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Radio Silence
Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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This book was quite delightful. I enjoyed the characters very much. It's a great book for teens. It also is a goldmine for bingo spots. #iSpyBingo March/May/July/August/September #ReadAway24 @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 3w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3w
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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#ForTheLoveOfBooks @TheSpineView This Labor Day weekend, I'll be working on these 3 books. I really need a #Readathon 💕

TheSpineView Looks good! Glad to have you join in! 1mo
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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This book was so hard to put down. A truly beautiful story about family, friendship, and relationships. 📻

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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As always, starts out like it could be light hearted and fun but ends up with heavy topics. Teens dealing with their future and what they want, mental health, parental abuse and demisexual rep. This is Aled‘s story, the quiet friend from heartstopper. Very brutal portrayal of true friendship. I‘m
“I‘m sure you think Aled and I will fall in love because he‘s a boy and I‘m a girl but we won‘t. That‘s not what this story is about”

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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I have a standard 50pages in for my bailing on a physical book. I haven't figured out how long to give a audio yet. But 48 minutes in and I just find the main character and the writing style annoying. I loved Heartstopper and devoured the series (book and TV) but this is my second non graphic novel by Oseman and I have bailed on both, I don't think she is for me, and her GN was a fluke love.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Eggs 💙💗🧡 2y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Better than #Solitaire, not as good as #Loveless and miles away from #Heartstopper. It‘s good to know that #AliceOseman improves with every work.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️,5/5

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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I love the way this starts out like a romcom with Frances meeting the maker of the podcast she‘s obsessed with quite by accident. It then becomes a book about friendship, mental health, child abuse, and toxic fandom culture. It was a fun ride. I especially enjoyed having demisexual rep. The fandom references seemed a little dated for teens the year this came out, but that might have been on purpose (or they were popular then in the UK). #LGBTQ

Kenyazero I would have liked a little more discussion of suicide since it seemed like everyone was afraid to put a label on their specific concerns about a certain character later in the book. Great opportunity for mental health conversations. 2y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Parts of this book just FEEL like they were written by someone young, but I'm obsessed with Alice Oseman for writing a book that explicitly says college isn't for everyone and that includes a supportive mom in Mrs. Janvier. So necessary! And I was so engrossed! #yalit

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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This book made my heart ache in the best way possible. Frances gets good grades, is head girl, and plans to go to Cambridge. She also draws fanart for her favorite podcast Universe City. But no one knows about this secret, quirky side of her. Until she befriends Aled, the quiet shy boy who lives across the street. Who suddenly, accidentally, drunkenly confesses to being the Creator of the podcast, which also needs to remain a secret. ⤵️

peanutnine They become friends and Frances can be her true self around him. But everything can't stay a secret forever.
Oseman did a lovely job with this coming of age story. It touches on friendships, identity, and not living up to society's expectations.
TW: toxic parent
#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView
TheSpineView This one sounds good!💜📖📚 3y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Finally getting into the rest of the Osemanverse
I ❤️ Aled

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Shhhh 🤫📚 3y
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 🤭 3y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Oh my god, this book is such a surprise I had no expectations while I started but as I started reading I was immersed I can't stop reading because it was such a fun ride.

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Picked this up to try at the library, as I‘d heard great things and am very interested in the author‘s latest novel Loveless—and I loved this. The characters felt so real, and I cared so much about them by the end!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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This was one of those books where you wanted to jump up and celebrate when the it was finally over. I felt like there was no plot and hardly anything happen. This book was specified as a mystery on Goodreads, so I was excited for it. But, the mystery aspect doesn‘t come in until you‘re 80% done with reading it. And, I figured out the mystery before they started questioning it. ⬇️

Zoe-h ⬆️Plus, the author totally explained a sexuality wrong. Also, don‘t read if you don‘t like having a dog murdered. I would NOT have read this book if I knew that happened. Normally, I do a quick summary of the plot in this, but there is no plot to summarize! 1⭐️ (edited) 3y
dylanisreading Yikes. Thanks for the heads up about the dog! 3y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

I recently read this book online. It was just awesome. It has great mystery, which kept me going. I really liked the bond between the two friends. The book is mostly based on the friendship of Frances Javier and Aled Last. It also portraits the relation between Frances and her mom which I loved very much. This book helped me to slow down and get back to the things going on my life and relationships.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

I loved this book! It was the perfect way to unwind in the evenings this week. Alice Oseman writes authentically of relationships and representation.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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This is the first time I'm reading one of Alice Oseman's books and I can definitely understand the love for her writing now! 👍 I'm also saying goodbye to Mr. Rudolph as I will be putting away the Christmas decorations tomorrow... 🦌

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Some popular choices on here coming in quite low 👀 #TheOutsider at no.58 #RadioSilence at no.55 #AristotleandDante at no.51 and a lot of the paranormal/magical books seem to either be down this end of my list or right at the other! 📖 4 ⭐️⭐️‘s and 6 ⭐️⭐️⭐️‘s.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Spent my “morning” finishing this (it‘s already half past one, whoops). I really enjoyed the mystery element of the book! The characters were all very vivid and I liked the fact that it focused more on platonic relationships instead of romantic ones. A very nice read!

