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Calypso [Release Date May 29, 2018].
Calypso [Release Date May 29, 2018]. | David Sedaris
-- Calypso, This is beach reading for people who detest beaches, required reading for those who loathe small talk and love a good tumor joke. Calypso
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Calypso | David Sedaris

3.5 ⭐️

Sedaris takes on aging, mortality, and more in this collection of essays. I love his style & voice.

Double whammy with my January #roll100 & March #bookspin. 🙌🏼📚 #backlog progress

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
PuddleJumper Amazing! 7mo
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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It‘s been a hot minute since I‘ve read/listened to David Sedaris…. There was one several years ago that I DNF‘d and never looked back, until now. This was good…. A little sad, a little thoughtful about life and getting older… and a little funny in parts too (of course). I especially liked the live recordings. Hopefully I can catch his next tour! #wintergames #impulseread #restinggrinchface

Kerrbearlib Stacked! 2mo
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Some laugh out loud funny moments, and decent listen while for multi tasking, background, but wouldn't have invested time to read or finish the audio on its own.

Calypso | David Sedaris
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but bailing on this one. It's occasionally funny but honestly just sick of the Republican bashing. I respect all types of people and think a variety of beliefs is good. It just gets old...

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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Sedaris never fails to make me laugh. He be wildin‘ all over this globe. The turtle made this book. 🐢

Calypso | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris doesn‘t disappoint in this book. His quips about his family vacations are second only to his story about feeding a snapping turtle a frozen tumor!

Calypso | David Sedaris
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I enjoyed Calypso. There was no way Sedaris was going to let me down. Even though the content is a bit darker in parts, he still writes with the humour and panache that makes him unique. It‘s impossible not to be impressed by his mastery of the form, the way in which he can punch in any direction and still manage to remain thoroughly likeable and hilarious. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/calypso-david-sedaris/

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Calypso | David Sedaris
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I‘ve been a fan of Sedaris for a while, but hadn‘t gotten around to reading this book yet. I‘m glad I chose the audiobook for it, because listening to Sedaris read his own words is definitely the best way to go.

CoffeeNBooks I agree! I love listening to him! 2y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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This was supposed to be a light, funny read for me after reading some other pretty heavy books. I found Sedaris' stories relatable and I giggled along as he discussed his eccentric family. I also use humor to mask sadness and laugh at myself often. Though this book is supposed to be funny, I found myself feeling bad for laughing at him. It felt like rubbing salt in a wound or kicking him while he is down.

Calypso | David Sedaris
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Our Riches and Our Man in Havana were both equally fantastic. I kinda made a blind decision and picked Our Riches. I guess this is a good problem to have. 🙂

Calypso | David Sedaris
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I'm really behind now on the #Roll100 challenge, as I am still working on the March rolls, but I don't want to skip any of them. Calypso was Roll #20 and has been on my shelf for four + years now. This book made me laugh a lot, but some of the humor made me a bit uncomfortable.

PuddleJumper You're doing great! 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Eekkk!! My mom, aunt, cousin and I are going to see DAVID SEDARIS in April!

MallenNC Awesome! I saw him in Raleigh a few years ago and he was of course amazing. 3y
JenReadsAlot Enjoy! He's fantastic to see! 3y
Hooked_on_books I‘m heard nothing but good things about him live! They‘re in for such a treat! 3y
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BookNAround He‘s hilarious and puts on a great show. And if he signs a book for them, they‘ll likely be entertained one on one as he does it. 3y
LeahBergen He‘s so good to see live! 👏👏 3y
Chelsea.Poole @MallenNC so glad to hear it! He‘s hilarious, and I can‘t wait to see him in person! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @Hooked_on_books @BookNAround your comments made me realize in my excitement I left MYSELF out of the post! 😱 (I fixed it lol) I‘m going too, thank goodness 😅 3y
Chelsea.Poole @JenReadsAlot @LeahBergen I‘m so excited! Thanks!! 3y
Hooked_on_books That‘s even better! I can‘t wait to see your post(s) after the event! 3y
Megabooks Awesome! It‘s on my bucket list! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @Megabooks hope you get to! This event is actually being held at the university where my husband works so super close to home. It‘s even more exciting because we rarely have any bookish events in my neck of the woods. 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Hilarious essays by David Sedaris about his visits to his beach house with his family, traveling the world with his book tours and the fox that used to visit him (named Carol). It also includes darker moments like his sister Tiffany‘s estrangement and death and his mother‘s alcoholism.

