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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
43 posts | 27 read | 27 to read
In 2010, the al Rabeeah family left their home in Iraq in hope of a safer life. They moved to Homs, in Syria just before the Syrian civil war broke out. Abu Bakr, one of eight children, was ten years old when the violence began on the streets around him: car bombings, attacks on his mosque and school, firebombs late at night. Homes tells of the strange juxtapositions of growing up in a war zone: horrific, unimaginable events punctuated by normalcy soccer, cousins, video games, friends. Homes is the remarkable true story of how a young boy emerged from a war zone and found safety in Canada with a passion for sharing his story and telling the world what is truly happening in Syria. As told to her by Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, writer Winnie Yeung has crafted a heartbreaking, hopeful, and urgently necessary book that provides a window into understanding Syria.
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah
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This was an eye opening and engaging first hand account of living in Iraq and Syria and emigrating to Canada from the perspective of a 10 yr old boy. A teacher helped him tell his story and it has since become a play

dabbe I want your chips. 😋🤣🤗 1y
mcctrish @dabbe I have a serious chip addiction ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah
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And by cool I obviously mean books

Clwojick I always say if is organized it‘s a collection, not a hoarding. ❤️😂😂😂😂 1y
mcctrish @Clwojick runs madly around various rooms making curated piles 1y
Clwojick 😂😂😂😂 1y
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 1y
Tamra 😂 1y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah
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Learned about something I didn‘t think about with refugees – how lonely it is. At least for Bakr and his family; the extended family did not come with them to Canada, and they had such a large space that they weren‘t used to. His friends (and cousins) were still back in Syria, and it was (of course) very difficult for them all with the language barrier when they first arrived.

Melissa_J This was such a good read! 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Young Abu Bakr tells the story of his family‘s journey from Iraq to Syria to Canada and the homes they strive to make in each place.

Read April 14-18
Book 22/55

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung

Ziya Tong on #CanadaReads: “one of the most powerful pieces of graffiti I‘ve seen said ‘Homes: do you remember when we were still human?‘”

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Thank you to all who participated in this month‘s Big Library Read!

See ya next time for another selection worthy of discussion.

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 10: while this is Abu Bakr‘s story, written from his point of view, it is authored by Winnie Yeung. What responsibilities does Winnie have, as an author of creative non-fiction, to honor Bakr‘s voice?

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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This was an excellent book. It is the story of Abu Bakr and his family who moved to Syria from Iraq for a better life and eventually came to Canada as refugees as life in Syria became more and more dangerous. This book blends the atrocities of war with sweet recollections of friendship and family love. It is a book that really humanizes refugees and the hugely difficult decisions they have to make to stay safe. Highly recommend!

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 9: one of the main reasons this book was written was to build empathy. What parts of Abu Bakr‘s journey connects to a life story of your own?

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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This is the current #BigLibraryRead. I‘m glad I got news of it in time to enjoy it. Eye-opening, and thought provoking story of a loving family able to survive and finally leave the place of a hateful war. #BLR #LibraryEBook

CrowCAH Woohoo! Join the conversation; I‘ve been posting discussion questions during the #BLR2019 period! 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR19

Question 8: what questions does this book raise about newcomers in a society? Do you think this book will change your impression of the people in your own community?

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 7: it seems like many countries and communities are dealing with political controversy over welcoming immigrants and refugees into their society. How has this book affected the way you view this issue?

CogsOfEncouragement I do not pretend to know much about the issue. I enjoyed reading this to learn a little. It impressed me that the community the family was settled into was ready to host them kindly. Not only the tutoring for English but there was special food and a place for prayer which I did not anticipate hearing about. (edited) 5y
CrowCAH @CogsOfEncouragement seems very accommodating. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Next up!

CouronneDhiver This one is a “big read” at my local library... unlimited copies of the e-book so that everyone can borrow it together. 5y
Bibliogeekery @CouronneDhiver mine too! That's where I got it! Are you in Toronto? 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Quotes like this that make you stop and read them a few times...happened frequently in “Homes,” and I hope this young man continues to adjust to his life here in Canada. Great insight into what some of my learners have gone through, and what they are currently going through.

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 6: as Abu Bakr and his family began to settle into their new life in Canada they faced lots of challenges, including many conflicting emotions. What parts of this journey were predictable or surprising to you?

