Next up - a bit of Scandi perspective on life!
Next up - a bit of Scandi perspective on life!
Sometimes it‘s like that.
An interesting book on the Finnish way of life and their approach to happiness in life. A very large portion of it discussed the birth of children.
Informational book with a lot of stats on Nordic countries and the US in areas like cost of healthcare, college, day care, insurance, elder care, etc.
Book 213
If you are interested in education, health care, and leave and the problems with those in the U.S., this is a good one from the Nordic perspective. Partanen emigrated from Finland around the time that country was declared the best in the world. She compares Nordic education and health care systems, along with maternity leave, and more with America‘s current system. I loved the analysis and the perspective she offers in this.
This is so interesting! I got one of my friends who lives in Norway to start reading it yesterday, and we have already had several great conversations on Voxer about Nordic/American differences! #howjessreadsin2019
I was born on the wrong continent.
I thought this was a well-organized book with a fair assessment of American vs Nordic life. The Nordic countries are democratic capitalists just like America. Don't ignorantly paint them as socialists, especially when you take into account their histories over the past 100 years.
The ugly truth: we Americans are not that free when we're beholden to our jobs to provide all of our care in life.
1. A handmade yarn bowl from Latvia gifted to me for xmas from my bestie 💛
2. None really, I'm an as-I-will type of person
3. Best: perfected GF bread making (it's silly easy, never spending money for cardboard garbage again!) Worst: discovered home insurance doesn't cover poor craftsmanship; $20k repair bills
4. Nope!
5. I'm still working on 3 from 2018 (dense/difficult material) but The Green Mile just arrived so...
I just finished this ebook and our physical copy came in the bins! I thought its argument was strong and it made me want to finally move to Sweden, tack så mycket.
Another one down for #LitsyAtoZ!
The owl is in the left is Duolingo reminding me I need to keep up on my Swedish. I KNOW DUO I KNOW
#nonfiction #nordic #LitsyAtoZ #N
Trying this instead...
#nonfiction #N #LitsyAtoZ
Library haul from today. I‘m so grateful to have a library where I can get almost anything I want but I check out way more than I can actually get read. I want to start all of these right now.
Interesting view of how another country treats its citizens.
Being a grad student in a policy program this made me want to continue working harder towards all of my goals. Seeing the opportunities ahead shows me how much more America can do and should do to support it‘s citizens! Definitely suggest reading if you‘re interested in possible futures of democracy.
#wecandoit #iamamerican #goals #gradlife #educatingmyself #nonfiction #mpls #twincities
How can anyone get any reading done with so much cuteness taking up all the space?
#canteven #readingvacation #relaxing #dogs #summerbreak #champaign #IL
The books I‘m bringing this weekend for my mini reading vacation now that finals are over 😍
#ideserveit #vaca #books #reading #traveling #mpls #twincities
1) finishing finals today and then going on a mini reading vacation at my best friend‘s place!
2) obviously donuts 🍩
3) really hoping to finish the tagged book today
4) I walked out of my one exam with the feeling that I did decent on it 👍
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro #finalsweek #gradlife #UMN #mpls #twincities
Fair education can solve poverty while poverty is not a reason for poor education!
#educate #kidsareourfuture #readmore #believe #mpls #twincities
When an outsider from Finland gets way too real about American society 😲
#nonfiction #reading #eyeopening #mpls #twincities
Time for some good old nonfiction reading #nonfiction #books #fun #mpls #twincities
Book mail! Very excited to get my package from the bookoutlet boxing day sale!! I've basically been dying to read all of these! 😁😁😁
I thought y‘all might like this. I‘ve never been able to do this, but these tips seem really helpful. I‘m going to try them over my Christmas break!📚❤️
More Christmas presents to me—-from me!! Book mail is the BEST mail! 🎄📚😍
I just gotta go I suppose. My shelf is telling me things
NOT A SALE, but Audible has curated highlights from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland.
Listening to this on audio and very interesting when she is comparing Nordic and American societies. Some things are similar here in Canada but still some big differences.
Simultaneously amazed and angry. Life could be so much better, I'm excited to think about the changes this would make to all our lives in America.
This book mostly made sad that I live where I do. It's full of eye opening facts. I'm sure the U.S. could learn a lot from these ideas.
It was all part of a way of doing things in the United States that, as I would gradually realize, forced you to be constantly on guard, constantly worried that whatever amount of money you had or earned would never be enough, and constantly anxious about navigating the complex and mysterious fine print thrown at you from every direction by corporations that had somehow managed to evade even the bare minimum of sensible protections for consumers.
I feel this is majority of the #LitsyCommunity #AmongFriends ???? When it does become one, "May the odds be ever in your favor" fellow #Litsians ????
I'm a bit late due to travel, but here is my September wrap-up. Fewer total than previous months, but a respectable total page number. Heavy on the non-fiction this month. Nordic Theory was definitely my favorite of the month.
The only thing more depressing than reading "The Nordic Theory of Everything" while pregnant was reading Elizabeth Warren's "A Fighting Chance" while recovering from postpartum depression with a teething, nap-averse, reflux-affected infant. It's very well written, but it's saddening, so I hope there's a silver lining somewhere.
#booksinbed #booksinhotelrooms
Kicking my bedtime reading off with more Scandinavian awesomeness.
Just a #bookandbump at the midwife's office.
Belated birthday presents to myself 😍📚🎉#TreatYoself
This book is so, so good. The author is a Finn who moved to the US in 2008. She presents a balanced, even-handed, unemotional comparison of the US and the Nordic nations, Finland in particular. Without diminishing the positives of the US, she shows quite clearly how we can learn from the Nordic nations and benefit by a shift to similar policies. I wish everyone in DC politics would read this with an open mind.
The author moved from Finland to the US (for love ❤️) and is presenting a balanced comparison of the two countries. This line will shock the socks off most Americans: "It turned out that I would owe more taxes in New York than in Finland, while getting significantly less in return." ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Hmmmm, does this make anyone else want to buy a good winter coat and move to one of the Nordic nations?
The bad: I have somehow managed to develop tendonitis in my shoulder and can't work. Plus the pain is making me grumpy. 😣 The good: I get to stay home and read! 😄 Enjoying this one so far.
I just read a blurb about this book in the Shelf Awareness email and it sounds very intriguing. It's definitely high up on my TBR list now.