Rainbow over my backyard this weekend. Happy Pride, all! #PrideMonth #LoveIsLove
Rainbow over my backyard this weekend. Happy Pride, all! #PrideMonth #LoveIsLove
This is an absolutely delightful novella, which I actually read before getting into the series it is from (Reluctant Royals). My love for this short tale got me to read the whole series.
This was a cute, short romance about two women who met briefly and we're immediately attracted to.e each other in their own way. Life, gets in the way when their brief encounter is stopped due to life responsibilities. They eventually meet up accidentally on a Subway station and when they decide to spend time with each other, they try to figure out what went wrong and how to find their way back to each other.
So Reese Witherspoon has a new app for her book club and while it sounds fun, it isn't as responsive on my pixel 3a as I would like. Can't tell if the issue is because I am on an android.
Loved this novella! It was sweet and I adored reading more about Likotsi. She‘s so serious and put together, but in this book we see her real personality come out. The second chance romance was so sweet.
Spent as much time gazing adoringly at the cover as I did reading the book. CAN U BLAME ME? This was sweet & fun, hell yes Sapphic romance! I liked the dual storyline structure, enjoyed being w/these women. Did have an issue w/“love at first sight” which is...not real. Cole also used too many similes & metaphors, & why couldn‘t Fab tell Likotsi the truth, if she supposedly loved her? But still cute! Hope Cole will write a F/F novel series. 3/5 ⭐️
Today is my 40th birthday so I‘m celebrating by staying home (I would be anyway even in non-pandemic times) and reading this adorable Sapphic romance novella 💜
Thanks for the tag for #iSpy @IamIamIam here are some of my purple covers. I‘m tagging some new followers to find books with a house/building on the cover.
Lol, love it. Also, since I‘m reading nothing but romance this month, here is my new hashtag for it. #loveinthetimeofthecoronovirus lol. Stay healthy Littens!!!
Loved this novella about Likotsi and Fabiola. The alternating POVs switching between the present after Fabiola "ghosted" her (kinda) and the past when they first met during Thabiso's first stay in New York were a great way to tell the story. Definitely a fun aside in the series!
This was cute when it relaxed and stopped trying to use at least two adjectives for every sentence. It probably doesn't help my understanding of the story that I haven't read the main books of the series.
One very explicit sex scene (near the end, in a hotel room), which is skippable.
Man, this isn't starting out well for me -- this sort of writing just feels clunky: “It deserved better than to be the receptacle of memories that impeded her forward motion like a badly tailored suit that was too tight at the knees and elbows.“
Here's hoping it eases up!
(Also, the title seems... wrong? Fabiola didn't ghost Likotsi, she broke up with her. Firmly and clearly.)
#7days7books #7days7covers #covercrush 7 days of books whose covers you love 😍. Thanks for the tag @MrsMalaprop I‘m tagging you @ScientistSam if you‘re interested in playing.
Friends, this was exactly what I needed. Alyssa Cole delivers a fun, flirty read with more serious undertones from the mystery of why Fab ghosted Likotsi all those months ago. The dual timelines amp up the tension and drive home the chemistry between the two women, to the extent that Cole accomplishes the (near) impossible: she made me believe in the instalove.
Yeah. That happened.
Definitely recommended to f/f romance seekers.
Late night supper, featuring book and enchilada casserole thing. Normally I put this chicken/rice/cream cheese mixture in a pepper, but it works almost as well in a soup bowl.
Also pictured: CLUTTER from this never-ending painting project. I‘m frustrated.
Break time with furikake and f/f romance. I‘ve still gotta shop for fixtures, see what touch-ups are necessary once everything‘s dry, and move stuff back into my room, but at least I‘m done with the actual painting part of the day.
1. ONCE GHOSTED, TWICE SHY by Alyssa Cole, THE HAZEL WOOD by Melissa Albert, and the Queers Destroy Horror! issue of NIGHTMARE, with THE LOVE SONG OF SAWYER BELL by Avon Gale waiting in the wings.
2. COVER UP by L.A. Witt.
3. My weekend‘s mostly gonna be a mad dash to finish this painting project, but shopping for new shelves and suchlike will be fun if I can find enough time for it. Ditto mainlining queer books.
I didn‘t like this as much as I wanted to.
This second chance romance features the following: dates with good food, tours of NYC, and women in impeccably tailored suits. 5 stars!
I like the endings in this series, but I'm not really connecting with the characters. I think I'm going to go ahead and stop here instead of reading the last one.
This book was just as cute as the adorable cover! But I'm bummed her stories about queer and disabled characters only get novellas and the straight abled characters get the novels? Anyway, I really liked this story, which is told half in flashbacks of when the women first met and Fab ghosted Likotsi and when they meet again months later. If you're waiting for the sex scene, you just might have to wait until the end... Also I want to marry Likotsi.