CogsOfEncouragement I was surprised how having more, but smaller bedrooms in their new dwelling influenced the family dynamic so much. 5y
CrowCAH @CogsOfEncouragement that is interesting. When my family moved into our current house, me and my sisters had our own rooms, two of us didn‘t have to share; I don‘t think it changed our family dynamic. Or maybe it did and we adjusted. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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vumblereads Loved this book 😃 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 5: were you frustrated by any of the decisions that Abu Bakr‘s immediate or extended family made?

CogsOfEncouragement I read this to open my eyes a bit. I was struck by the grandmother‘s refusal to leave a war zone for the US. I was also struck by how certain family members would not contradict her and some chose to follow their own convictions of how to best protect their family no matter what she personally wanted. Good food for thought. 5y
CrowCAH @CogsOfEncouragement I could see how moving to a new country would be daunting, especially when what is happening in the current one is familiar and known, even if it dangerous. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 4: What were/are some of the images from the book that stick in your mind?

CogsOfEncouragement Contrasts of brutality with humanity. (edited) 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Global ebook Club
Big Library Read (#BLR), facilitated by OverDrive, is a reading program through your library that connects readers around the world with the same ebook at the same time without any wait lists or holds.

All you need is a library card and either the Libby or the Overdrive App. ✌🏼❤️📚

I got my copy ten minutes ago! Join me in reading this creative non-fiction story. It is just 163 pages. #BigLibraryRead

Daisey Just finished this last night! 5y
CogsOfEncouragement @daisey Awesome! I just found out. Not sure how I missed the info before, but glad I noticed before it was too late. I read The Girl with the Red Balloon in October. The idea of us all reading the same book just makes me happy. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 3: which any characters - other than Abu Bakr - did you relate to most?

CogsOfEncouragement Thank you for posting. I had not heard about this yet! I just borrowed it on Libby and will spread the word. (I enjoyed reading reading The Girl with the Red Balloon in October during that BLR)✌🏼❤️📚 5y
CrowCAH @CogsOfEncouragement thanks for joining the discussion! Follow the hashtag thread to see past questions. 5y
JacqMac The father. He just wants to provide the security that most parents want to give their children. 5y
CrowCAH @JacqMac very nice 😊 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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I‘m glad I picked up this fairly quick read. Bakr‘s story is simply told, but it is also a powerful story of the strength and resiliency of a family. I appreciate a personal perspective on the experiences of a family that lived in and left Syria for a new life in Canada.

Although I only read for a few hours yesterday evening, this makes 2 books completed for #DeweysReadathon. #readathon

#BigLibraryRead #ReadtheWorld #ReadingtheWorld Syria

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung

I have a profound respect for Abu Bakr‘s father who DID ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING he could to keep the family together and bring everyone to safety. His father to me is a HERO.

I‘m glad that there are people like Ms Yeung, Ms Mayer and Ms Maggie who help people settle in and adjust. These kind hearted people who volunteer and take their time to help are truly the gentle warriors of humankind.


StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Hope you're enjoying Litsy so far 📖💖 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗🌺 5y
vumblereads Thank you @eggs and @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego . And yes I am enjoying Litsy! 5y
Pricel101 Great review 📖 welcome to Litsy!! 📚👋 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

2: What surprised you about the descriptions of growing up in a war zone?

Daisey I haven‘t finished this yet, but I think the thing that amazes me the most (in this and other books set in war zones) is how people strive to live their lives with as much normalcy as possible in the middle of such danger and chaos. 5y
Well-ReadNeck The normalcy within the chaos. Or maybe it‘s the normalization of chaos. 🤔 5y
JacqMac For me I think it‘s the way the violence just became a part of everyday life. Let‘s just run inside while our street gets riddled with bullets. Then we‘ll go out and clean up the body parts and blood. Like other people go out and mow the lawn or shovel some snow. 5y
CrowCAH @Daisey @Well-ReadNeck @JacqMac very interesting how the chaos can become ordinary. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Question 1: In three words or less, what is the book about?

Melissa_J Safety, security and family 5y
JacqMac Resilience, family, and security. 5y
CrowCAH @Melissa_J @JacqMac thanks for participating! Both of you had two commonalities: family and security. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Just snagged a copy of the latest #BigLibraryRead

Looking forward to the discussion!!

