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The Pilot's Wife
The Pilot's Wife: A Novel | Anita Shreve
Until now, Kathryn Lyons's life has been peaceful if unextraordinary: a satisfying job teaching high school in the New England mill town of her childhood; a picture-perfect home by the ocean; a precocious, independent-minded fifteen-year-old daughter; and a happy marriage whose occasional dull passages she attributes to the unavoidable deadening of time. As a pilot's wife, Kathryn has learned to expect both intense exhilaration and long periods alone - but nothing has prepared her for the late-night knock that lets her know her husband has died in a crash. As Kathryn struggles with her grief, she descends into a maelstrom of publicity stirred up by the modern hunger for the details of tragedy. Even before the plane is located in waters off the Irish coast, the relentless scrutiny of her husband's life begins to bring a bizarre personal mystery into focus. Could there be any truth to the increasingly disturbing rumors that he had a secret life?
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I pictured Jack Lyons as a mix between Gerard Butler and Ron Livingston.

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4.5/5⭐️ I really enjoy what I call “quiet reads” like this. A very good story that filled me with dread, shock, and anger.

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How I‘m picturing Muire Boland (Rhona Mitra who played in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans as Sonja)

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I found this book super intriguing and kept wanting to know more… however, the ending felt super rushed and flat to me… for such a strong book it had a weak ending in my opinion.

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I wasn‘t looking forward to this book at all as the cover and the blurb were meh. However, it was a quick, compelling and sad book. The ending was a bit abrupt.

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My mother-in-law asked me to read this book because she didn‘t like the ending & wanted someone to discuss it with. Just finished it & I definitely agree. I‘m left with a feeling of abruptness almost like the author rushed to end the novel with this conclusion rather than giving us a finite ending to close the book with. I saw where the story was going from the beginning but it seems unbelievable and abrupt with the information we are given.

Clwojick I borrowed this from the library twice, and both times I couldn‘t make it past the first few chapters. 5y
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Just a meh kind of book. I didn‘t find it particularly gripping. I will say that I thought it was building toward a big annoying twist.. which didn‘t happen.. which I think is a good thing because it would have been a big 🙄🙄🙄, but it was just kind of boring instead.

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"you finished the book in one day, could we please go to sleep now?"
This is what Litsy has encouraged me to do ~ read other genres, which for today allowed me to escape and discover a new author and story. ✈️

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Volunteered at my local library book sale but had to borrow $$ from my son to buy some books. He ended up with more than me. 😎 While waiting for customers I read the first 66 pages of The Pilot's Wife. I anticipate finishing it this weekend. What might you choose from this stack?

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Intriguing! Definitely keeps you wanting to know more. Good story line.

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Holy cow! I wasn't sure how I felt at first but then I became so completely obsessed! I couldn't believe the twists that came about and the way she wrote it.. absolutely AMAZING!


I absolutely love to hate this book. The story was very sad to me, and it never really seemed to pick up.

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Interesting commentary on relationships and how well can you ever really know someone.

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My first Anita Shreve. With iced coffee and lemon tart.

Cinfhen That seems like a good pairing 6y
Shemac77 The lemon tart was perfect, not too sweet and just tart enough. The coffee is strong and cold. For being at work; the day could be worse ;). 6y
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Cathythoughts I‘m liking the sound of this one ... 👍🏻stacking 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg lemon tart. 😍😍loved this book. 6y
callielafleur Her books are so lovely! 6y
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Picked this book because it had the seal of approval for the divine Miss O... It wasn't bad, but not what I was expecting from an Oprah pick. I'll have to look up the discussion questions perhaps, to see what the fuss was about.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Found he discussion questions. Still a "meh" from me. Probably would have liked it better without Oprah's involvement. ? 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I tend to feel this way about a lot of Oprah‘s picks. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Prairiegirl_reading Hmm, interesting 🤔. I'll have to keep that in mind. I suppose she needs to keep things general to appeal to the masses? The only other one with her stamp I read was Ruby 6y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Prairiegirl_reading and that was a great read. It challenged you and had a lot of weight to it... 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego possibly why they often don‘t appeal to me. I‘ve always thought that I read and think for myself so I don‘t need Oprah to tell me what to read but I have a bad attitude so.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Prairiegirl_reading P.s. I just realized we both used the same emoji! 😂 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I haven‘t read that one. Probably because of the oprah seal. Again it‘s that bad attitude. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Prairiegirl_reading I dunno that you have a bad attitude. You've been disappointed by her club books before, and now you're hesitant to read more. That sounds fair to me. Life is short. Read whatever calls to ya! 😁 6y
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I was on vacation this week so a little out of touch. And perhaps a bit late on this news. Being from Maine, I really enjoyed Anita Shreve‘s novels over the years. I didn‘t realize she had been ill. Sad news indeed.