Calypso | David Sedaris
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“I felt betrayed, the way you do when you discover that your cat has a secret secondary life and is being fed by neighbors who call him something stupid like Calypso. Worse is that he loves them as much as he loves you, which is to say not at all, really. The entire relationship has been your own invention.”

Calypso | David Sedaris
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This is my first David Sedalia book - how in the world did this not happen long before now!? I loved how he wrote about his relationships with his family. It makes me smile to think of grown-ass families coming together to enjoy a vacation home. The last essay on non-English speaking European swearing is hilarious.

#DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
vivastory Yes, that one was by far the funniest 😂 This collection had a different feeling from his other works that I've read. It was a bit darker & more somber. I also loved 3y
vivastory & this is a great seasonal read 3y
Suet624 Definitely check out @vivastory ‘s suggestions. They are hysterical. 3y
marleed @vivastory @Suet624 Thank you. I‘m happy to add these two books to my TBR! 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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My husband always reads Davis Sedaris books with his eyes, but I can‘t think of ingesting this humor any other way than listening because Sedaris reads it himself. We took a road trip a few days ago and listened to this-my husband‘s first time, my third time. I think my husband has converted to a Sedaris audiobook fan. He‘s so funny and we love his humor so much.

Also: When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I listen to his books.

Ericalambbrown Listening to Mr Sedaris is go-to for me when I am anxious or blue, too. He has helped shake me out of many a blah day over the years. 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Revisiting Sedaris is always a good choice! I‘m getting hyped up for the second installment of his diaries, out next week. This was my third time through this, easily one of my favorite essay collections. It‘s dark and deeply personal, but still often funny as hell. The gastrointestinal essay, “I‘m Still Standing,” kills me every time! #reread

ICantImReading Oh I didn‘t realize he has something new coming out! 😀 (edited) 3y
britt_brooke @ICantImReading Yep!! 🤗 It‘s his diaries from 2003-2020. 3y
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britt_brooke @Cinfhen Me, too❣️🤩💃🏼 3y
ICantImReading @britt_brooke thank you for putting this on my radar, now I‘m also excited for it!! 😂 3y
JacqMac Ohh I didn‘t know it was next week. Thanks! I love him. 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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🎧👟 Sometimes you just need to revisit a favorite Sedaris. It‘s absolutely gorgeous out!

#audiowalk #reread

Megabooks Calypso is one of my favorites from him. Can‘t wait for Snackery!!! 3y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Same and same!! 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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I borrowed this from the library at work as part of their uplifting collection for NHS staff. It‘s full of great family stories which I really enjoyed. This is definitely a feel good read

Calypso | David Sedaris
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2020 was another light reading year. There were long stretches where I just didn‘t have the mental and emotional bandwidth to follow a story- daily life during a pandemic was incredibly draining (as you all know). I focused on humorous and light titles (I was especially delighted by Calypso, the Agatha Raisin series, Anne of Green Gables, and Bridget Jones‘s Diary). I also started listening to recorded performances of plays- highly recommend!

Calypso | David Sedaris

Ever since hearing The SantaLand Diaries on NPR, I‘ve been a fan of David Sedaris. I bought at an airport newsstand intending to read it on the 5 hour flight home. I started it in the boarding lounge and finished it before the first boarding announcement for my flight. Sedaris‘ wit is dry and understated. He uses simple language to turn a phrase with such ease you find yourself asking “now why can‘t I write like that?” He‘s a comedic genius.

Nute I‘ve read a couple of hi books and have listened to several author talks with him. His storytelling and ease of humor cannot be matched! I‘m not surprised that you were able to read that entire book before boarding your flight though it was purchased for the onboard travel time.😂 Did you purchase another book? 3y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Loved the newest work from Sedaris. This one is all about his adult life. As usual, it was hilarious. If you lilke Sedaris, it is a must read.

Calypso | David Sedaris
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Book 72

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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Overall a very enjoyable collection of stories told in the quintessential Sedaris style. I often found myself smiling widely as I listened.


Calypso | David Sedaris
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No bingo in March for #bookspinbingo but I knocked a few books off the TBR list. Calypso review coming soon...

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!! 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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This is not my first experience with Sedaris work, thankfully. Per usual, my experience varied from chapter to chapter from laughter to tears to cringing. I was not expecting how dark some chapters would be, particularly the ones discussing his sister‘s suicide. I listened to this on audio, which is read by Sedaris and includes some live recordings. Overall, I liked it but it‘s definitely not my favorite of his.

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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Listening to David Sedaris read his stories from 2015 in 2020, I just can‘t help but wonder what he‘s thinking and feeling now... 2015 Sedaric: Trump is running for president?!? Conspiracies about the CDC, seriously?! oh man...