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Bailing as it contains animal abuse/death of a pet according to reviews on GR. I‘m not reading that.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Book #8: Finally made use of audiobook lending from the library to listen to on my long quarantine walks! It was cool to read a YA book by an author my age, making this book about teenagers in the early 2010s feel extra nostalgic.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

Can definitely see why this is such a fave of the bookish Internet! I really appreciated everything this took on, how well done the serious topics were, also how they were balanced w/humor. Friendships felt very real, prob helps that Oseman was so young when she wrote it. Characters were allowed to fuck up w/o BEING fuck-ups, & I sympathized w/all of them. Couple small criticisms, one regarding Carys‘ storyline, but overall really loved it. 4/5 ⭐️

alisonrose Also now even more eager for Loveless—more ace rep, yay!!!! 5y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

“I think everyone‘s a bit bored with boy-girl romances, anyway,” he said. “I think the world‘s had enough of those, to be honest.”


Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Okay I already liked Frances and then I see Kristen Stewart and more to the point NATALIE FUCKIN DORMER on this list and hell yeah. I may be gray-ro/ace but that doesn‘t stop me from having a massive crush on her because Natalie Dormer transcends everything #wifemeup #platonicallyspeaking

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Fiiiiiiiinally getting to this one!! I‘ve read 50 pages and am already hooked. That bodes well 😊 #nowreading

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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And my Top Ten Reads of 2019!

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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I didn't love this one and I really don't understand the hype. I think I am the only one.🤷🏻‍♀️


Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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When I was out shopping today, I went to checkout and saw that the young woman at the counter was reading a book. I asked what she was reading, and took a photo to remember it! Sorry, it‘s a poor photo. Checked Goodreads, and very high ratings. Does anyone else ask strangers what they are reading?

bibliobliss I don't usually ask, for fear of interrupting, but I always try to sneak a peek!! 5y
DivineDiana @Readage I also like to peek! 😉 5y
Reggie At my casino, where I work, all the time. They‘re usually the spouse of someone they‘re waiting to finish gambling. None of them have ever minded. And it‘s so nice because you can tell we recognize the enthusiasm for books in another reader. 5y
DivineDiana @Reggie Kindred Spirit! ❤️ 5y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Its nice to pick up a book and find the meaning so deep. I loved the friendship, mother daughter relationship, trying to find yourself. I loved that it had topics on depression, mental abuse, LGBT representation. I enjoyed this read.

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

Ever felt like your lost and wondering even though you had planned out a whole life and executed the perfect things to make that life happen but, now maybe you don't want that life? It's not so easy to adjust especially if your parents push you to do what was the original plan. This book is about the turmoil of adjusting and when maybe your parents can't or won't adjust to whom you really are. It's about unlikely, but perfectly timed friendships.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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I don't read a lot of contemporary novels anymore, but I have heard good things about this author and decided to check her out. And, it was just the right YA for me. The characters were mature without going out of the realm of believable. They had their stuff to figure out, but it wasn't like a dramatic coming of age book. It was just them figuring life out. Plus, I loved the idea of the podcast. I listed to the audio for this. Recommended!

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Crying a bit about how absolutely perfect this book was, to be quite honest. A character driven novel about a life changing platonic relationship? Literally the pinnacle of achievement. Just so amazingly good.

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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My winter wrap up for #booked2019:

1-Little Comfort
2-Strands of Bronze and Gold
3-The Truth About Forever
4-Radio Silence
5-Reluctantly Charmed
6-City of Ghosts

Cinfhen Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Another good reading month--made some progress with my Goodreads TBR! (Only 2000-some more to get through… 😅

Favorites this month: Radio Silence and The Cruel Prince.

4 Goodreads TBR

3 ebooks

3 library books

2 booked2019

1 physical TBR (owned)

One Dark Throne- 4 ⭐

Strands of Bronze and Gold- 3 ⭐

Radio Silence-5 ⭐

The Cruel Prince- 4 ⭐

#monthlywrapup #februarywrapup #2019reading

Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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I really enjoyed this book! Very easy to get into, refreshing, and emotionally hard-hitting. Can't wait to read more by the author.

What I loved:

* The diversity of the characters and how real they were

* Themes about academic pressure, depression, and mental illness that felt genuine and not preachy/cliched

* Frances' relationship with her mom

* The relationships between all the characters

#booked2019  #relatedtoapodcast

Cinfhen Great review! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review and yay! another completed prompt! 6y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

beautiful stories of queer young adults

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

Until the Litsy app works on my home WiFi I won‘t be posting. The frustration of having a “working” app suddenly stop working just as you try to post a well thought out post or when you try to tag people is too much.

Since it works on the WiFi at work I‘ll keep checking in to see what you Littens are all up to.

Hoping the bugs are worked out soon because I‘m really missing interacting with you all💔

wanderinglynn Hate to hear you‘re having problems with the app. Mine goes a bit slow at times, but luckily nothing too wonky. 😢 6y
Dianeham Are they working on it? 😢 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @wanderinglynn Thx ... I was all set to sacrifice data on cell usage til all the kinks are out, but when it took over an hour get two posts on I was ready to rip my hair out! Lol I know these things take time so I‘m gonna do my best to patiently wait it out 6y
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TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham I believe so, I hope so🤞🙏 6y
Dianeham @C.Perone Tim posted this on librarything. Have you tried this? You might want to go to librarything or fb and give your feedback. Can you try to hit these websites, and tell me if it works?

