Velvetfur Love the picture, I think it describes all of us these days. I'd like to join the other people in thanking you and your husband for all the hard work you do, like our heroes here in the UK 💜 4y
j.rye It‘d definitely a hard time, but understandably much harder for those of you out in the community every day. 🤍 my little brother is an EMT and the constant uncertainty and safety issues are taking a huge toll on him. 4y
Lcsmcat I totally feel like that chair! You‘re doing great and important work, you and your husband. But don‘t forget to take care of yourselves. I‘m afraid this is kind of like when you have a baby and are wondering when life will get back to normal, because it‘s so hard. It will get better, but, like that growing child, it will seem so slow. Then you someday realize that it‘s easier. It‘s not “back to normal” but it‘s manageable. You‘re strong 👇🏻 4y
Lcsmcat and you‘ve got all of us here supporting you. Thank you for what you do, and don‘t forget to breathe. 4y
BethM Hugs. 4y
BookishTrish ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
JenReadsAlot Thank you both for what you do! Here for ya! 4y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for what you guys are doing! **HUGS**🙂 4y
Megabooks Thank you both! Sending hugs and support 💕💙💕 4y
Amiable @Crazeedi @velvetfur @lcsmcat @erzascarletbookgasm
@BethM @bookishtrish @JenReadsaLot
@jessclark78 @TheSpineView @MegaBooks
You guys are the best! Thanks for listening to me whine. I know we will all get through this. The end just seems so far away right now. Some days it just feels harder than others.
(edited) 4y
Amiable @j.rye Tell your brother we are sending good thoughts and vibes for strength to him as well. It is definitely taking a toll on the first responders. They are used to dealing with stressful situations, but there is no downtime with this! Hugs to him. (edited) 4y
MaureenMc 💗💗💗 4y
Bette I wish you stamina and safety. You and yours are greatly appreciated. Thank you. 🙂🙏 4y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Schaffner
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Everyone is sick and I'm losing my mind, I barely have any reading time. Not even sleep time 😰😰

Literary_Siren Oh no! Maybe audiobooks? 6y
Soubhiville I hope everyone feels better soon! It‘s not easy being the caretaker sometimes! 💕 6y
nudibranch Sending positive vibes your way from Wisconsin! Try to rest enough that you dont get sick yourself! 6y
JacqMac Oh, no! I hope everyone feels better soon and you get some me time. 6y
CarolynM Hang in there! Hope everyone is better soon❤️ 6y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Schaffner
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For the last year, I have been experiencing symptoms of extreme exhaustion. I constantly feel tired, I feel no enthusiasm for a job I used to love, I‘ve suffered depression and recently burst into tears in front of a co-worker, I get distracted easily and forget things (which I have never, EVER done before), I‘ve struggled with aphasia, and while I‘ve always been a tad anxious, my anxiety has become physically painful.

LikelyLibrarian I‘ll turn 40 in less than a year. Is this just a normal side-effect of aging? (edited) 7y
umbrellagirl We are the same age. No, I don‘t think this is normal. I‘d talk to a doctor about it. 7y
Bklover I don‘t think turning 40 should cause this much misery. No one should have to suffer like that. Talk to your doctor. Hope you feel much better soon. Hugs to you ❤️ 7y
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umbrellagirl For your anxiety and depression, are you physically active. Maybe taking walks and having some quiet time to yourself would help. 7y
LikelyLibrarian @umbrellagirl I do yoga 2-3 times a week and walk my dog at least once a day. Plus, I‘m a teacher; I‘m on my feet a lot. I‘ve had some bad experiences with doctors, and don‘t trust them much, but I think you‘re right. This isn‘t going away on its own. 7y
Wife 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 I hope you find a doc that will help and some relief of the anxiety. 7y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Schaffner
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Channeling #Bitsy. @LauraBeth

erinreads Only missing the emoji! 😂 7y
LauraBeth Awwww - that's a happy dog! 🐶💕 7y
SharonGoforth 🐶🐶 7y
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Megabooks 😃😃 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 So sweet! 7y
AlaMich She's a keeper all right! 😊 7y
DebinHawaii How adorable! 🐶❤️ 7y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Katharina Dr Schaffner
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Please indulge me for a few days. I've so missed having a pup.

Jenshootsweddings ❤❤❤❤ 7y
DebinHawaii So cute!! 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Hooked_on_books 🐶❤️💙💚 7y
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ReadingEnvy ♥️♥️♥️ 7y
Buddys_Momma Cuteness 💜💜 7y
thec0zy 😍😍😍 7y
Suelizbeth Yay for our furry friends. So cute! 🐶 🐱 7y
Joybishoptx So adorable! 7y
Kmmsellers So cute! There is no such thing as too many pet pics 🐶❤ 7y
seebiscan Adorable! Never enough dog pics 😝😍 7y
LeahBergen Kiss that face for me, please. 7y
AlaMich Cutest thing I've seen all week!! ❤️❤️ 7y
moranadatter Aww! 💗 7y
LauraBeth Post away!! ❤🐶 7y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Katharina Dr Schaffner
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Literally me after being an unwitting cohost to my son's birthday party. I had fun with great people, but, God, was it taxing. Too much socializing. I may not even have much energy left to read and that bums me out. Going to try and get some done before I pass out.

Nuwanda That's where I am today after my best friend's birthday party last night. A great time with wonderful people, but I'm wiped out today! Good luck and hope you get some reading in! 8y
auntie_jenn i had family for dinner last night. today i haven't gotten out of my jammies! i feel you. 8y
readinginthedark I didn't even have a birthday party; the pumpkin patch wore me out! So many people! 8y
JacqMac This happens to me too. I'm not looking forward to next week with all the Halloween parties and such. I'm tired just thinks about it. 8y
Godmotherx5 Great picture. I feel that way quite often. 8y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Katharina Dr Schaffner

It has been a long week. We're embarking on a 3+ year project and we're deep into the storming of the forming, storming, and norming process. You know, the point where you think the project will be one giant storm that will never end yet will never just flat out kill you. I've had my moments, but I've survived. I've never been so happy for the weekend. 💤

LauraBrook Oof. Sounds like you could use a drink and some new books! 8y
LitHousewife @LauraBrook From your comment to my family's ears! 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Have a relaxing, book-ish weekend!! 8y
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BethFishReads I'll drink extra for you. 🍷 8y
Gleefulreader Have a terrific and relaxing weekend - definitely sounds like you've earned it! 8y
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Exhaustion: A History | Anna Katharina Dr Schaffner
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Vampiric - what a cool word. Reading about the history of exhaustion since I'm always exhausted 😩

Megabooks A had a therapist call a friend who was a little too intense and sapping my energy a "vampire friend". I've used that many times!! 8y
Notafraidofwords @Ebooksandcooks Can that go for family members too ? 8y
Megabooks Probably! I don't see why not. 8y
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