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Mulheres que correm com os lobos
Mulheres que correm com os lobos: mitos e histrias do arqutipo da mulher selvagem | Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Atravs da interpretao de 19 lendas e histrias antigas, entre elas as de Barba-Azul, Patinho Feio, Sapatinhos Vermelhos e La Llorona, a autora procura identificar o arqutipo da Mulher Selvagem ou a essncia da alma feminina, sua psique instintiva mais profunda. E prope o resgate dese passado longnquo, como forma de atingir a verdadeira libertao.
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What good is a voice without an ear to receive it?

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Today‘s #SomeoneRunning prompt made me think of this book which I read while taking a women‘s studies course back in the 90s. I keep meaning to reread it. My thoughts about it were probably triggered by recently finishing Once There Were Wolves.🐺🏃🏻‍♀️🐺🩶

Eggs Well done 🏃🏼‍♀️ 🐺 🏃 6mo
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IuliaC This is a great book! 12mo
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Couple of short stories that obliged me to think about life

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#alphabetgame #letterW


Adore this book that champions the female psyche and feminine power.

Also Wuthering Heights had a huge impact on me as a teenager. We need to talk about Kevin is an influential, disturbing novel that explores the nature/nurture debate with devestating consequences.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 🙌🏻📚 2y
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A strange, very enlightening book. It's funny to some some stories super revealing and some others a complete bore. It is interesting to see which stories resonate with you, and why.

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Donne che corrono coi lupi | Clarissa Pinkola Estes
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Leggo tantissime recensioni positive ma proprio non ce la faccio a finirlo 😔 help !

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Can‘t wait to read these books! I‘ve been reading very good reviews about them both and I‘m so excited.

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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

My list for #bookspin - my reading has been dismal lately. Only one or two books a month. Let‘s try to turn things around.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Every month is a fresh start!! 2y
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Happy International Women's Day 💖

#iwd #Internationalwomensday

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Estés is a collector of folklore, stories, myths, and fairy tales. In this volume she unpacks several to gain a better understanding of who we are and who we can be.

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@Chrissyreadit look what just arrived today!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! To see it in person, I understand what you were saying about it being a longer book. It‘s not that thick per say, but the book itself is big!!! I think this is going to take us a while to get through. @TheBookHippie

Chrissyreadit 😘❄️❄️❄️❄️ 3y
TheBookHippie I like the slow burn … 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I do to. It lets you spend more time with good books. 3y
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ravenlee I started this one years ago and found it really interesting, but it‘s dense (I mean, there‘s a lot of it but the writing is dense, too). I really need to finish it. 3y
GingerAntics @ravenlee would you like to join us? Perhaps you can help us with pacing since you‘ve read some of it already. 3y
ravenlee Ooh, that sounds good! You know I‘ll read anything with all y‘all! 3y
GingerAntics @ravenlee 😂🤣😂 3y
kspenmoll I read this so long so i wonder if I remember anything! 3y
GingerAntics @kspenmoll would you like to join us as well?! lol 3y
kspenmoll @GingerAntics I might try- want to see what other buddy reads I have singed on to!!!! 3y
GingerAntics @kspenmoll that makes sense 3y
kspenmoll Yes! Waiting for hold from the library 3y
GingerAntics @kspenmoll it‘s a heavy sucker!!! 3y
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#readmyroom #22booksin22

In 2022, I‘m going to challenge myself to read books I own. @AkashaVampie created the #readmyroom challenge which I‘m combining with my #22booksin22 challenge. The free spaces must be books I own as well, but I wanted to give myself room for mood reading. Please feel free to join along. Tag me in your lists and reading your owned books. If you want to be tagged in my updates, let me know.

