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Should I Share My Ice Cream?
Should I Share My Ice Cream? | Mo Willems
28 posts | 20 read | 3 to read
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not.Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can.Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In "Should I Share My Ice Cream? "Gerald has a big decision to make. But will he make it in time? Using vocabulary that is perfect for beginning readers (and vetted by an early-learning specialist), Mo Willems has crafted a funny story about the challenges of doing the right thing. Fans of the Geisel Award-winning duo will eagerly eat it up!
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“Oh, boy!” “ICE-CREAM!”


Elephant and Piggie, Should I Share my Ice Cream by Mo Williams was published in 2011. The comic is written with large text and the illustrations are very natural. This book would be great for beginning readers!

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I read this to kindergarteners and they absolutely love it!


This is a very easy read for beginning readers. This book was published in 2011 and highlights the friendship of elephant and piggie. The comic book is easily accessed and each dialogue is easily noticed. Really really like this book. It also talks about an important topic, sharing!

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I love how this page shows how the ice cream fell without even explaining it in words. This picture is all was needed to show that the ice cream had melted and fell on the ground before elephant could share it with piggy.


“Then my best friend will be happy!”


I love this book. This book is written by Mo Willems. I have read it to my students before. It is a small form of comic. Children are most interested in books that they can laugh at. I read this book out loud to my kindergartners and they found this book so humorous they asked me to read it again.


Piggie is my best friend. Should I share my ice cream with her?

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Great book for young readers. This is a series that students will enjoy and the book focuses on learning about sharing. This book depicts a friendship like no other and it‘s an easy read.



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Was able to spend most of the weekend with Gracie and the Captain. Grace cannot get enough of Gerald and Piggy.

AmyG She‘s gotten so big! 4y
Tanisha_A Love that photo. Surrounded by books 4y
LeahBergen That hair! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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batsy I want to pinch her cheeks! ❤️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 4y
Gissy So cute and sweet! 💖✨ 4y
SamanthaMarie How much fun 😍😍😍 4y
Suet624 @AmyG She seriously looks like a 5 year old and she‘s 2 1/2. It‘s astonishing. 4y
Suet624 @Tanisha_A it‘s the first thing she runs to at my house. Books! 😀 4y
Suet624 @LeahBergen gorgeous redness. It‘s quite something. 4y
Suet624 @batsy she‘s very particular about cheek pinching. She‘d have a few words to say about it. 😂😂 4y
marleed She‘s adorable! 4y
batsy @Suet624 😂 Feisty! Love it ♥️ 4y
Tanisha_A Feisty sounds perfect @batsy ! 😎 4y
RohitSawant How adorable! 4y
Suet624 @rohit-sawant how are you? I haven‘t been on Litsy much in the past month and I‘ve lost track of you!! 4y
RohitSawant @Suet624 I'm well, thanks! You're always so kind to ask. Hope you're doing likewise and keeping safe. I was on a mental health break and tackling some life changes. About two weeks ago, I'd dropped by to share a writing related update and have been trying to stay active on here since 😊 4y
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A fun little read with my little girl in her blanket fort. It was below her ability so we made it all about expression.

#SummerFunBingo - ice cream on cover and blanket fort

@4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

#BBRC -letter S @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch

Bookwormjillk I love that book 4y
jewright My son loved this whole series. 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁❤️👍🏻 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch I loved reading in blanket forts♥️ 4y
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Just has to share: we went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. Hubby thinks it‘s fun to ask the server to guess how many years we‘ve been married. Our server decided we deserved this mammoth ice cream sundae. Yes, I did share it with him😂

Amor4Libros Happy Anniversary! 6y
Jilly6183 Happy anniversary! 🎉 6y
alisiakae Happy Anniversary! 6y
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mrp27 Happy Anniversary! 🍾🎉 6y
Grrlbrarian Happy Anniversary!!! 6y
Karkar Happy Anniversary!!!! 6y
Lmstraubie Happy Anniversary! 🍾🎉🎊 6y
CarolynM Did she guess right? Happy anniversary 🍾🎊🎉 6y
CouronneDhiver How many years? Did the server guess correctly? 6y
rabbitprincess That looks amazing! Congrats on your anniversary! 6y
Redwritinghood Happy anniversary! 6y
JacqMac Happy Anniversary! 🎉🥂🎉 6y
Bookzombie Happy Anniversary!!! 6y
Jerdencon Happy Anniversary! 🥂 6y
Lcsmcat Happy Anniversary ! 🥂 6y
Lynnsoprano @CouronneDhiver @CarolynM She guessed 25, but it‘s actually 47. Thanks for your good wishes. 6y
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I love these books. I so often see myself in them.

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🍦Ice cream
🌊 I live in The Ocean State; beach, of course!
🏕Travel in my dreams - home in reality (with the occasional camping trip).
📖 I prefer print books - especially paperbacks. I listen to a lot of audiobooks while commuting for work. I (almost) never read ebooks.


tammysue Beautiful! 😊 6y
monalyisha @whatshesreadingnow It was one of the most beautiful ice cream cones I‘ve ever had the pleasure of feasting upon! 😉🤤 6y
tammysue 😂😁 6y
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JoScho 😊❤️🍨 6y
Stacy_31 Your ice cream is so pretty. 😍 Also my kids used to love the tagged book- Mo Willems books are awesome. 6y
monalyisha @Stacy_31 I adore Mo. 🐘💖🐖 (edited) 6y
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When your library buys more Elephant and Piggie books, what do you do? Check out ALL of them, of course! My kids love these books, and so do I. They're adorable. 😁🐘🐖❤️ #raisingreaders #libraryhaul (Just part of the haul, anyway 😊)

