The heads are rolling faster and faster.
"Friends as enemies, enemies as the other . . . Cities burning. Nations falling. Betrayal . . . Death . . . And a war to end all wars"
This might be the most action-packed book of East of West so far. There are two storylines: Death's search for his son Babylon and the last council of the Chosen. I read it in one night.
If the idea of 150 "secret assassin scientists of the Kabbalist remnant" named after the Psalms sounds cool, then this is 100% the series for you.
Hickman gradually works in bits of each character's backstory. While the Chosen work to bring on the apocalypse, a series of other figures work against them for their own reasons. Hickman combines Native American lore with sci-fi imagery in his Endless Nation. He imagines what North America might look like if the Civil War had split the nation permanently.
The nations are at war, while Death is still trying to find his son, who may or may not be the prophesied Great Beast. Hickman pulls a new trick in this one: one of the characters sees the world through a visor controlled by AI, so we see both the world as it is and the violent, twisted version he's being shown.
Okay I love this because it's has so many elements compiled together and they just work like a cowboy and indians apocalypse sci-fi steampunk thing going on with the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. So yeah 4/5🌟
This will be my E for title #LitsyAtoZ #ReadingChallenge @BookishMarginalia
Great combination of western and sci-fi with an Asian aspect tossed in as well. The characters are an interesting new concept of Death and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The artwork and coloring is fresh and inventive. I'll definitely read more of this series.
Hickman does a great job juggling all the pieces of this story, but it‘s starting to get so big that single issues can‘t move a lot of the story. That might prove an increasing problem with future volumes in this series. This is the first volume that I almost considered rating it as “so-so,” but I still think it gets enough right to be a “pick.”
4/5🥰. Enjoyable. Not quite to the level of Saga , but I need something to tide me over for a while
I‘m nearly done and this was quite a ride!
These characters are really growing on me. There‘s a lot to keep up with during this comic, but it‘s so intriguing and sucks me right in every time I pick a volume up.
This first volume has me intrigued enough to continue on. Death is attempting to stop the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. Quite a role reversal! I‘ve heard great things about this series so I‘m finally getting to it!
1. Fish and chips and fried apple tarts. We served so many orders of these last weekend!
2. Finally sitting down after a long day of work, shopping, and butterfly wrangling.
3. East of West. It is the best comic that I have read since reading Saga. Do yourself a favor and read this series!
4. Ingredients for @cobwebmoth to make oatmeal raisin cookies.
5. Mexican! Asian! Italian! BBQ! Maybe all 4 at once! I'm so hungry now!
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
I started East of West on Hoopla today, and it is awesome! Some great alt history in the prologue leads right in to a bleak futuristic dystopian western masterpiece. In a future where the USA has been divided in to 7 nations, a clandestine society is trying to help bring on the apocalypse. Death, one of the four horsemen, is out for revenge before the end comes. Solid writing, good plot, great artwork, and all 8 volumes available on Hoopla!
I finished this one this morning, and while it took a bit for the story to come together, I ended up loving it. It's the best graphic novel I've read so far. My husband has all seven volumes, so #2 is already sitting on my lap ready to go. I can't wait to really dig into this series.
How did this fly under my radar for so long? It's bananas, in the best possible way.
@Clwojick @TricksyTails
Death telling Crow and Wolf that he needs them. #allthefeels
She leaps out of the tub to take out one of the assassins sent to kill her. #badassery
Even the bloody scenes are beautifully drawn and colored.
I love this series and volume five didn‘t disappoint. I know I have said it before but the art is beautiful. The story is gripping and I need to pick up the other volumes that are available. I‘m also definitely going to have reread this series at some point. #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
I probably won‘t get started until later today due to work but here is my physical #TBR for the #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon and I have a bunch on Hoopla too.
I‘m still going to work on my current reads and participate in #LitsyPartyofOne too.
Amazing! I love the mash-up of the post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, steampunk, and Western genres. It feels like an epic story, almost Biblical. lf you enjoy Saga, you'll probably enjoy this series as well.
Realized I‘ve fallen behind on sharing my reading choices for the 2018 Eclectic Readers Mad Libs Reading Challenge. For a “Place Name,” I‘ve decided to go with the comic book series “East of West.” I plan to read all seven trades for this one. Looking forward to diving back into this bizarre series. #ERMadLibs #EastOfWest #graphicnovels #comicbooks #readingchallenge
Gunslinger Western + Fantasy Fable + Body Horror + Dystopian Sci-Fi = East of West, a hugely ambitious, violent, expansive alternative-America adrenaline rush not for the weak of heart.
I was interested in checking this series out and lucked out at the used bookstore today! 😀
"The dream is over."
What looks like a great series for me. Time travel and the old wild west?! Count me in!
I didn't know what to expect out of this one but WOW!! So good!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
My friend bought this for me on my birthday. I haven't read many graphic novels (okay, 2 🙈), but he swore I'd love it. Guess we're going to find out!
Before tackling Un Lun Dun, I decided to cleanse my palette with a graphic novel. I've seen lots of buzz for East of West (mostly on Litsy), so I decided to try it. The open gave me serious doubts, heavy on exposition and disjointed. Things come come into focus quickly, though. When this story hits its stride, it doesn't slow. I will definitely be buying more of this series, most likely picking up the next volume(s) this weekend. #graphicnovel
"And that is where fear lives, the spaces in between." This panel hit me so hard I had to pause to catch my breath. So very, very relevant.
#riotgrams Day 10: #comics
Has anyone read this comic? I got it randomly last summer. It was my adult summer reading freebie from the library.
I've been sick the last couple of days, and that gave me time to read all six available volumes of this fascinating and gritty series. It's an AU America that is a little bit Wild West, little bit sci-fi, and a whole lot of the apocalypse. Fun times. I thought there were only six volumes, but I was wrong... and now I have to wait for more. Le sigh.
I wasn't sure I was going to like this one. I think I was expecting something more like Saga, which has numerous funny moments, but this one really doesn't (or I'm not seeing it). By the end of this volume, I was hooked and volume two is already on hold. 4⭐️
#photoadaynov16 Day 17 A pyramid of comics/graphic novels I want to read soon plus one of the books I'm reading currently and a cat. #bookpyramid
This was really cool. The four horsemen of the apocalypse. Advanced technology, the Wild West. Good times.
Still enjoying this series. Can't wait until the next volume.
Still a good series but this volume felt mostly like filler. Necessary filler to set up more of the story but still filler.
Did I enjoy the first trade of East Of West? Does Death ride a mechanical horse? Yes. Yes, he does.
The Chosen are gathering. After finishing each volume, I immediately want the next. Volume Five does not disappoint as Death continues to search out those who took his son from him and the Head of Mao.
Alternate American history? Check. Old West combined with futuristic technology? Check. Impending apocalypse? Check. Epic love story? Check.
Pretty light day at the LCS... New East of West is always fun though! #NewComicsDay
Imagine if a Dali made mechanical horses and sold one to death who looked like a cowboy, three other horseman, and the u.s is divided into seven feuding nations. The end is nigh and stuff just got real. This is a very compelling work of fiction and is still awesome multiple volumes down the road