Calypso | David Sedaris
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I had a tough week recently & didn‘t have the patience for fiction. This hit the spot. Sedaris‘s misanthropic observations, honestyy & deadpan humour were just the tonic. I laughed out loud in parts, & there is love too. Sometimes you need a friend who understands life, death & the human condition but isn‘t soppy or sentimental - Reading this is like taking a trip with such a friend. An original thinker, self-aware, flawed, & great company.

BarbaraBB Great review too! 4y
Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB thank you! ☺️ 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris

Not my favorite of his as it seemed to focus only on his family time at one of his many houses, but still funny and thought provoking as usual.

Calypso | David Sedaris
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I'm giving up on politics and going back to reading more. Much happier way to spend the time. Plus I got a new Kindle for easy library downloads!

Calypso | David Sedaris
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LOVE!! I have real-life friends that are not fans of Sedaris because he sort of pokes fun of NC. I don‘t understand this. His books and interviews are like a balm to my soul when it is weary. In Calypso, I especially love that he is able to lend humor to some of life‘s heavier things: loss, grief, shame, and how some folks are here in NC. I often wonder how his family feels about being the center of some of his dark, hilarious humor.


TheSpineView 👍🧡📚 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Listening again to one of my favorites. I love David Sedaris.

Megabooks Yes!! 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book was really something and I feel as though you have to have a bit of an open mind to understand this book. The dry humor is second to none. If you‘d like a does of dysfunction from someone else‘s family this book is for you. #highlyrecommend #litsy #comedy #calypso

Calypso | David Sedaris
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I just started this one bc I‘ve been needing a good laugh and I legit just spit water at my laptop 😂😂😂😂😫😫😫. I don‘t even know what to say except this book just slays me 😂😂😂 #hilarious #litsy #calypso #audiobook

Calypso | David Sedaris
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This is classic Sedaris. From “Now We Are Five” to “While You‘re Up There, Could You Check On My Prostate?” this is touching, hysterical and transparent. It tugs at all the feelings and makes you happy to have spent time with the Sedaris‘. Recommended 100%.

Calypso | David Sedaris

My first experience with Sedaris. I get the appeal and humor; there were definitely some LOL moments for me, but this style of writing is just not my thing. If I try Sedaris again, it may be in audio version. Read for July bookspin, but since I didn‘t finish in time...figured I‘d pass on the tag. Womp womp

Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira I‘m sorry for your so-so, but glad you got some LOL. Just wanted to highlight that the BookSpin guidelines state that we can tag even if the read is done later. I kindly encourage you to do so to join & share the fun 🤗🙏🏻 4y
Sargar114 Good looking out @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira 4y
Sargar114 #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks better late than never 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh late reads totally count!!! You just have to let me know which month they are for - which you did - and I'll still put a check for that month!! 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Literally just listened to a podcast about this: Swindled (really interesting, funny, and well done about white color crime). It‘s funny when worlds collide

Calypso | David Sedaris
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In an effort to make a dent in my #bookspinbingo, I was trying to catch up on some reason. One of my boys demanded I come up and help him catch his balloon cause I‘m the tallest. He said it was okay to read in his brothers bed. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Adorable 🥰 Good luck with the reading 🙃 (edited) 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Well that didn‘t age well 😷🤔

Calypso | David Sedaris
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This essay collection is like a buffet of comfort food paired with an intriguing wine. He manages to talk about the common challenges of ageing in a soothing way. Soothing because what makes us sad - watching our loved ones‘ loosen their grip on life - makes everyone else sad too. Ergo, we‘re not missing out on life. Sedaris spices this commonality up with details from his celebrity/ rich & leisured life and his raw perceptions on it. Worthwhile.

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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Oh man, this made me LOL 😂🤣😂🤣

Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira You got me, stack add! 🙂 (edited) 4y
Momob121 One of my favorite lines in that book. Sedaris is always good for a laugh! 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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My apologies for the messy writing. Cheated slightly as started reading a few...but probably my only chance at actually completing a #bookspinbingo line! If I can finish the #bookspin fast enough, I think the #doublespin will be a quick read. Also luckily have #sundaybuddyread worked out giving me a fighting chance! Let the fun begin!!!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Cinfhen Ohhh, love him!!! Definitely makes you laugh 😆 4y
Tonton The cover❣️ 4y
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Calypso | David Sedaris
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Currently reading this one. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed reading Sedaris. I need to catch up on his books that I have missed.