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The Swiss Family Robinson, Or, Adventures in a Desert Island
The Swiss Family Robinson, Or, Adventures in a Desert Island | Johann David Wyss
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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My main complaint: Dad was a walking encyclopedia! He knew everything about everything. It didn‘t seem very believable, either. The variety of animals on the island, plus they never seemed to miss when they were hunting. It was all too easy. Not only that, they wanted to stay on the island (at least at one point)! The audio: although it did seem to hold my interest at the start… it lost me part way through and my interest came in and out. ok.

Ruthiella I loved the Disney movie of this from when I was a kid. Never read it though. 1y
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Eggs Excellent!! 2y
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: The Jungle Book

Klou Great! 2y
TheSpineView @Klou 👍📖📕 2y
Valiseb Reading now, Swiss family Robinson. Great book, great adventure! 2y
TheSpineView @Valiseb Yes! At some point I need to read it. 2y
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Home Alone

Klou Good job! 3y
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The Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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A little Swiss Family Robinson for today‘s #FamilyLove prompt #ItHadToBeYou 💖

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Perfect ♥️📚♥️ 3y
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The Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D. Wyss
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Day 172.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 📚🙌🏻 3y
RedxoHearts That was one of my favorite books growing up 3y
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Currently listening to the Swiss Family Robinson just in case there are any survival tips I can pick up. Just in case...🤣

Enchanted_Bibliophile Let us know if you find anything useful 😉 5y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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Thank you for the #LMPBC #BookMail @lover.of.the.classics! 🤗 I have all kinds of books going on right now. 😂

TheAromaofBooks I'll be interested to hear what you think. I honestly couldn't stop laughing at the perpetual good luck of the Robinsons! 😁 5y
KT1432 @TheAromaofBooks ha! I'm looking forward to it! 😊 5y
TheAromaofBooks lol now that I'm thinking about it, kind of the opposite of Stoner! 5y
KT1432 @TheAromaofBooks lol! 😆 Poor guy, he really did have perpetually BAD luck! 5y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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This is my pick for #GroupC of the new round of #LMPBC so I won't delve too much into the details. Overall an enjoyable read that I hadn't visited since childhood. A bit unbelievable - truly, other than getting shipwrecked, I'm not sure anything else went very wrong! - but still a great deal of fun!
@lover.of.the.classics @lele1432 @Bookwormjillk

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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Less than a hundred pages left - hoping to finish this one tonight!!!

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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#weeklyforecast -

Currently reading the tagged book + The Adventures of Sally. Planning to read The Prenup next, as it is an #LMPBC read, then start on the second half of the Bess Crawford series, as the last book in the series is due back at the library at the end of the month!!

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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1. Tagged + Golden Sovereign by Dorothy Lyons + Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow
2. Honestly all day, whenever I'm not using my eyes for something else. :-D Meals are always a big reading time for me.
3. I don't really do a lot of social media. I follow Maggie Stiefvater because I find her to be hilarious and insightful lol

#WeekendReads @RachelsBrittain

The Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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#bookreport - Finished the checked books; currently reading the circle books. Not a lot of reading time scheduled this weekend - BUNCH of outdoor chores to accomplish while the sun is shining!!


Bookwormjillk I have a bunch of outdoor chores too. Seems like this is one of the last chances to get them done. 5y
Cinfhen I think you had a really strong week of reading 🤓 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - hopefully you got some outdoor chores checked off the list - we got a bunch done, and the chickens are very happy with their freshly-cleaned territory! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - thank you!! I have some ambitious goals for next week, too. :-D 5y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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Started this one last night for #LMPBC #GroupC - haven't read it since I was a wee girl, so I am interested to revisit it. I mostly remember being enamoured with all the animals they tamed.
@lover.of.the.classics @lele1432 @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk This one will be a lot of fun to read together 5y
lover.of.the.classics I for one, am looking forward to it. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @bookwormjillk @lover.of.the.classics - it's quite entertaining so far. The formality of the language is delightful. 5y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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OriginalCyn620 Good choice! 🇨🇭 5y
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Not as good as the old Disney movie I remember watching as a kid... but I still liked this very much.