Eggs 😥😔😢 6y
rather_be_reading omg i missed this! 😢😢 6y
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Pilot's Wife | Anita Shreve
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What a loss of a great author. Anita Shreve.

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Pilot's Wife | Anita Shreve

RIP Anita Shreve ♥

BarbaraBB She died? How sad 😔 7y
CareBear No way. 7y
ReadingSusan 😢😢😢 7y
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So sad to hear of Anita Shreve's passing 😭

Bookish_B 😢 7y
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A sad day for the book world. 😔😢

Kaye Gosh. Some of these authors don‘t live to be elderly. Not here long enough. My favorite of hers was 7y
Ubookquitous Yes, too many go too young. And yes The Weight of Water was great 7y
TheBookgeekFrau Oh no😢 7y
rather_be_reading 😢😢 6y
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Devastated to hear that #AnitaShreve has passed away. A magnificent storyteller and an even better person. #RIP, Anita. "To leave, after all, was not the same as being left." -- Anita Shreve

TrishB Very sad 💔 RIP 7y
spinesvines So sad 😢 7y
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Ubookquitous The world has lost another wonderful writer 😢 7y
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The Pilot's Wife | 3M Company
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It was very okay. It was fine... nothing awful, nothing great. I wanted to care about the characters more. Just... okay.

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"Odd, she thought, how intensely you knew a person, or thought you did, when you were in love - soaked, drenched in love - only to discover later that perhaps you didn't know that person quite as well as you had imagined. Or weren't quite as well know as you had hoped to be."

Pilot's Wife | Anita Shreve
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"She wanted the man from the union to turn around and tell her that he had made a mistake: He'd gotten the plane wrong; she was the wrong wife; it hadn't happened the way he said it had. She could almost feel the joy of that."

Suetara I loved this book! 7y
Pamwurtzler It‘s been a while since I read that one, but I remember it being good. 7y
Reviewsbylola Great book! 7y
valeriegeary @Suetara @Pamwurtzler @Reviewsbylola I'm quite enjoying it, though it's a bit on the sad side. A four hanky read. 😢 7y
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This one took off from my active TBR shelf and crash landed in my TBR-IT shelf ('To Be Read In Theory'). I'm not 100% sure why this happens. Any Anita Shreve fans who would argue this should be a higher priority?
#bigjetplane #tuneintonovember @Robothugs @Cinfhen

tpixie Well I read it ages ago until enjoy it but don‘t really remember much about it 7y
aschermetz This is one of my all-time favorites, actually. This book is a comfort read to me, which is surprising given the subject matter. But Shreve really captures grief and setting in this book and I think that‘s why I love it so much. Something about her descriptions of winter and the main character‘s feelings really gets me. (edited) 7y
Billypar @aschermetz Good to know- thanks! I wasn't sure if it was more thriller or drama. I will have to pick it up when I'm in the mood for something on the melancholy side. 7y
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Cinfhen I love that tag #TBRit 7y
Cinfhen This book is on my same shelf🙃 7y
aschermetz @Billypar Definitely drama! A melancholy mood is perfect for it! 🙌 7y
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I read this many years ago. An American woman's husband dies while piloting a plane in Ireland. She discovers he has an entirely different life in Ireland and is involved with the IRA. Belfast plays a small part in the story. #belfastchild #junetunz

Cinfhen Sounds good!!! Good memory...I can't remember half the books I read😞 7y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I'm with you! But this one stayed with me because it shook my soul! Asked my husband if the IRA would have a connection in Belfast and then magic Google showed me that the city is mentioned in the book! 7y
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Have you ever found your name as a character in a book? I came close with Julia Hull (minor character) in The Pilot's Wife. Which was far better than googling my name and finding this photo 😳

LeahBergen 😮 8y
Read4life 😲 8y
Texreader I found my husband's and my first names on a 1800s couples' tombstone in Norway. It was eerie so I took photos and scrapbooked it. Ok I'm just weird. 8y
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RadicalReader @Jhullie that is absolutely insane I love relating to books on a deep level 8y
stargazerblue49 I found my mom's name in some of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. My mom didn't think it was very funny when I told her that she got eaten by a vampire in Sookie's world 😂 8y
Stephykitten Nothing for me, but my husband, Victor found his name in his fav author's book. Heinrich is the German version of Henry, so now I occasionally call him Victor Henry 😋 (mostly because it makes him sound like a poet or something) 😂 8y
Lindy First name, very occasionally. Surname (alone) only once, in 8y
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Pilot's Wife | Anita Shreve
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Keep going. Keep swimming. Most of all, keep your head up.

Pilot's Wife | Anita Shreve
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I remember asking my Nan if I could read this. I think I was 10. Definitely my first 'adult' novel. I also remember my pop-pop nodding his consent as well. Good times. #funfridayphoto

Josie Nan and pop-pop ❤️too cute 8y
HollyB3 @Josie aw, thanks! They were the best. ❤️ 8y
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