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How to Raise a Reader
How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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A parent's guide to raising a lifelong reader, packed with practical ideas for engaging children of all ages in books, plus wonderful lists of books, arranged by age and subject matter, will keep the shelves stocked and young readers' interests high from birth through teens.
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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1. My mom. She was always reading as I grew up, encouraged me to find my own taste in books.
2. Just one? Neil Gaiman, Simon R. Green, John Scalzi, Sam Kean, Elizabeth Kolbert, Stephen L. Brusatte
3. Not currently.
Thanks for the tag @Monica5
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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This is a gorgeous book! It would be a lovely shower gift. The Authors give common sense instructions on how to foster a love of reading. Definitely a worthwhile book.

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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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What a great book! Easy to read & set out in a way that it will be easy to relocate pieces of info!

I picked this up as research for a job interview as a children‘s officer in a library. While I found the early years information more of a reminder than new knowledge, the sections on readers 4-8, 8-12, & 13+ were helpful & insightful!

I will definitely purchase a copy for future reference as it has TONS of book recommendations! 😍

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Slowly been working my way through this. My kid‘s only three but it will kill me if I don‘t read this book all the way through. Then I can use it as a reference book! It‘s got some good ideas in it and I‘m happy to say I‘ve already been doing most of them.

AkashaVampie My little one is 3 also. I should check this out. 4y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo

Litsy has started cropping my images in a manner I find hella frustrating, so I'm just going to stick with words for the time being. 😶

May #doublespin COMPLETE!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Yes I may have skimmed most of the book lists, but that is not meant to reflect poorly on the authors' selections. I'm still learning how to balance reading for work with reading for myself, and both of my corresponding TBRs are already stacked to the point of overwhelm. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

TReads I marked a number of passages that I felt would be helpful at work, but given that we already have a copy in our collection, I will probably forego purchasing one for myself. Left me feeling: Mostly reassured, but also a tad annoyed and a little overwhelmed. #bookspinbonanza (edited) 4y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Most readathons conflict with my work schedule, so I decided that this weekend I would hold my own #12in24. I didn't quite make it to 12 hours, but I did finish my May #bookspin ("Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways") and made it almost half way though my #doublespin! 293 pages, plus 2 read alouds = one happy reader! ☺️?☺️?#bookspinbonanza

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Made it to 11.5 hours before I finally fell asleep last night. Not sure if I‘ll make it all the way to 24 hrs, but I might make 17 which would be my own personal #readingwhileparenting record #24in48forever #unofficial24in48

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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• Hopefully, this is how you raise a Reader...reading "Frosty the Snowman" the other day •

#happyholidays #winter #winterbooks #WinterGames #TeamFestivus #raisingareader #childrensbooks #challenges #impulseread #holidayread #TBRRead

BookwormM Cutie pie 🥰 5y
BookNAround Awwwwww! Too cute. 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Overall this is a good look at introducing and continuing reading from birth to teenage years. Good tips, some food recommendations - but I cussed out loud when I found this. Um, Stellaluna, that classic children‘s book character, is not male, and you‘d expect these authors, with all their experience in the genre, to know that. Again, it makes me question the details of the other book synopses.

Reviewsbylola Oops! I‘m glad you liked this one! I still have only read the chapter that relates to the current ages of my kids, as well as the recommended reading. 😆 I think it will be a good resource to have! 5y
ravenlee @Reviewsbylola I just spent most of the morning writing down the recommended books before taking this back to the library. I kept running out of lines on my paper, there were so many! 5y
Clare-Dragonfly 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Will definitely be adding this one to my library for my future children. There are a TON of recommendations in here. This is a really well thought out book.

Slajaunie I don‘t know if there is a formula for it. I have 1 reader and two non-readers. 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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• Sweet smiles from Logan. Not exactly book-related, but he makes my heart melt ♥️ •

Reggie Lol, what a cutie! 5y
bibliobliss @Reggie Thank you!! I think so 😉 5y
audraelizabeth Omg so cute 5y
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bibliobliss @audraelizabeth Thank you 😊 5y
audraelizabeth Your welcome 5y
Chrissyreadit Adorable! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Love the little wave, such a cutie. 5y
bibliobliss @Chrissyreadit Thank you ❤️ 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Comfort food lunch on this beautiful cold SC day. 💗📚

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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I got to hear the authors speak last night and was so impressed. A lot of what they said made so much sense and the book is gorgeous! It includes a lot of recommended reading too. As soon as I got home, I started buying and reserving books as I perused the lists. 😅

Lynnsoprano I‘ve been perplexed about gifts for our daughter in law for Christmas. Thanks for a great idea! 5y
Reviewsbylola It‘s got beautiful graphics and illustrations as well as being very helpful! @Lynnsoprano 5y
ravenlee Ha! I just started this book last night, and was about to tag you in a post about it! 5y
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Reviewsbylola Lolol, I know, I kept telling myself today I need to read that chapter again. 🤦🏼‍♀️ @ravenlee She found a book today she really liked and then had me whisper the words to her so she could “read” it aloud. 🥰 5y
ravenlee I ❤️ your kid! Have you tried Elephant and Piggie or the Pigeon books? 5y
Reviewsbylola My older daughter loves those so we read them frequently but she‘s not drawn to them. @ravenlee 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Started this tonight and will probably start The Chain tomorrow. I like to read a nonfiction and fiction at the same time.

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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Inspired purchases while I recover from running a very successful book fair. #bookmail

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Today‘s reading! I‘m fighting a headcold and relaxing for the afternoon.