LazyDays I LOVED this movie. I would dream of living in an island and having a race turtle for hours💗💗 6y
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Starting this on #overdrive

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The Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D. Wyss
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I watched the movie over and over as a kid. Recently I found the book and fell in love with it! Such an amazing tale about a family who stuck together and survived despite terrible circumstances. Faith and family got them through.

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann D Wyss
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No one, I think, is in my tree. #strawberryfieldsforever #heyjune

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Such a tough choice, but I‘ll opt for The Ultimate HHGTTG, The Belgariad (that counts as one, right?), The Complete Calvin & Hobbes, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Let‘s Pretend This Never Happened, & bonus, the Complete Works of Jane Austen.

JoScho Fun answers! 🏝💚📚 6y
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Kids read recently

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Day 8: #family

Spotted at the library sale.

@RealLifeReading #seasonssreadings2017

Tamra What a great cover! This is one of those classics I haven‘t read. 7y
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I‘m a little torn how to review this book. I found it at times tedious and repetitive, and a little comical what encyclopedic knowledge the patriarch possessed about all the rare & random things they encountered! I was more than a little annoyed at having to wait 5 chapters to discover the wife/mother did in fact have a name (Elisabeth) & then never read it again. She was often praised for her industriousness & ingenuity though. (Continued)

DivaDiane However, it was interesting to read about how they accomplished things to make their lives comfortable. I should think it would be a useful book to have if one found oneself stranded on a fertile island. 7y
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Sentences like this make me laugh. I‘m sure it‘s not meant to be funny, but I find it delightfully amusing.

tpixie Agree! 7y
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Getting closer to the end. They sure do keep busy! #serialreader @SerialReader

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Finally getting some good reading in on this! And I'm so glad we learned his wife's name toward the end of the 3rd chapter! #SerialReader @SerialReader

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Beautiful, tho slightly abused edition. #tbr

emmekamalei This was one of my favorite books as a kid. 7y
Foragingfantasy @emmekamalei I haven't read it. Im hoping to read it with my boys soon. I loved the movie. 7y
emmekamalei @Foragingfantasy it's so chock-full of interesting things. Of course the father character seems to be a walking encyclopedia, which is quite convenient for the plot, but to me it was just so fun to learn all sort of things and to imagine their lives in a faraway place. I hope you and your boys like it! 7y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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In all serious, though, my #favoritechildrensbooks when I was actually a child were these babies right here. Did anyone else love Great Illustrated Classics? #riotgrams

Texreader It's that sort of collection that makes someone a reader for life. Gorgeous!! 8y
Celeste57 @Texreader You are absolutely right. I have the best parents! Can't wait to have kids of my own to read them to! 8y
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My parents have had a good clean out so mum has sent me some new (old) books! 😍 Has anyone read any of these yet? Can anyone recommend which ones I should start with? 📚

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just finished a Paulo Coelho The Spy, but after that I'd try the one written by him. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheAliceEvers Hopefully it's a good one. They all look good though. 8y
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i.z.booknook @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'll let you know 😉 8y
Leniverse The only one I've read is "Emma", which is, like all things Jane Austen, excellent. Other than that, my immediate inclination would be to start with The Swiss Family Robinson or the Somerset Maugham short stories. 8y
Leniverse Oh, or the Century of Thrillers one from Poe to... someone starting with an A? 8y
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Whilst I understand that this is a classic novel, I couldn't help but be bored with it. It's just that nothing really exciting happened. Sure there were one or two events that I perked up at, but for being shipwrecked on an island it just seemed waaaaaay too easy for them to survive and prosper. It was to hard to suspend disbelief for the entirety of the novel when nothing that bad happened to any of the main characters. And then it just ends.

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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This is one of those books you love as a kid, but which do not hold up at all when re-read as an adult. I am still in love with the concept--family is shipwrecked & builds a prosperous life--but there is much to annoy & frustrate a modern reader. The father is a self satisfied know-it-all walking encyclopedia of EVERYTHING, the boys slaughter or capture every animal on a whim & mother is too servile. 🙄🙄🙄 Unrealistic execution of a good premise.

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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It took some going, but I finished! It's a good, rounded read that is more child-friendly perhaps than Robinson Crusoe but it lacked a little in storyline, only really engaging with me right at the end. If you're looking for a bit of fun, you won't go far wrong with this one.

