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The Picture of Dorian Gray (Diversion Classics)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Diversion Classics) | Oscar Wilde
Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, the Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms. Oscar Wilde's only novel tells the story of Dorian Gray, a vain man so obsessed with his hedonistic lifestyle he is willing to sell his soul. Ensuring that a portrait of himself will age while he remains youthful, Dorian pursues a life of debauchery, but his actions soon take him past the point of redemption. Controversial and frequently banned, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY is a fascinating exploration of conscience and morality.
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Yay fall!! I love me some summer, but it went on waaaaayyyyyy too long. Four seasons please! Feeling very #hygge this morning .

I‘m also determined to finish this book today. #booksandtea

Aims42 Great view!! 🍂☕️📚 6y
saresmoore Mmm so cozy! 6y
TieDyeDude One of my favorite classics! 6y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Thanks to @MelAnn for posting! 6y
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#bookbowl @Librarianaut If the games real good I'll stick with it but if i get bored I'll be reading & tuining in to commercials. Thank goodness for #serialreader stopped at my in-laws we decide to stay to watch game here w\o a book handy so it will be coming through for me incase i get bored with the game. How funny is this JT superbowl meme? Hubby who's a sports fanatic even found it funny said it was made for sports fans like me 😉


Beauty is only skin deep. Dorian is such an interesting character.

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I think there is some truth to this. I love my parents with all my heart, but especially after their divorce 8 years ago, I have definitely been judging them more. Luckily, I have been able to forgive them, too ❤️

#Children #QuotsyDec17

Foxyfictionista I've been judging my parents hardcore for the past few years, but I've realised that I have to accept them for who they are if I expect them to do the same for me. They are wonderful, loving people who have me an amazing childhood. 💜 7y
Kalalalatja @Foxyfictionista so true! Parents are great, but they are just people, too, and the make mistakes. Which I‘m still learning to deal with at times 🙂 7y
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Alright, here we go!
#1 May Taurus/Gemini Yes I am stubborn and multifaceted 😜. #2 Of course not! #3 Star Wars and almost everything in the Wedonverse!
#4 I go shopping around Halloween for stuff for my house. #5 Goodreads, crystalblu522
#6 Nothing too girly

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From the Moira Library Facebook page.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 😂😂😂 good one!! 7y
Erika13137 Ha! 7y
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brilliantglow Omg yes😂😂😂 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
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Hahaha. Love it :)

From Craftlit: Annotated Audiobooks via FB

Jhullie That's brilliant❣ 7y
Jas16 👏 7y
jmtrivera 🤣 7y
julesG 😁👏 7y
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Love the campy covers to these!

Smangela Is that Ryan Gosling, though??? 😂😂😂 7y
SharonGoforth Those are awesome! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm I have the Oscar Wilde edition. I think that's Ryan Gosling! 😅 7y
melrailey It does look like Ryan Gosling! 7y
tpixie @erzascarletbookgasm @Smangela @melrailey it's gotta be Ryan Gosling!! 7y
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«I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit»

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This month, our book theme is a cautionary tale of vanity, greed, and beauty. See what our founder, Jennifer Niven, has to say about Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray in a letter to all of you Germies at the link here: http://www.germmagazine.com/monthly-letter-from-the-editor/

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This man had so many awesome points to make 😍 I've lost count how many times I quoted him over the years 🤔

Jess_Read_This I agree. He's always so wittily insightful.. 7y
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#marchintoreading #irishauthors some from my tbr, Happy St. Patrick's Day @RealLifeReading

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Got these 2 beautiful Folio Society books with the remaining money on my Barter Books account.

LeahBergen I have The Franchise Affair (and what is Barter Books? 😀) 7y
ScorpioBookDreams It's a local second hand bookstore in a disused railway station. One of the biggest in Europe! You get credit for taking books in and I'd let mine accumulate. 7y
tpixie Fun!! 7y
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clutteredbooks @ScorpioBookDreams I wish we had something like that here! 7y
clutteredbooks I meant Barter Books 😊 7y
ScorpioBookDreams @wanderful.books it's pretty amazing! I'm lucky to live so close. 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Nice!💜 7y
kspenmoll Covers lovely! 7y
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If I could spend an evening out to dinner with any author, alive or dead, I would sit in a lovely dark corner table at some wine cave and talk deeply to Oscar about our exuberance for life. Dorian Gray is a hellish blaze. 5⭐️

AWahle Me too! I want Oscar Wilde and Dorothy Parker at my dinner party. 8y
Alfoster Invite me!!!😍😂😍 8y
MCYmermaid I would also like to attend! 8y
StephBengtson So good! 8y
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⭐⭐ 2.5 stars. This took entirely too long for me to finish. The first few chapters and the last few chapters were great, but the middle just really dragged! I think I'll reward myself by watching Velvet Goldmine this weekend *happy sigh*

Ruri_kaichou I thought the exact same thing 8y
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What is going on? Just lists and lists and lists going on for pages on what Dorian's latest obsession is. While the idea of his mindless obsession is interesting, I'm having a very difficult time not just skipping all of this until we get back on track...that will happen, right? #classics

Ruri_kaichou I had a hard time getting through this book. I think it gets better towards the end but I felt it took too long to get there 8y
Merethebookgal Yeah, as a whole I did not enjoy this book very much. There were definitely some great lines, it is Oscar Wilde after all, but the story itself was kind of meh for me. 8y
Mc_cart_ny @Ruri_kaichou @Merethebookgal The first chapter was great! Then it kinda fell off for me. Its taken me MONTHS to get this far but I only have two BINGO spots left so I'm not letting me read anything else until I finish! 8y
Merethebookgal @Mc_cart_ny You can do it! 8y
Ruri_kaichou I thought the same thing! I loved the beginning and then it petered off. You can do it!! 8y
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"Most people become bankrupt through having invested too heavily in the prose of life. To have ruined oneself over poetry is an honour."

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My #classiccharacter choice for #octphotochallenge is my also my favorite character of all time: Dorian Gray. I love this character always. Pictured is the portrayal by Ben Barnes. Colin Firth played Henry Wotton.

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