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La donna del tenente francese
La donna del tenente francese | John Fowles
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The original 1969 cover. A truly terrible cover for a great book. Required a much slower read than I expected, but worth the time for the social commentary and the low-key roasts Fowles delivers. Some of the most humorous character descriptions I‘ve read in a long time.


Not at all romantic and kind of offputting


"But I thank Mother Nature I shall not be alive in fifty years time. When a government begins to fear the mob, it is as much as to say it fears itself."

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Page 45 and I already love it!!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 5y
Slajaunie Welcome to Litsy! 📖📚💚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💖 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗🌺 5y
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Started off badly, just based on the cover – very creepy – a woman‘s eyes and top half of her face are whited-out and there are branches growing from her head. Anyway, when the first bit appeared to be a lot of description, I almost immediately lost interest. I did find, with this one, with about ¼ of the book left, I got more interested, most of the time. Cont in comments...

LibraryCin There were odd parts where the actual narrator, who was set in the 1960s commented for a chapter or so. I did enjoy the couple of mentions of Mary Anning, finder of fossils in Lyme Regis during the time the novel is set. 5y
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“The thin end of the sensible clothes wedge had been inserted in society by the disgraceful Mrs Bloomer a decade and a half before the year of which I write; but that early attempt at the trouser suit had been comprehensively defeated by the crinoline - a small fact of considerable significance in our understanding of the Victorians. They were offered sense; and chose a six-foot folly unparalleled in the most folly-ridden of minor arts.”

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“He knew he was over-fastidious. But how could one write history with Macaulay so close behind. Fiction or poetry in the midst of the greatest galaxy of talent in the history of English literature?
You will see that Charles set his sights high. Intelligent idlers always have, in order to justify their idleness to their intelligence. He had, in short, all the Byronic ennui with neither of the Byronic outlets: genius and adultery.”

Leniverse I feel called out by this book. 😂 Why bother at all when you don‘t have the genius and ability of the best in the field? I‘ve been guilty of thinking like that since I was a small child. 5y
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I‘m pretty much in love with this book.

Seriously fantastic, lush writing, unique narrative style, touching on all sorts of issues, and nearly impossible to put down. I‘m still not sure which choose-your-one adventure ending I‘m going to go with. So good.

I do not think this book is probably for everyone, and I get why, but it was certainly for me.



vivastory I was planning on reading this last month & got sidetracked. Will definitely be reading it soon! 6y
saresmoore @vivastory Let me know when you decide to read it—I‘d love to join you! 6y
vivastory @saresmoore Sounds good! 👍 I'm definitely going to by the end of the year. Maybe the beginning of November. 6y
UwannaPublishme This one has been on my TBR forever. Must get to it. 6y
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When a fictional character from a novel (set in the 1860s and published in 1968) just completely gets me. 🙌🏻

ThatBookishGal Omg I love this book so much!! I remember reading it in college for British Literature. Led me on to a bit of a Fowles kick. I haven‘t met anyone else (outside of the class) who has read this book! 6y
sprainedbrain @ThatBookishGal I read The Collector a couple of months ago and loved it. This one was even better! I‘m slowly making my way through the 1001 Books list, or I may never have discovered Fowles—that would have been a shame! 6y
ThatBookishGal @sprainedbrain the collector is so creepy!!! Every now and then I think about that book, even tho it‘s been almost 10 years since I read it! 6y
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Here‘s what I‘m #currentlyreading:

I had hoped to finish The French Lieutenant‘s Woman yesterday, but adulting got in the way.

I am started Dread Nation on audio... the first book from my #screamathon tbr for October.

What are you reading?


ephemeralwaltz LOVED The French Lieutenant's Woman! 6y
TNbookworm I loved Dread Nation! So good! I am currently reading Children of Bone and Blood and loving it! 6y
sprainedbrain @ephemeralwaltz It‘s wonderful! I hate having to put it down and do stuff. 😃 6y
sprainedbrain @TNbookworm I liked that one a lot! And Dread Nation is so good so far. 😃 6y
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Re-reading after many years and it‘s making this quiet, happy, sunny weekend even greater!