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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This book is basically just Minecraft. They build a crap house, plant some crops, capture some animals, then build a better house, plant MORE crops and then go mining. It's all good fun with ZERO peril! And none of those bloody Creepers sneaking up on you and blowing up your picket fence!

BookishFeminist 😂😂 that's a pretty apt comparison to be honest 8y
Gezemice Lol! Love it! No creepers 😂😂👍 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat Not pictured: monkey riding dog. 😆 8y
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Martyn_J_Pass @Gezemice Creepers used to drive me mad - especially when they got into my front room and wouldn't leave lol 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat Nope, sadly Mr Knipps the monkey isn't riding anything in Minecraft though in the book he now wears a basket on his back and climbs trees to get coconuts. I swear this book is seriously trippy! 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat The sooner I get it finished, the sooner I get to Jackaby!!!! 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @The_Bear You have more self control/restraint/patience than I do. I would've dropped that book like a hot potato for Jackaby. 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat I can't help it - once I start I have to have a SERIOUSLY good reason to quit. I do bail on books but they have to really hit my sore spots to make me throw in the towel. 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @the_bear I think Snoop Dogg said it best: drop it like it's hot. 😐😆😆😆😆 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat "When the monkey rides a dog and you don't know why (drop it like its hot, drop it like its hot) When you daddy's got great curious nuts (drop it like its hot, drop it like its hot)!!!! 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat Hahhaha! Yes! 🙌 8y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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Breakfast at 4am this morning with the greatest book cover ever to be bound to the written page!

Books_Wine_Repeat That cover cracks me up! 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat I think I need to make a stand for it on my shelf so I can wake up to it daily. 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @The_Bear Yes! Build that thing a shrine, already! 😆😆😆 8y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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Books_Wine_Repeat What. The. 😶 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat I just don't know where to go from here. I really don't. I'm scared. The cover tried to warn me but I didn't listen... 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @the_bear that's why the guy's eyes were closed. He knew! 🙈 8y
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Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat YES! That makes sense now! I thought this was a kids book or something? Do they teach this filth in schools????? 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @The_Bear Was he holding a can of unlabeled nuts? 😐😂😂 I never read that book in school. Time to bail and start reading Jackaby! No father's great nuts (or anyone's) in that book. 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat I do believe they were curious great big nuts... No, I cannot bail just yet - there might be more gems like this for me to find!!!! 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat And yes, Jackaby is coming soon! 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @the_bear I suppose if someone has to find the nuts, better you than me. Haha! 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. 8y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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This is seriously fecked up! The dog (Turk) just killed the monkey's mum, but Fritz can't be arsed carrying the little baby it left behind so he ties it to the back of said dog (Turk) and let's it ride him like a horse. WTF???

Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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Officially the worst book cover I own - this guy even had his eyes shut when the flash went off!!!!

BookishMarginalia 😱😱😱😱 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat The guy in front doesn't look too happy to be there either. 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat That's his 'oh dear, we are shipwrecked, woe is me' face. Can't you tell? Ha ha ha 8y
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Books_Wine_Repeat @The_Bear 'Ugh, ship wrecked again?!' *eye roll* 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @Books_Wine_Repeat "By Jove, one has been rowing for like, an age, one is very much fagged" 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @the_bear In my head, this guy has a California accent. 'DUDE, stop closing your eye. I'm tired of rowing. C'mon, bro!' 8y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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CPG is not impressed with my reading progress on Serial Reader 🙄😳🤓 #TBR

PurpleyPumpkin Excellent selection! I'm reading Moby Dick on Serial too. Good so far!👍🏼 8y
becausetrains @PurpleyPumpkin I'm enjoying it! Ishmael is far cooler with Queequeg than many today are with the average immigrant 🙄 Since switching from commute by transit to driving, I find myself with larger blocks of time... but that means I want to sit down and read a book, not chapters of a bunch of them 😌 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @becausetrains Yes, I get wanting to read larger chunks at certain times. Lately, I've had more than one book on the go, so Serial fits into my day nicely. And I think with Moby Dick, a little goes a long way. I'm not sure that I could read much more than what Serial offers, at least for this book!🐳 8y
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Swiss Family Robinson | Johann David Wyss
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Misogynistic drivel. Dad is an expert in everything, mom cooks and serves, boys kill things.

OSChamberlain Some classics just don't carry over. 8y
ImaginativeMom Oh thank you. I despise this book. 8y
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