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘m so sad this series is over 😭 I think I‘ve read them all now too 😧 7y
obviateit @thegirlwiththelibrarybag , I had to google that because I didn't know he'd ended the series! That is sad. Twenty five books is a nice round number, though. The entire collection would make a great gift for someone! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @obviateit, a very good present indeed! Gerald and Piggy introduce a new series of books that are Elephant and Piggy approved (but not actually written by Mo) 7y
tonyahoswalt I used to read these with our former children's librarian at storytimes. I was Gerald, she was Piggie. I love the books! 7y
obviateit @tonyahoswalt That sounds like a lot of fun! I bet the kids loved it. 😊 7y
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Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems is the perfect F RA mentor text to teach children about sharing. This YouTube RA allows for access at home without parents having to buy the book: https://youtu.be/Z9sNsCG2tds #UCFLAE3414F17 The UDL strategy is 5.1 'use multiple media for communication' and the EL strategy is 17 'provide contextual support through audio visuals, models, demonstrations, realia, body language and facial expressions'.

Jaquessial I did his other book. There is a bird on your head. I think it's funny how the elephant looks like Dr. Seuss himself. 7y
AndreaC This is a great lesson to teach kids! I‘ll definitely be checking this one out! 7y
DrSpalding I like that you have an option to provide to parents to encourage reading at home! Very wise! 7y
KatherineBeckham I love the idea of teaching students to share. This would certainly be a good book to bring out if students were struggling to get along. 7y
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Poor Elephant Gerald. Such a tough decision! #gailgibbons is one of my favorite non-fiction picture book authors. #icecreamandcake #gypsykatsbirthdayweek @GypsyKat

GypsyKat Love it! But I saw the title of the first one and I immediately thought "No! I should not share my ice cream!" lol although I always do. ??? 7y
Peddler410 Great choices! 7y
TheBookHippie I'm forever picking up Gail's books at thrift stores! 7y
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My favorite #IceCreamAndCake! Teaberry ice cream and strawberry shortcake. Nom nom! #GypsyKatsBirthdayWeek

GypsyKat Teaberry Ice cream? Where is this from? My mom used to be obsessed with teaberry gum, do they taste the same? 😃😃😃 7y
Robothugs Yes! Only more delicious. I know it's a big PA thing but I think you may be able to get it through certain brands elsewhere - it's just rare. 🤔 @GypsyKat 7y
GypsyKat @Robothugs I had never heard of this before. I'm going to have to look for it for my mom! NY is close to PA 👍 7y
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Robothugs Yes it is!! 😄 I know Weis grocery stores have it - it's their brand. Quite a few soft serve places around me have it as well. I live in Lancaster. @GypsyKat The first time I had it was about 3 hrs north of me at a amusement park called Knoebels (edited) 7y
Robothugs Also, can I have your email address? 😊 @GypsyKat 7y
GypsyKat @Robothugs It's KatrinaKimpland@yahoo.com 7y
GypsyKat @Robothugs And as long as we're chatting, I have a random question for you: your username Robothugs... is that Robot Hugs, or Robo Thugs? I've just always been curious. 😊 7y
Robothugs @GypsyKat It's meant to be either! Whichever you fancy in the moment. 😉 7y
GypsyKat @Robothugs Haha! That's awesome, I love that! Works for any mood! 😄👍 7y
bookwrm526 The answer to that question is almost always no, I should NOT share my ice cream... 7y
Robothugs 😂😂 I agree @bookwrm526 They need to get their own ice cream! 7y
heikemarie What in earth does a teaberry taste like? How far into PA from NJ will I need to venture in order to try this? 7y
Robothugs Hmmm... 🤔 I don't know if Philly has it... but if you travel an extra 45 minutes to Lancaster you can get it! @inwhichHeikereadsharder It's a mild mint flavor. Teaberry comes from wintergreen family. 7y
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Share this? No way. (We're the only ones not expecting a blizzard tomorrow so we're eating all the ice cream)

mcipher Ohhh that sounds goooood...!!!!🍦 7y
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My husband brought this home tonight. My first ever It's-It. Two questions: where has this been all my life?! and where's yours? 😁🍪🍦❤

LauraJ Good husband! 7y
booksandsympathy That sounds amazing 7y
readinginthedark Um, wow. I have never tried this, but it sounds life-changing. 7y
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Reviewsbylola 😛😋🤤 7y
elkeOriginal This was such a childhood treat for me! But I am near SF - is this still a regional thing?! I loved the plain vanilla but I see mint most often now. May need to go buy some today...😛 (edited) 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @LauraJ Indeed! @booksandsympathy It is!! @readinginthedark That's exactly how I would describe it! @Reviewsbylola Yes! 🤤🙌 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @elkeo I live in Las Vegas. I've never seen this before so maybe it's new to the area. Vanilla sounds good but try the mint! It's delicious! 🤤💗 7y
elkeOriginal If I remember correctly, it's the cookies that make these magical ✨✨ 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @elkeo Yes!!! We argued about that last night. It's definitely the cookies! 🤤🍪 7y
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Shortest children's book ever.

Merethebookgal The answer to that question is always "No!" ? 8y
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My daughter often struggles with this same quandary. Gerald works through the pros and cons, just as many children do.

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Gerald and I are twins! We both love ice cream and regularly debate pros and cons for way too long. Plus there's the existential crisis thing, but that's a whole other book.