Aimeesue Class, gender, sex, religion, science, evolution, freedom, society controls and rebellion! Good stuff. 6y
jillrhudy And a great send-up of the whole Victorian romance format. Nobody really fits! He shatters the 4th wall at the beginning of Chapter 13– but we cannot talk in advance; what would Tinky say? 6y
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Bizarre reading rituals: I generally prefer dead tree books, but read on Kindle at night so I (a) don‘t have to wear my glasses and (b)can turn the lights off. I read with a very sharp ROUND pencil in hand (Mirado Black Warriors,) and I write allllllllll over my books. Sometimes I doodle in them. For illustrative purposes, naturally. #readerweirdness

Aimeesue Because of my day/night book format preferences, I sometimes end up with multiple copies of a book, paper and Kindle. Often, I‘ll borrow an ebook copy via Overdrive so I don‘t have to stop reading at night. 6y
Aimeesue I use clothing hang tags as bookmarks because they already have strings on them to dangle out the top of the book; Levi‘s hang tags are my favorites. They‘re the perfect size. 6y
Traci1 If I'm reading a physical book, I ALWAYS look on Overdrive to see if I can get the eBook too for bedtime reading. 6y
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Aimeesue @Traci1 Oh, thank goodness! It‘s not just me! I actually bought the Kindle copy of the Fowles because I‘m leading a book discussion and wanted to make sure I didn‘t have to return it before I was done with it. I usually borrow rather than buy, tho. Overdrive is one of the greatest things ever! 6y
Traci1 Overdrive is my favorite thing. I do buy e-versions of some books I own. Both Game of Thrones and Outlander series because I reread those and they are freaking heavy. I'm thinking about getting the Harry Potters even though I have like 4 copies of each of them... 😒 6y
Aimeesue @Traci1 I have three copies of Hogfather. Bought the Kindle version last year so I would always have it with me 😁 6y
Traci1 @Aimeesue I haven't read that one, but it's the next Discworld book on my want to read list. 6y
Aimeesue @Traci1 DEATH as Santa- what's not to love? HO HO HO. 😄 6y
Traci1 @Aimeesue lol 🎅 Gotta love DEATH. 6y
jillrhudy I like to have dual options too! I have even tripled up with audio on phone—for walking! 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Ooh, that's like Black Belt level reading! 6y
jillrhudy I forgot how great this book is 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Isn't it fabulous? Can't wait for the discush! 6y
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As unimpressed as Stella is, this is actually a fabulous book, probably Fowles‘ best. #anglophilesoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

jillrhudy STELLA!!! I love you Stella! 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Yeah? Well Stella wants to know why you haven't been back to see her so she can lick your face! I tried to explain, but…dogs. They just don't get it. 6y
jillrhudy @Aimeesue I think she does it so that no matter how many times you wash before you see her again, she can smell a good buddy! 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Aha! I like that explanation. I thought we were all just acting as Stella's mobile human salt licks! 6y
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This wasn't written in the way I expected! I found it quite hard going at times but relished the social commentary which Fowles added. He writes it from a century later which added to my interest in his writing. Think I'll try The Collector soon.

TrishB The Collector is one of my fav book as a teenager. Not read it since though! 6y
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Book club for March.
The prose us extremely detailed and I'm having to re read parts but that's not always a bad thing!
I'm enjoying the location as I grew up on the south coast and can picture parts of it clearly.
The character of Sarah is wonderfully strong externally but so forlorn and devastated :(

scripturient I love this book so much. Trust me: it gets better and better. 😊 6y
RebelReader I read this in college and loved it. I should re-read it. 6y
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My latest reads! (I'm in love with this bookworm sticker)

The Friends by Kazumi Yumoto was just okay... I was expecting a fun, refreshing read (it is middle grade I would say) but it just felt...bland. ⭐⭐⭐ because I didn't dislike it but I wouldn't recommend.

TFLW by John Fowles was an absolutely amazing journey! Being a lit student and analyzing it in class made it all the more interesting 🤓 It's a masterpiece, no doubt! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

BarbaraBB Yay for Fowles! I also loved The Collector and am looking forward to the Magus! 7y
RebelReader I read TFLW in college and loved it! 7y
DeborahSmall One of my favourites 💕 7y
ephemeralwaltz @BarbaraBB I loved The Collector as well ❤ It was my first 7y
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This is an exquisite work of literature 🤓 Sad I'm almost at the end...

