Now when we live in Orwell's world, it's not a bad time to remember why is so important to fight against fascism.
-Must read-
Now when we live in Orwell's world, it's not a bad time to remember why is so important to fight against fascism.
-Must read-
That‘s what war is. That‘s what the military is. It must be so frightening and so terrible.
Indeed. I remember my time in Spain...making friends, of course...even though we had no language in common!
I‘m just in the mood to read more by George Orwell. His novel 1984 blew me away. This book is nonfiction about the Spanish Civil war. I‘m pretty sure I‘ll find it an interesting read.
Orwell's account of traveling to Spain to join a leftist militia (the POUM) to fight against the combined forces of Francisco Franco. Orwell considered this to be one of the most formative events in his young life and cemented his political opinions as a dedicated Democratic Socialist and opponent of totalitarianism. Interesting look at the various factions involved in the Spanish Civil War, an event I knew only the most cursory facts about before
I have always been interested in The Spanish Civil War, I am not sure why it took me so long to get to this. I learned so much in a small book. And now I am fascinated in Orwell's first wife, which he had before he changed his name and who just seemed to hang in Spain while he faught?
I appreciate that he wants to set many records straight, so much falsehoods come out of wars, it is interesting to read an account of a foreigner who was there.
Really interesting accoh for his time in the Spanish civil war. Some of it went completely over my head 🙄 and some, especially the actual accounts, kept me riveted. I'd read Wolf Moon a few weeks ago which is the same wartime and this have a different view. 😊😊
Started this classic and finished this embroidery piece. I wanted to use up some threads and ended up making this! Nowhere near perfect but completely made up and free hand thus unique! 😊😊🤣
In preparation for a presentation I‘m giving next week on journalists‘ books on war, I‘m finally reading Orwell on his experience fighting during the Spanish civil war. Can‘t believe I haven‘t read this until now. Also want to get through more of Martha Gellhorn‘s book - a collection of her war reporting (also includes the Spanish civil war) over several decades. Nothing like reading to a deadline. Plan to reduce my reading list is disintegrating
It‘s one of my bf‘s favourites so I‘m glad I‘ve read a book he loves, and I‘m interested in the historical of left wing politics. I find war quite boring as a subject and I find Orwell‘s journalism a bit unintentionally hilarious sometimes - he just wanders round with no useful skills being unable to cook or remember to check if his wife is alive. Come on George, write a to do list, make some soup - those things save the world too!
Trying to fit a few short books in to make it easy for me while commuting!
#ToySoldiers #HeatOfJuly
Incredibly, inspirationally well-intentioned but badly trained, woefully poorly armed and spectacularly badly organised soldiers
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
My first George Orwell. Nicely written, but it felt choppy, making it difficult to get into the flow of reading. I think it's a nice first hand account of the Spanish Civil War, but it is wise to do some research beforehand if someone is unfamiliar with this event in history. Also, his chapters are long and sometimes repetitive....it got annoying at times. 3 out of 5.
Whenever it's conceivably possible the business of today is put off until manana (tomorrow). In Spain, nothing from a meal to a battle ever happens at the appointed time.
#GeorgeOrwell #homagetoCatalonia
I salute you! The only sad thing is that women can‘t access the fantastic library here.
The Spanish Civil War has popped up lately in a couple of books that I have read, so I thought a non fiction account would be interesting. And it's interesting to read about Orwell's perspective of his time in Spain, but it's also a narrow point of view. In addition, his writing style is at times so flippant that it really clashed with the description of a war.
I couldn‘t write a better review than this:
“Bringing all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity to bear, George Orwell examines the bright hopes and cynical betrayal of the Spanish revolution. He describes the discomfort and inefficiency of front-line fighting; the early revolutionary euphoria; the propaganda and distortion perpetrated by both sides; and the tragic collapse of the revolution into warring factions.”
“... a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but THE PAST. If the Leader says of such and such an event, ‘It never happened‘ - well, it never happened. If he says two and two are five - well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs - and after our experiences of the last few years that is not a frivolous statement.”
“One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war propaganda, all the screams and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.”
I was about to start this book when I saw this on the cover.
The situation is Spain and Catalonia has been weighing on my heart. Often, when I hear about world events that trouble me I go for a walk to pray about it.
Maybe that‘s part of how I see the world as well as seeing the world through my faith that I have to pray AND immerse myself in learning about troubling situations.
I originally ordered this book from the library back in May to prepare for my holiday in July. It arrived this week!
It seems odd for it to arrive during a time of great uncertainty in Catalonia. I hope for a calm, peaceful solution. 🕊
Solidarity with Catalonia in their latest fight against fascism.
Cry me... the Mediterranean?
A club singer has been singing outside of our hotel room for 2 hours. It's 11:30 PM.
I was recently "treated" to Achey Breaky Heart.
In Spanish. ?
My homage to Catalonia may be to throw myself into the Mediterranean.
Oh good grief, Sherlock. She just started on I Will Survive.
I may not.
George Orwell's highly engaging account of his experience in the Spanish civil war. He was involved in fighting and later had to go into hiding in (& escape from) Barcelona as his group were suspected of being fascist spies. His wonderfully dry, understated style - eg in this opening sentence - make it a pleasure to read. Clear-sighted, honest and clear prose treating the reader as a curious & intelligent friend. + Interesting analysis of the war.
Exquisitely written, terribly prophetic. George Orwell on England, written in 1938.
'The whole experience of being hit by a bullet is very interesting and I think it is worth describing in detail.'
I love how understated he is! So English.
Research continues with a classic ... Boy do I need this coffee. ☕️😉
#MyOwnWorstEnemy #90sInJuly
As a socialist this book is heartbreaking and infuriating. Even when they were fighting actual fucking fascism the left couldn't stop fighting each other and concentrate on the real enemy.
@Robothugs @Cinfhen
Today's book haul!
#photoadaynov16 #ThrewItAcrossTheRoom
Not because I didn't like the book, you understand - it's an excellent book - but in frustration at the infighting and sectarianism between anarchists and socialists. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE CAN'T YOU STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER FOR TWO FUCKING MINUTES AND CONCENTRATE ON FIGHTING ACTUAL FASCISM?"
Working on a review of a new Orwell biography called, 'Orwell's Nose'.
Quirky and Irreverent are the first words that come to mind.
"A Spaniard's generosity, in the ordinary sense of the word, is at times almost embarrassing...there is a generosity in a deeper sense, a real largeness of spirit, which I have met with again and again in the most unpromising circumstances."
I started reading this in Spain last month, because that felt appropriate, and now I'm starting to understand why Stephen Metcalf referred to this as the greatest nonfiction book of the 20th century.