This is just so fuckin cute I can't handle it. Also I love the cover so much! #QueerBooks #Romantsy #Romance #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BlackBooks #BisexualBooks
This was a fun quick read that helped fill in some of what happened in A Princess in Theory. It was great to get the two time frames of the romance filled in. It is done in such a way that you don't really find out what exactly happened the first time till near the end. Also happy that this was my first f/f romance. #romantsy
This was the first book I heard about from this author and was intrigued so wanted to read the series in order. This book is a novella, so naturally it is short and there's not as much to hold on to as the first two, but it's still fun, sweet and hot. This is the first lesbian romance I've read and I thought it was done well.
Such a cute, fun queer romance! 😍 I loved Fab and Likotsi and will definitely be looking for more books by Alyssa Cole. I wasn‘t 100% satisfied that all the threads were wrapped up, but I was still happy with the ending.
Sorry about the picture. Ian stole my phone while I was writing the review 😂
I have a few other library books awaiting my attention, but I couldn‘t resist starting this one, which I picked up from the new books display today. So far, it‘s making me wonder why I took so long to read Alyssa Cole!
I loved the characters in this! And I‘m a sucker for a cute cover... especially when it seems so fitting, as this one does for Fab and Likotski. ❤️❤️❤️
I cannot remember the last time this house was so quiet. The hubs is at work, son is at school, #catsoflitsy are sleeping... and no damn TV on! I‘ve been working long days, weekends too, and was about to lose my sh*t if I didn‘t have some time to regenerate and breathe. Best Monday ever.
Glad I was finally able to read Likotsi and Fab‘s story. I wish there was more to it. But this novella will just have to do. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reading this novella because I love the Reluctant Royals series. It‘s a nice in-betweener/palate-cleanser before I go back to the other series I‘m reading.
Downloaded this #audiobook from #Libby last week when i needed something to listen to. I‘ve never listened to a romance novel on audio before and thought a novella would be a good one to try first. It‘s a quick listen (3.5 hours) and I‘m really enjoying it so far! #romantsy #lgbtqia
The novella seems longer and more than a « normal » novella. The story is told and shown in a day with flashbacks. It is very well constructed and keeps the reader engaged. The love story is not rushed and is believable. It‘s a lovely postcard of New York roads less traveled. Both Fab and Likotsi are vibrant, alive and in touch with there heart. Good read. #romantsy #lgbt
Finishing the novella tonight. No hockey, but the best homemade chicken soup ever. Best things on this winter February day.
Penguin's in Florida. Almost done with the novella. Very good novella.
⭐️ also playing tonight.
Dilemma. Finish in one go the novella , it's really good I don't want it to end or stretch it out. Decisions. Decisions.
Leafs hockey tonight. Today was a way better day. 🙂
Today was a not a good day. But back is better and 🐧 are playing tonight. Hoping to finish the novella.
Will try to get ahead the novella. It's raining and it will be sleet tomorrow. 🍁 at home fighting the lame 🦆
Oh and Freddie is in the net tonight.
Saturday night is hockey night. Reading and hockey. Two of my favourite things. Add my two favourite teams playing each other on hockey night in Canada. Well.... 😄😄
Made an amazing chicken 🥣, ginger, garlic, turmeric, pearl couscous. It's easy, smells and tastes amazing. Especially on a cold, snowy Saturday. Along with a 💕 theme 📚. Heaven.
Recipe https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/the-best-chicken-soup-recipe/
Cold Friday hockey night. 🐧 vs Senator without 71. 🍁 in Detroit. The m/m romance was okay. Review to follow soon. New book, new nails (Valentine theme).
I‘m pretty happy with this kick off to the new year. LOTS of great reads this month! But the one that I loved the most was Once Ghosted, Twice Shy. Who knew a novella would win my heart? I have a love/hate relationship with novellas and short stories, they‘re either rushed or absolutely perfect. This one is a new favorite! Great pacing, nuanced story arc, interesting MCs, excellently executed flash backs, balanced tension, HEA, beautiful prose.
Book 2 done! This was adorable. I love this series! Though it kind of works as a standalone, I recommend with starting with “A Princess in Theory”. #weneeddiversebooks #24in48 #24b4monday
@24in48 @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65
#weneeddiversebooks These two are on my docket for this weekend or at least this week as part of #24in48
I adore Alyssa Cole, both her contemporary and period romances. @24in48
Black wlw for the win! I loved getting the skinny on Litkotsi‘s romance (she‘s the Prince Thabiso‘s assistant in A Princess in Theory). This would easily be five stars if not for the ableist words. Still, I highly recommend it, and I can‘t wait for Reggie‘s novella next month!