I saw this yesterday at the library book sale and I thought it was great life advice🤣
I saw this yesterday at the library book sale and I thought it was great life advice🤣
I liked this audiobook but I think the title is a bit misleading. It is narrated by the authors, who are podcast hosts for a podcast I have yet to listen. This was entertaining and a quick listen about how to survive as an adult, but no so “how to“ as “this is their story“ style. My expectation was different than what was delivered, I guess, thankfully! Overall this was an enjoyable listen.
One of the last essays: Stay Out of the Forest, was the kind of thing I was hoping to read from a book with this title. It was a wonderful examination of violence against women, the language we use, and how men are central in enacting change. Much of the rest of the book was a mix of memoir and mediocre self-help stuff.
I‘m not sure I can recommended it. Listen to the podcast My Favourite Murder instead. It‘s fantastic.
I really need to stop reading books like this. Every youtuber and podcaster just NEEDS to write a self help book. This book was decent, I just feel like I‘ve gone through enough life experiences that I don‘t need advice from podcasters?! I‘ll save those kinds of books for legitimate experts. This was mildly entertaining. I don't necessarily recommend
Just finished this on Audio. Loved listening to Karen and Georgia's stories on life and their podcast. They are both hilarious and insightful. 🤘
🎧 Well this book is written & narrated by 2 women who host the podcast My Favorite Murder. Not a lot of murder talk ... it‘s more like advice regarding addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc told in an anecdotal format. The stories are interesting poignant personal unapologetic moments from the author‘s lives ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/3
This is a case of the right book at the right time for me. I haven't clicked with a book since A Curse So Dark and Lonely and I was beginning to get discouraged. I almost did not pick this book up from my hold list at the library and I am so glad that I did. I was not sure if I wanted to read about murder just before Christmas but this book is not about this at all. It is life lessons from 2 funny women. I recommend.
#bookfitnesschallenge goals - I upped them a little from last time:
* Average 12K steps per week.
* Two to three workouts per week.
* Read 25 books.
* 15 minutes of quiet time per day.
Good luck to everyone participating this time around!😊 @wanderinglynn #bookfitnesschallengeroundthree #bfcr3 #bfc
Very little in my life has given me as much satisfaction as crossing off that last radiation treatment day 😁😁 Onward and upward!!
I really wanted to like this book but...it‘s a hard no. Couldn‘t even finish the audiobook without constantly being distracted by their off tangent moments. I did like how they were candid about their experiences about mental health, eating disorders and relationships but...I feel that it could‘ve been constructed better without diverting from the intended message. #bookreview #litsy #honestreview #unpopularopinion
1) tagged book
2) Lemonade or a ice cold beer
3)"I took my daughter by the hand and followed Florian back to the family home."
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Chilly rainy Sunday afternoons are made for naps and reading. It‘s not doing a thing for my step count but it is doing wonders for my attitude! #bfc #ssdgm #murderino @wanderinglynn
New book, who dis? 🤓#empoweredwomenempoweringwomen #myfavoritemurder SO excited for this gem! I‘ve listened to their podcast for a couple years now and they are my favorite! I recommend them to anyone I meet who also has a guilty obsession of true crime. #staysexy #dontgetmurdered
This lil beaut just arrived and as soon as I finish The Handmaid‘s Tale (in about 2 hours), I‘m starting it! #ssdgm #mfm #murderino
You know you have the best co-worker in the world when they selflessly pass over an arc they are also interested because they know how much you want it! #SSDGM #murderino
I just might have to make a road trip this spring.
Aaaahhhhh Weezie I couldn't be happier for this amazing bounty!! I just want to dive into the books right now, especially with the gorgeous bookmark! The note cards and stickies will definitely be used, along with the fan pens. The body butter is awesome- "Luxe by Mr. Bubble" is just the greatest thing I've seen... Aside from the awesome MFM pin!! Thank you so much @WeeziesBooks you are the sweetest. SSDGM ❤️
Heads up murderinos!!