EvieBee I adored this book! The whole time I was reading it, I kept pinching myself because I understood it, you know? And I had a lovely edition that stayed open just like yours! Sigh. 7y
LeahBergen Gah!! I keep forgetting that I need to move this up my TBR. 7y
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I love this!❤

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Also, I just wanted to share that instead of reading Fowles (as I should've been doing because I'm so behind for class -- and the book is really good!) and checking Litsy this weekend I was enjoying a healthy weekend of relaxation and taking in this beautiful scenery! So, worth it 😂😍
City life is starting to weigh me down. Anybody else feel the same?

Kalalalatja Beautiful 😍 7y
ju.ca.no wow😍 7y
DivineDiana Nature feeds the soul! 7y
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“..if her God was watching, He must have wished Himself the Fallen One that night.”

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon And here's a compilation of Litsy tips that some of us put together:
cathysaid Welcome! 7y
MrBook Welcome to Litsy 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! 7y
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tpixie Welcome to Litsy!!! 7y
Texreader Welcome to Litsy!!! 7y
TK-421 Welcome to Litsy! 7y
Cinfhen Hi! Welcome to Litsy! 7y
TricksyTails Welcome to Litsy! 😊🎉📚 7y
Suelizbeth Welcome to Litsy! 📚❤️ 7y
robinb Welcome! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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Hi there precious 😍 Starting this for my post-modernism course, how cool is that?
Happy to have found this gorgeous edition at a used bookstore last year.

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Flying to Edinburgh today . . . Is it ridiculous that Im super excited about all the reading I'll get to do on the plane? 😬

drokka Have a safe flight and enjoy your trip 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @drokka Thanks! I will enjoy SO MUCH READING, and then Scotland! Yay! 7y
ValerieAndBooks Have a great time!! 7y
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SaraFair Vacation or work visit? We are trying to decide on England or Scotland ( or both!) as a blow out vacation next summer- 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @SaraFair Vacation! Woo hoo! It's been amazing. England is great too - tough decision!! 7y
HotMessJess Hurry up and get back, I need details! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @hotmessjess Made it to Inverness! Happy to have wifi back! 7y
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A novel set in the 1860s, written 100 years later. I really liked that. Fowles often interrupts the novel by adding his thoughts on his characters, the plot etc. This may sound irritating, but I thought this meta-fiction quite good. And then the characters and their Victorian surroundings and lifestyle! Sara appears to be the protagonist (that's what Fowles calls her), while Charles is in fact the one we follow. Highly original! #1001books

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I love me a good #postmodern novel and this one is a favorite. An example of #historiographicmetafiction....I'd try and dazzle you with my knowledge of what that means but I'd have to go dig out an essay that I wrote in college 😂 All I know is this book and its intriguing narrative structure have stuck with me for many years. #publishedinthe1960s #aprilbookshowers

Suelizbeth Oh, I well remember the emotions this book stirred in me. I couldn't get enough of it. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oooo! Sounds like something Id love! Adding to stack! 7y
Bookworm83 @Suelizbeth Yes! I need to reread it...it's been awhile. @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled It's so good! I enjoy any book that deviates from the typical narrative structure. 7y
minkyb I remember this being a pivotal read for me eons ago! I loved John Fowles. 7y
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This was an interesting book to read. It challeged the preconceived notion of the stereotypical character roles of the gentleman and the fallen woman. It also was an educated and sometimes comically astute metahistory as well. The multiple endings was an interesting touch, and as I waited for the story to unfold I believe they added to its overall impact. I am pleased to have found this book, and to have added it to my collection.

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Written in 1969, set in 1867, it is interesting how this particular quote is still so relevant, and thought-provoking today... 💙

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Squee! Returned through the torrential downpour, but we hit a fabulous used bookstore next to the Free Library of Philadelphia, and I picked up this epic #bookhaul. Needed the bag to carry them all! #bookworm #happybirdie #TBR #LitsyAtoZ 😊📚🐛🐦😍💙💗💝 @BookishMarginalia

EDIT: Some are not in alphabetical order, but looked too good to pass by. The highest price paid was $3!!

MicheleinPhilly Book Corner??? 7y
aa_guer2021 @MicheleinPhilly yep. 😊😍📚 7y
MicheleinPhilly I can spend HOURS in there. I ❤it so much! 7y
Reviewsbylola 😍😍📚 7y
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There's a lot going on in this novel. It's a Victorian romance, a metahistory, and a look at cultural gender roles with a bit of feminism on the side. There are multiple endings and a narrator who may or may not be Fowles. I had no idea what I was in for with this classic. The unexpected humor and irony are the elements that I loved most. A must-read!

scripturient I love this book and always recommend it to my students. :) 8y
LeahBergen I'm hoping that 2017 is the year I get to this one! 🤞 8y
LauraJ @LeahBergen This has been sitting on my shelf for yeeeeeears. The #birthdaychallenge finally helped me get to it. 8y
ValerieAndBooks I read this one such a long time ago! 8y
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Holiday aftermath with The Great Pumpkin (sporting his Von Miller specs) #catsoflitsy
Enjoying this book. I wasn't expecting it to be humorous.