Tamra I hope it works! We‘ve all had one already - seems too soon. (edited) 5y
CoffeeK8 @Tamra I feel like it happens every year at the beginning of school 5y
Tamra @CoffeeK8 for us too. 2nd week! 😅 5y
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CoffeeK8 @Tamra fingers crossed for you 5y
kspenmoll Feel better!!! 5y
CoffeeK8 @kspenmoll thanks! All the tea drinking has helped for sure! 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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I really enjoyed this book and will be using these methods with my future kids. They also have some super awesome book recommendations for all ages in here. My TBR got so much longer. #arc #netgalley

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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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For some reason unknown to all, I came back. And I brought the fiancé. He‘s in for a surprise. It‘s his first cycle class ever. ???

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Taking a break from the emotional distress of A House on Stilts to focus on the tagged book. AHOS is reminding me a lot of another parent of an addict book I read this year - Beautiful Boy. These books make me think I may never want my own kids after all. #netgalley #reviewathon #arc

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Went to the launch of Hullabaloo Book Co this week, in partnership with How to Raise a Reader, and they gave me a gorgeous tote bag, some wine, yummy chocolate, and a gift card to their website so I can buy a gift! It was so much fun, and I'm hoping their business does well. They hand-select picture books based on amazing attributes like "strong spirits" or "big feels" & they come ready for gifting in a sturdy tote or kids' backpack.

How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Since we decided not to take a foster for a couple of days, Ivy gets to go on outings with us again. Off to the brewery with my favorite puppy.

GloVerdino I love taking my dog to our local winery, she just loves it! 5y
TheShaggyShepherd @GloVerdino this one has a fenced in area for dogs so it‘s awesome! 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Our adorable foster Max got adopted today! It has me in tears because I‘m so in love with him but he‘s going to a great family that‘s also adopting another rescue dog. I‘ll sure miss him like crazy though. #fosteradopt

ljuliel That would be hard to adopt a pet then have to give it away. Once I saw a tv show about prison inmates who were given puppies to train as Guide dogs for handicapped folks. It showed how they trained them, then the day they had to give them away . Here are these hardened criminals sobbing because they got so attached to the pups. 5y
TheShaggyShepherd @ljuliel We never officially adopt them, we foster, but it‘s the same idea. If I was ok with 2 large dogs plus our fosters, I totally would‘ve kept him. But I‘m just not ready for that yet. So off he goes. They seem like great people though. 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Happy #Recommendsday! I'm so excited for How to Raise a Reader to publish this fall. It has everything a book lover would want to know to make sure your kids will appreciate reading as much as you. I personally connect with Myth 2 because my parents tried so hard with Hooked on Phonics & I hated it & didn't start reading until 2nd grade. By middle school I was obsessed with books!
So many great recommendations in here and tips for infants-teens.

Shaneyney The picture is to small to read on my phone, do you have a link or something you could share? 5y
MelissaSue81 Oh! I need this book. My kids are pretty eager readers, but there is always room for improvement. 5y
emtobiasz Interesting! I‘m 100% in agreement with most of these, but I‘d love to read the full explanation of #1. 5y
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Kaylamburson Myth 1: Reading aloud to children is the most important factor in making sure they grow up to be a real reader. 5y
Kaylamburson Fact 1: Studies show that what correlates most with literacy is having lots of books in the house. Fill your shelves with temptation. 5y
Kaylamburson Myth 2: Learning to read later than other children means my child will never be a good reader. Fact 2: Every child needs the freedom to learn at their own pace, and when you learn to read does not affect how well or how much you will eventually read. 5y
Kaylamburson Myth 3: A child should always be reading something new in order to grow as a reader. Fact 3: Repetition is actually a good thing and rereading a favorite book has proven cognitive and emotional benefits for children of all ages. 5y
Kaylamburson Myth 4: If my child reads only graphic novels or books with lots of pictures, this will hinder their reading skill. Fact 4: strongly visual books are important and enjoyable at all stages of development. Graphic novels are real books, too! 5y
Kaylamburson Myth 5: As parents, it's our job to teach children how to read. Fact 5: Leave that job to your children's teachers--your job is to teach your child to LOVE reading! 5y
Kaylamburson Hi @Shaneyney !! I don't have a link, but I just typed up the facts and myths in my comments above! 5y
Kaylamburson @MelissaSue81 you're right, there's always room for improvement! The book is so accessible. Cute illustrations, too! 5y
Kaylamburson Definitely! If I'm remembering correctly the gist was it's about how kids follow example, and it's one thing to read their books, but reading on your own and having a huge library shows that you enjoy it just as much. It opens them to explore the possibilities; there's more out there than just the picture books you read to them. @emtobiasz 5y
Shaneyney @Kaylamburson thanks! I agree with all of them to a point, but nothing can promise that your kids will grow up living books. I did all of these things and non of my adult kids like to read 5y
Kaylamburson Of course nothing is a guarantee. There's some kids that love to read and their parents did nothing to encourage it. Just a helpful guide! @Shaneyney 5y
emtobiasz @Kaylamburson Thanks; that‘s great! It‘s so important to let kids see you reading as well as reading to them— the wording of the “fact” side just focuses on the books-as-objects idea and leaves out a lot of the socioeconomic aspects of how many books you can have around. As a children‘s librarian I‘m always looking for these early literacy tips, so forgive my nitpicking. 5y
Kaylamburson Haha totally get that! I think it's also more their marketing poster. I don't believe they use "myth" or "fact" in the book. But I also think if you can't have books around, making those special trips to the library and letting kids see you get just as excited about what's there!! There are a lot of great tips in the full book. It's expanded from the NYTimes article of the same name. @emtobiasz 5y
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How to Raise a Reader | Pamela Paul, Maria Russo
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Perfect book for young parents .Our two year old grandson loves books loves to be read to or look at pictures,one of the best presents other then trucks or trains is books. 😍

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