AkashaVampie @LitsyEvents check out this other challenge for next yr. 3y
Bookworm54 Sounds good! 3y
Texreader I‘d love to give this a try! 3y
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jb72 @Bookworm54 Maybe it‘ll get some of the books I own actually read! If you make a list, make sure you tag me. 3y
jb72 @Texreader Awesome! I can‘t wait to see your list! 3y
ElizaMarie Great list! (of course, I want to be tagged). I was thinking of doing the same, but... not sure if I have an official list yet. But maybe just try to do 22 books I own. It's a bit rough to plan so well. Anyway... please keep taking me! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I know you‘ve said we could buddy read PS. Would you still like to do that? Maybe around March? 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 sounds great! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie So we should discuss Pet Semetary. I ended up really enjoying the book. And it was one of his better endings. Have you seen both movies? 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 omg it‘s my favorite of the Stephen King Books!!!! And yeah I saw both movies they are great! 2y
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1. My was 52 and so far I‘ve read 60.
2. I‘d like to read the tagged book by the end of the year. (And maybe a few others)

TheSpineView Doing great on goals! Thanks for playing! 3y
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It's been ages since I indulged in a luxurious bath, but tonight's the night. Bath ✔️ Candle ✔️ Wine ✔️ Book ✔️

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Oh my God! This book is filled with symbolism and philosophical adventures.
I read this one slowly.
Took my time with it because each fairytale, folk, and story, sent me into a state of reflection and contemplation.
I truly believe as a woman or a human,
I have elevated from this book.

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I couldn‘t get to sleep last night until 4am, so tonight I‘m having some chamomile honey vanilla tea to try and help tonight. I‘m pairing it with a good book to relax. #tea

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My talented friend Lia did this artwork of The Skelton Women from the book. I love that story. If you go to the link you can also see a funny cartoon as well about The Ugly Duckling. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/women-who-run-with-the-wolves-artwork.

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Found these 3 in a little free library recently!
My friend has been talking about Women Who Run with the Wolves! So excited I have an opportunity to read it also.

Any thoughts on the other 2 books?

gossamerchild I enjoyed the Alice Hoffman. It's been a while, but I do remember liking it. 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser @gossamerchild oh cool! Thanks. I haven't read anything of hers yet. Looking forward to it :) 4y
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I loved this book! It‘s just what I needed at that moment in my life. I was a stay at home mom and my youngest was just about the start school. This book helped ignite my creativity and lead me to start the podcast Book Interrupted. Now I‘m doing what I love, discussing books and connecting with others around the world. Thank you Women Who Run with the Wolves! www.bookinterrupted.com

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An Irredeemable Monster and the Power of Dirt by @Meredith.K In this segment of “down the rabbit hole”. A great article about nature and our human interaction with it. This blog post was inspired by reading Women Who Run with the Wolves on the Podcast Book Interrupted. Check out this article at: https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/an-irredeemable-monster-and-the-power-of-di...

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My brilliant sister wrote this article about her thoughts about fairytales after reading Women Who Tun with the Wolves. Check it out! https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/a-small-spark-can-light-the-way-just-don-t-...

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Thanks for the tag @RaeLovesToRead and @Milara 😃

❤ A book I love - It Didn't Start With You
👍 A book I love to recommend - Women Who Run With the Wolves
👎A book I didn't like - The Art of Frugality
💍 A character you'd like to marry - Sensei from Strange Weather in Tokyo
🤞 A book you pinky promise to read soon - How to Run a Government

IuliaC @Milara Si eu, mi-am propus sa fac inconjurul lumii prin intermediul autorilor, de preferat chiar locali. Cu literatura asiatica depinde foarte mult si de gust, eu am fost inclinata catre beletristica. Autori japonezi am citit din cei care sunt foarte vizibili (Murakami, Kawakami etc), dar si Mo Yan (China), Khaled Hosseini, ceva din India si Iran, recent am descoperit-o pe Bae Suah din Coreea, dar inca n-am ajuns la Asia de Sud-Est 4y
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Book Interrupted is a book club for busy people to connect and one that celebrates life‘s interruptions. Join our podcast and YouTube video channel book club weekly. This book cycle is my pick (there is 6 contributing members) Women Who Run with the Wolves. The Book Interrupted website is www.bookinterrupted.com. Where you can find all the details and future book picks in the line up. #wildwomen #bookinterrupted

Crazeedi Read this years ago during my searching phase... 4y
SarahBookInterrupted I love it, but what I‘ve learned from the book club and other research is that it‘s not for everyone. It invokes strong opinions for sure. 4y
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1. Yes I have a wool blanket that is probably 35 years. It has a unicorn on it.
2. Yes I‘d like to read the tagged book before the end of the year.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊📚🤩 4y
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A bit too much for me. But I did enjoy the mythology and encouragement to women to find their wild side. If the Jungian portions were a bit scaled back it would have really hit home.