LeahBergen 😂😂 So cute! (And that's a book I need to get to this year!) 8y
DebinHawaii Cute! 🐱❤️ 8y
Cinfhen 😻that's one VERY GLAMOROUS cat ❤️ 8y
Texreader What a cutie pie!!!! ❤️😻 8y
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Lovely night in Los Angeles. We have real rain! Curled up with a blanket, Nespresso and a book. And this goof is enjoying his #secretsantagoespostal box.

DreesReads I cracked a window so I could really hear the rain. Now I'm chilly lol! 8y
LauraJ Me too! Had to put on socks. 8y
Texreader Yay for rain for you all! Merry Christmas!!! 🎁🎄 8y
Dolly 😍🐈 8y
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Had to look this one up. Thanks to my Roomba, no one will ever mistake me for a slut!!!

rubyslippersreads I much prefer the term dust bunnies! 😂 8y
Megabooks What if it's from the lint trap in your dryer?? 😂😂😂 8y
LauraJ I live in an apartment and have no washer or dryer to call my own. 😩 8y
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rachelm 😂🙃 8y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻😂I actually asked my hubby to buy me an iRobot for Hanukkah! The amount of dust in our home is ridiculous🙁😡🙄and trust me...I'm no slut either😂 8y
LauraJ @Cinfhen I hope you get one. Los Angeles is the filthiest place I've ever lived. There's an oily dust that gathers on everything and the iRobot makes a huge difference. 8y
Cinfhen Try living in Israel! There is horrible thick brown desert dust and then never ending construction dust....my hubby said after 28 years of marriage, I finally shocked him with a gift request of a vacuum 😜 8y
PomegranateMuse 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😩😂😩😩 8y
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Was going to start my 1970 #birthdaychallenge book, but now I'm looking at all these other books that I won't get to for months because of the way they fit into all these #readingchallenge themes. What's a reader to do?

ValerieAndBooks I don't know! I'm sure you'll figure it out 😊. I'm only doing two challenges, #birthdaychallenge (no self-imposed deadline) and #LitsyAtoZ. BTW your 1970 choice is one I read many years ago (about 20 years ago)! 8y
DeborahSmall Love this book, read it when I was 17, 22 years ago, and then again in my 20's and loved it just as much 💖 8y
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Picked this up from the second-hand bookstore this afternoon! So excited I found this beautiful edition! 😍
I won't be getting much reading done this weekend because I need to focus on schoolwork but what are you all reading this weekend?? Any suggestions I should check out soon?

Suzze I am finishing a couple of advance copies (Darktown and Little Boy Blue) (I think Darktown just came out). Loving both! 8y
LeahBergen I just bought a used copy of this not too long ago, as well. 😀 8y
ephemeralwaltz @Suzze i'll check those out then! 8y
Minervasbutler It's been thirty plus years since I read this one but I remember loving it! 8y
Alfoster @ephemeralwaltz Ohhh, LOVED French Lieutenants Woman!!! 8y
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@LeahBergen 's post reminded me of another favorite #booksetbythesea, also in Lyme Regis. What can I say- how can a book be so wonderfully Victorian and thoroughly post modern? Fowles at his best.

KarenUK Love Fowles! 💗💗💗 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Great pick!👍🏼 8y
LeahBergen I just bought this book this year. Now I need to move it up the TBR mountain, for sure. 8y
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Right about this time of year I always feel like reading a true classic. I didn't read a lot of them when I was younger, so I'm making up for it now. Please give me some inspiration and tell me which classics are your absolute favourites!!