StephanieMarie Do you follow the Canada reads debates? Homes was one of the books competing for it this year 5y
Well-ReadNeck @StephanieReads No! But I‘m going to look it up ... because what I really need is a bunch of new books for my TBR list 😂 5y
JacqMac I loved this one. It was my favourite of the Canada Reads books this year. But the winning book was really good, too. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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BIG LIBRARY READ! I‘m an ESL instructor and most of my learners are from Syria, so I‘m very interested to hear this young man‘s account.

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Did you know that not only can libraries host the Big Library Read, but schools can too! Has you library or school hosted this event?

Daisey Just downloaded this today so I can try to participate. 5y
CrowCAH @Daisey thanks! 😊 Can‘t wait to read what you have to say about it. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#currentlyreading this book and participating in the #biglibraryread 🥰 is anyone else reading this?

SW-T No, I saw it but I‘m not reading it though it sounds interesting. Happy reading! 📚💕 5y
vumblereads Thanks @SW-T ! 5y
CaliforniaCay Welcome to Litsy! 😁 5y
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DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤩 5y
BethM Welcome! 5y
Crazeedi Welcome to litsy!!🎉🎉🎉 5y
CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 Thanks for participating in the Big Library Read! 5y
vumblereads @crowcah It‘s a very compelling read, I‘m still around the first 25% of the book. 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Well-ReadNeck 🙋🏻‍♀️ 5y
vumblereads @Well-ReadNeck how do you like it so far? 5y
Well-ReadNeck @vumblereads just picked it up today from the library. Likely won‘t start it until after the weekend 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

What rating and review will you give Homes?

I guess you‘ll just have to get your FREE ebook copy via OverDrive and read it!!!

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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If you have access to Overdrive or Libby through your library, join me in the Big Library Read!

RadicalReader I love using Libby my favorite app so many wonderful reads to discover 5y
Book_Fairy_Mary @RadicalReader me, too!! It's wonderful! 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Did you know you could win a Kobo Aura H2O by participating in the Big Library Read?

Official Rules: https://biglibraryread.com/terms-conditions/

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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cathysaid That letter has me teary. Better break out the jumbo sized box of Kleenex for the book. 😭 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

This is the hero of the story!

Are you ready to snag your ebook copy via OverDrive? The Big Library Read starts tomorrow, April 1-15!

Melissa_J I‘m glad to see this book getting love and attention beyond just Canada. 5y
CrowCAH @Melissa_J very true. Have you read it? 5y
Melissa_J I have. It was one of the five books selected for this year‘s Canada Reads competition- it finished second. (edited) 5y
CrowCAH @Melissa_J nice 👍🏻 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Repost for @CrowCAH :
#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

The Big Library Read is returning next month, April 1-15, with Homes: A Refugee Story. (The tagged book)
I‘ll be your host by posting discussion questions for all to chime in with their viewpoints.
I look forward to hearing what you have to say!


(Note: I have not read the book, but wanted to have a platform for discussion should any Littens want to participate.)

CrowCAH Thank your for reposting! 😊 5y
8little_paws Cool! But I looked and my library doesn't offer it on libby. Is it only select libraries? 5y
cathysaid It doesn‘t appear my library is “officially” participating but suddenly today there were copies of the eBook available on Overdrive. @8little_paws maybe there is something available today? 5y
8little_paws @cathysaid ok I'll look! 5y
8little_paws I found it!! Thanks for the heads up 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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#BigLibraryRead #BLR2019

Hello All!
The Big Library Read is returning next month, April 1-15, with Homes: A Refugee Story. (The tagged book)
I‘ll be your host by posting discussion questions for all to chime in with their viewpoints.
I look forward to hearing what you have to say!


(Note: I have not read the book, but wanted to have a platform for discussion should any Littens want to participate.)

Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Homes is the story of the al Rabeeah family, as told by one of the children, Abu Bakr, and written by his ESL teacher, Winnie Yeung. Bakr was only 10 when violence erupted around him, and the book effortlessly contrasts the horrors of war with the normalcy of growing up. The story is simply told, making it accessible to all. Stories like this are so necessary, especially as anti-immigrant sentiments are on the rise. #CanadaReads2019

JennyM Lovely review - sounds a very important and timely read. 5y
Melissa_J I think Canada Reads is going to come down to this one and By Chance Alone. My pick is the Eisen book, but this one would be a great choice, too. I also liked Brother, so am happy to see my top three are the three still standing 😊 5y
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candority Thank you @JennyM! It definitely is! 5y
candority @Melissa_J I think so too! I just started reading By Chance Alone this morning, but I can already see how impactful it will be. Brother has an important message too, but I have a feeling that one of the non-fiction books will come out on top. It‘ll be interesting to watch! 😊 5y
StephanieMarie I am thinking that it will be By Chance Alone based on the defenses so far, Zhiya is such a powerful speaker! Personally I really can't decide between the remaining three, I loved all of them and they're all so important. 5y
candority @StephanieMarie Yes, she is, but I‘ve noticed that while other panellists compliment the book being discussed, she tends to focus on flaws and bring the conversation back to her book? She has great points, but her approach feels way more argumentative than the other. Maybe that‘s just me though - this is my first year watching the debates, so I don‘t know what the typical dynamics are! It will definitely be a tough decision for the panellists! 5y
StephanieMarie @candority that's definitely a common thing to do. I actually noticed Lisa doing it more with Brother. I've been watching 3 years now and that's definitely not the most argumentative I've seen, there can be some serious tension lol! I think it will be a close call for sure! I just like that Zhiya backs up her arguments with so many facts. 5y
candority @StephanieMarie Good to know! Yeah, she does do a good job of backing up her arguments. I think it will get more intense today and tomorrow! 5y
candority @StephanieMarie I take back what I said about Ziya previously! Her passion for the book has become very obvious, and I see how I misinterpreted her demeanour previously the more I watch the debates. 5y
StephanieMarie @candority She and Chuck both made me cry today! 5y
candority @StephanieMarie Ugh, me too 😭 So powerful! 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Homes is told through the five senses--a portrait of everyday life in war-torn Syria made tangibly vivid and immediate. What strikes also is how a child's drive to live his world through the basic need to play can ground the events of war in the normality of experience at the same time as it frames the surreality of brutal violence. Finally, this book reminds us not to turn our backs on refugees in the age of Trump. #canadareads #1bk2moveus

academiconbreak I took the photo with my hand next to the book to show how tiny this volume is-- you'll want to wrap your entire hand around it and clutch it straight to your heart when you are done reading it, which I did, after finishing it in one sitting. 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Unpopular opinion alert: this did not work for me. There wasn‘t enough awareness in it - like The Woo Woo, I feel like it would‘ve been better if the author had written it later in life with some time to reflect and make connections to his place in the bigger scheme of things. I can see it working as a way to give a face to refugees, but otherwise...

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Winnie Yeung nails the young voice in this as-told-to memoir, which she wrote as a gift to her refugee student, Abu Bakr al Rabeeah. Bakr has lived through awful things, but he and Yeung have produced a balanced, engaging, and readable book that illuminates his everyday life in Syria right alongside the horrors of the civil war. I hope it makes its way into a ton of schools, as it's bound to resonate as strongly with kids as adults. #CanadaReads

academiconbreak Glad to hear you liked it! My copy is in transit to my library at this moment! I'm looking forward to the descriptions of everyday Syria at war time, which is what initially drew me in. 5y
xicanti @academiconbreak I hope you enjoy it! 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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Bakr grows up in war torn countries, before landing in a safe place, that is completely foreign to him. Bakr and his family are just like all of us. All they want is to feel safe while going about their daily business. This book will awaken your empathy for the refugees landing in our country. It should become a teaching tool in Canadian classrooms.

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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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The tween is working on some math. I am digging into the Canada Reads books. #CanadaReads2019

Melissa_J It‘s possible to read it in one sitting 👌🏻 5y
CouronneDhiver 👏🏽👏🏽 5y
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Homes: A Refugee Story | Abu Bakr al Rabeeah, Winnie Yeung
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A beautiful and profound story that captures the reality of the refugee experience. Intertwining the experience of family, war, living in community, and the challenges with starting over this story captures the realities of love mixed with the reality of trauma telling a story of resilience.

Maria514626 Oh my. This sounds so good. 5y
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