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Rather than chairs and tables, I preferred the ground, trees, and caves, for in those places I felt I could lean against the cheek of God.

Crazeedi 💗💗 4y
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The modern woman is a blur of activity. She is pressured to be all things to all people. The old knowing is long overdue.

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“They know instinctively when things must die and when things must live; they know how to walk away, they know how to stay.”

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Unfortunately having to bail on this one. It‘s not that it isn‘t good, it is, it‘s just too technical and I honestly just need an easier read.

ravenlee I‘ve been “reading” this for a year and a half, but haven‘t actually touched it in months...at least. It requires some serious attention span that I rarely have. And certainly not right now. I‘ll finish it someday! 4y
Darklunarose @ravenlee that‘s where I am...one day Amy e, but with three kids, isolation and stress there is not the time to sit and read like it requires. 4y
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"Self-decoration is one of the greatest joys and priveledges of being a woman." -Clara Pinkola Estés
I wound up listening to a heavily abridged audiobook version of this book, and while I managed to find a couple of gems, like this one, I think I may have come to it too late in my reading life.

Left me feeling: uncertain, unsettled and a tad disappointed

Buechersuechtling It‘s quite strong stuff being ascribed to be primitive just because I like to come as I am instead of spending hours on make up or on finding glasses that go with the colour of my nails. 4y
TReads @Buechersuechtling Agreed! 👍 As someone who was shamed out of practicing what are considered to be traditionally feminine practices of adornment, it was the positive reinforcement of those practices that resonated with me in this quote. #edited ☺️ (edited) 4y
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"Being squelched for loving beauty is possibly the worst thing you can do to a woman." - Clara Pinkola Estés

ImperfectCJ This book has been on my list for several years now... I should add it to May's #bookspin list! 4y
TReads @ImperfectCJ I downloaded an audio copy from the library, and it wasn't until I finished it that I realized it was *heavily* abridged. 😶 Although there were a couple of gems in what I heard, I'm not sure I loved it enough to invest in the full 500+ page tome. I'd love to hear what you think if you do eventually pick it up!!! 4y
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I felt really drawn to read this one the other night. I‘ve only read the intro so far but it‘s speaking to me! It‘s deep and thought provoking but it must be what I need at the minute.

Blaire Look forward to review....feel like this is one I‘ve heard about for years but have never read. 5y
Crazeedi Read this book many years ago, profound effect on me at the time, interested in your opinion 5y
BarbaraBB So many books have 🐺 in their title! Still going strong 🤰 ?! 5y
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ValerieAndBooks This is very thought-provoking book. Hope you get something from it 💖 5y
youneverarrived @Blaire same here! 5y
youneverarrived @Crazeedi oh that‘s good to know! I feel like I‘ll get a lot from it. 5y
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB they do! Yep still happy to be in there 😂 5y
youneverarrived @ValerieAndBooks thank you! I feel like I will already ♥️ 5y
readordierachel I found a used copy of this in a thrift store last month, before things got dicey. Look forward to your thoughts 💕 5y
youneverarrived @readordierachel It‘s very deep and poetic. I‘ll let you know ♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts Such a good book! I read it years ago ... could do with a reread X 5y
Cinfhen Just checking in....hope all is well 💗💙 5y
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts it‘s a powerful read ❤️ 5y
youneverarrived @Cinfhen thanks for checking 💕 9 days over my due date now. Think baby is comfortable 😂 5y
Cinfhen I‘m glad baby is comfy :) hope you are too 😘 5y
merelybookish Was coming to check on baby too!! Will they induce you if baby doesn't decide to leave on its own? 5y
youneverarrived @merelybookish thanks for checking ♥️ I‘ve declined two inductions but I‘m booked in for Monday if baby doesn‘t come before then. 5y
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Hello beautiful Littens. It‘s been a while as I have been so busy studying. But right now with all that is going on in the world I can barely focus on anything for more then a few minutes. I have bad anxiety, we all do here, I‘m high risk and most of my family is. How are you guys all holding up? Picture of Adele for cuteness!