Ms.Story Jane Eyre, A Tale of Two Cities, Ethan Frome -- Happy Reading!! 8y
Trav Frankenstein, Dracula, Utopia, Beware of Pity, Dante's Inferno, LOTR, The Scarlet Letter, Death in Venice, The Cantebury Tales, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Hound of the Baskervilles... Just to name a few 😉 8y
ReadingEnvy A Room with a View / Where Angels Fear to Tread by E.M. Forster 8y
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QueenAnne + the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Phantom of the opera, Little Women, Great Expectations, Vanity Fair, Wuthering Heights, Picture of Dorian Gray, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, everything by Poe, Homer's Oddysey, Paradise Lost, Sherlock Holmes, Madame Bovary 8y
QueenAnne @Trav 😍😍😍yes! 8y
TheExpatFiles Far From The Madding Crowd! Read it last year for the first time and loved it. 8y
MyBookLife @Brittany's Bookshelf I've read and loved Jane Eyre, but the other ones are going on my list! 8y
MyBookLife @Trav Oh, thank you 😍😍 Name more please!! Boy, my list is getting long 💪🏻✌🏻️ 8y
MyBookLife @ReadingEnvy Thank you! I haven't read Forster, but I've been meaning to. 8y
MyBookLife @QueenAnne Thank you!! I have read Wuthering hights, and unfortunately I didn't love it as much as everyone else seems to, but the others are going on my list!! 8y
MyBookLife @The Expat Files Thank you! 8y
Brona Jane Austen, Emile Zola, Age of Innocence, Jane Eyre.... 8y
GuiltyFeat The Age of Innocence, New Grub Street, Anna Karenina. 8y
Notafraidofwords Their Eyes Were watching God by Hurston! 8y
britt_brooke The Call of the Wild, Slaughterhouse Five, Lord of the Flies, 1984 8y
jeff Count of Monte Cristo! A long but oh-so-good vengeance read. 8y
BestOfFates Definitely Their Eyes Were Watching God! 8y
mllemay The Picture of Dorian Gray, Jane Eyre, anything by Jane Austen (Persuasion is my favorite), Little Women, Anne of Green Gables (i'm Canadian so it's a classic for me lol)... 8y
georgie Jane Eyre all the way 😍 8y
Shortstack 1984, Slaughterhouse Five, The Great Gatsby. If you don't mind suffering through the sometimes tedious Robinson Crusoe, Foe is a great commentary on it and one of my all time favorite books. Beloved. For Whom the Bell Tolls was slow at times but amazing! The Quiet American was my favorite in school. 8y
jmkeene The French Lieutenant's Woman is one of mine. Absolutely love it. Also Wuthering Heights. 8y
Gezemice Jane Eyre, The Three Musketeers, The Brothers Karamazov, The Color Purple, I Claudius 8y
BookFreakOut Fahrenheit 451, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Huck Finn 8y
Trav @QueenAnne I suspect we may have similar tastes. You named a few which I forgot to mention! Love a good classic ❤️ 8y
Trav @MyBookLife haha you're TBR list in going to be huge! The Illiad, A Brave New World, War and Piece, The Call of Cthulhu, Gothic Tales, Plato's Republic, The Histories by Herodotus and Reveries of the Solitary Walker (have not read that one but it's been recommended to me several times). 8y
QueenAnne @Trav I think so too! You named some of my all time favorites! That's why I started with the "+" sign hihi ? I love that litsy enables me to find kindred spirits ?❤️ 8y
Trav @QueenAnne me too! I'm so glad I stumbled across Litsy, it's like discovering long lost friends 😍 8y
MyBookLife @Trav Thank you!! Well, I'm not saying that I'm going to read all these books this year, but I am putting together a list of classics I want to read, so you can keep them coming 😝 8y
MyBookLife @Trav @QueenAnne Did a book soul mate meeting just happen in my comment section?? How sweet!! 📚❤️ 8y
Trav @MyBookLife nice! I love classic literature so if I come across any more gems I'll be sure to let you know. Haha those feels when you meet kindred spirits on the Internet 😍 8y
QueenAnne @MyBookLife you have no idea how long I've waited to be among my kind of people 😉 I've come home 😍 8y
QueenAnne @Trav yes it is, or like finding out someone awesome is related to you hihi anyway thank you litsy! Finally found my home hihi ❤️ 8y
Palomasofia I'm always up for Anna Karenina. 8y
List_addict All awesome suggestions. Also - Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Wuthering Heights ... Could go on, and on 8y
MyBookLife @List_addict I read and loved (!!) Jane Eyre. Wuthering height I didn't like as much. Not at all really. Don't know why. But the other two I really want to read! Please go on and on, I'm making a pretty impressive list here ;) 8y
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