* http://litsy.com
* http://prod1.litsy.com

Use the same device you're using for Litsy.

TheBookgeekFrau Thanks @Dianeham but tried that and no go 😢 I posted on the GR group and keeping checking there for any other fixes. 6y
Dianeham I checked fb and LT. Will let you know if I hear anything. 6y
CarolynM Hope you can sort it out soon 6y
TheBookgeekFrau Awww, thank you @Dianeham I really appreciate it 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @CarolynM I do too🤞 6y
Dianeham @C.Perone just posted instructions from Tim and tagged you. 😎 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Thanks! Going to them now 6y
tammysue I‘m so sorry to hear that. It‘s nerve racking.😢 I‘ve had trouble on and off all day with my app opening. I‘ve been completely shutting down my iPhone, restarting and then the apps works again.. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @whatshesreadingnow Thank you😌 I‘ve been over on the GR and seeing that these are common issues so hopefully we will soon be back to complaining only about what book to read next! 6y
ablachly @C.Perone if you can‘t reach those 2 links above (in the copied post from Tim) then it‘s definitely a DNS issue. If you‘re on iOS, try turning your phone to airplane mode for 30 seconds and then back on. For Android, remove the battery and wait at least 30 seconds before putting it back in. Basically we need to force your phone to find the new servers. 6y
ablachly And you can email us at litsy@librarything.com too. We‘re trying to find everyone who needs help. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @ablachly Thanks for reaching out! I‘m at work right now and can‘t do anything but as soon as I get home I‘ll try what you suggest plus send an e-mail so you guys have official feedback 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @ablachly FYI before I email .... links work fine with cell service; nothing with WiFi; did airplane mode twice for 1 min (used timer) and still nothing with WiFi 6y
ablachly @C.Perone sounds like DNS issues to me. Tim has written up some troubleshooting tips on Facebook here—it‘s a public post you don‘t have to have Facebook at all to read it. And also still feel free to send an email if that‘s easier. http://www.facebook.com/groups/OnwardLitsy/permalink/189794195137328/ 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Ablachly Tried everything suggested in the post and then some - still stuck with 4G only. Emailed litsy and Tim earlier. Tim replied it‘s DNS and I basically have to wait it out 6y
ablachly @C.Perone ugh, I‘m sorry. I wish there was some magic wand I could wave to just FIX it for you, right now. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @ablachly yeah, me too😕 6y
Dianeham @C.Perone any improvement today? 6y
TheBookgeekFrau Oh hey there miss @Dianeham 😊 .... This morning there was an update that what thought to be a problem on the users end is actually a problem on the server end and work commenced. Still can‘t get on with WiFi, but 4G has been working reliably (aside from draining my battery) enough for me to post up a storm 👏 👏🎉 (edited) 6y
Dianeham Progress anyway. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Yes, and I‘m grateful for it😊 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Update: I‘m on WiFi! Wooooo💃👏🎉😊 6y
Dianeham @C.Perone just heard it was finally fixed. Happy for you. Now librarything is down. 😕 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Oh No! On the bright side though, it means there is active work going on to get them both working 6y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Yay, March is over. I‘m not sure how I managed these stats, (though possibly 1.8 speed audio definitely helped) pretty happy with them though.

britt_brooke 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Mdargusch Wow! 👍🏼 7y
CouronneDhiver 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
Andrew65 Well done! 🙌 7y
Eggs 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎈🎊🤗 6y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman


Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Although I initially picked up this book because of the fictional podcast that plays an important role in the plot, I kept reading to watch a platonic relationship have an importance and emotional arc that I've only ever seen in romances.

kgriffith Intriguing, you‘ve sold me on at least finding out more about it! 7y
TricksyTails Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉📚🎉 #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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So many long YA books this year outside of spec fic. Going in to another.

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman

Oh so painfully good. Similar themes to Eliza and her Monsters, in that it involves creating and fandom. But I can‘t even explain it, this is so beautiful. So many dimensions of friendship and school and sexuality and life. Read it. A great #queerbook that deals with more than just gay.

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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Hey Littens!! The blog has returned after a month long hiatus! Check out what I've been up to at


JazzFeathers Congratulation on your new job 🙌🎊 l've been working in a bookshop for 15 years. I know what you mean 😁 7y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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Based on the cover, I thought this book was going to be very different than what it was. Regardless, it was an excellent coming of age book about friendship and controlling your own life. I thought the bad mom was a little one dimensional, but I really loved Frances and Raine. Raine is the friend everyone needs. And a YA book where a cheesy love story was not the center of all things made it even better. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jinjer Did u think it was going to be dystopian? Two teens trying to locate other human life? I did. 😆 loved it anyway! 6y
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Radio Silence | Alice Oseman
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My evening read. Cool fall night at last! #nightreads #ya #library #autumnreads