BarbaraTheBibliophage She looks very regal! Trying to cope the best I can, all things considered. 💜 5y
wanderinglynn Adele is so pretty! ❤️🐱 5y
Darklunarose @BarbaraTheBibliophage she sure is! A little princess! That‘s how we are. Trying to do the best we can.....as hard as that is. Hang in there! 5y
Darklunarose @wanderinglynn she sure is! She is my little shadow right now! 5y
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Happy #FirstDayofSpring to all the amazing Littens who continue to #KeepLitsyPositive.

BookishMe Cute! Hurray for spring... May the season of renewal bring more cheer to you! Hope working from home is going well for you 😊 😊 5y
TReads @BookishMe Thanks so much, lovely. It has definitely been a challenging week, but tomorrow is the start of my weekend, so there are two days of rest in sight. ☺️❤️📚 (edited) 5y
BookishMe Enjoy your restful days! 💕💕 5y
TReads @BookishMe 🙏☺️🙏 5y
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Three weeks in and over run. Managed a bit of reading this week but I think the next two days are going to be not much but watching, writing and getting assignments done.

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Not much reading going on down here at the moment, head deep in study for the first time in over a decade. Fingers crossed I can get what I need and head to uni!

Aims42 You got this!!! 🎉 5y
jb72 You can do it! 😉 5y
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It‘s 5 am. I have been up for over an hour with this disgusting what and humidity. Today is going to be a long day.

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Still plodding through and enjoying this one. My reading time is about to get shorter as I start study this year. I‘m not half way through this yet! I fear I will still be reading it at Easter.

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All this required for reading. The noise cancelling headphones to block some back ground noise, the note book for notes (this is the kind of book one must make notes about) and my favourite pen a penpal sent me! Not shown...a massive ice water to keep cool with! In I go!

jb72 I‘m hoping to start that book next month. 5y
Darklunarose @jb72 it‘s really good. Give yourself plenty of time though, it‘s very in-depth and not a quick read. 5y
jb72 @Darklunarose Thanks for letting me know! Molly Roberts on YouTube recommended the book, and I was lucky enough to find a used copy. 5y
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Darklunarose @jb72 what kind of YouTube does Molly Roberts have? 5y
jb72 @Darklunarose She is an art witch, and she has a lot of art type videos. She also has a few meditation videos as well. Her channel is very enjoyable. 5y
Darklunarose @jb72 I think I really need to check her out when I get a quiet moment. Her Chanel sounds awesome. 5y
jb72 @Darklunarose I hope you enjoy it! 5y
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My resident reading helper.

Lauram Your helper is adorable 😻 5y
Darklunarose @Lauram and she knows this and uses it to the best of her advantage! 5y
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First coffee of many today. My youngest has literally not been asleep all night 😩

Johanna414 Those days are the worst! I hope everyone sleeps better tonight! 5y
LA_Mead My youngest is getting another molar so no sleep for me either. 5y
Darklunarose @Johanna414 they are the worst. She is still on and off. Something is upsetting her I think and it‘s translating to sleep not happening even with medication. We have a big year and I think anxiety is kicking in and she isn‘t able to express that properly. She just knows she is upset, sad, frustrated. She was up at 4 am this morning but thankfully has gone back to sleep. Poor kiddo. Being a teenager is hard enough without anxiety rearing it‘s head. 5y
Darklunarose @LA_Mead I remember those days well, teething is hell for little ones, so painful😞 my youngest is 15, so those days are long gone, she has never slept well and been pulling all nighters since she was 18 months. I am thinking with some of the changes coming this year her anxiety is right up. She tells me she is angry, sad, frustrated but can‘t tell me why. She was up at 4am after crashing at midnight last night, thank goodness she is back asleep. 5y
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No reading yesterday.... We. We're out expiring our beautiful state and seeing scenes like this one at wool bay.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 5y
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(If anyone knows who to credit for the picture let me know)

Still going with this book. It‘s slow reading because there is so much to take in, and because my children won‘t give me 10 mins solid reading time in one go! I am enjoying it though.

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Another really hot and sticky day in adelaide today. The rain the clouds brought this morning has done little to help.

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Trying to read by lamplight at my desk. The lighting in the lounge isn‘t the greatest for reading at night.