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A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians
A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians: A Novel | H. G. Parry
A sweeping tale of revolution and wonder in a world not quite like our own, A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians is a genre-defying story of magic, war, and the struggle for freedom in the early modern world. It is the Age of Enlightenment -- of new and magical political movements, from the necromancer Robespierre calling for revolution in France, to the weather mage Toussaint L'Ouverture leading the slaves of Haiti in their fight for freedom, to the bold new Prime Minister William Pitt weighing the legalization of magic amongst commoners in Britain and abolition throughout its colonies overseas. But amidst all of the upheaval of the early modern world, there is an unknown force inciting all of human civilization into violent conflict. And it will require the combined efforts of revolutionaries, magicians, and abolitionists to unmask this hidden enemy before the whole world falls to darkness and chaos. For more from H. G. Parry, check out The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep.
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2 ⭐This was a DNF. I started this as an audiobook three different times, and each listen only lasted an hour and a half to two hours into a 20 hour story. The main reason that I DNFed this book is that every time I started this book I couldn‘t remember anything I had already listened to. This is because so much of this book is telling not showing. At least in the beginning there is so much set up for who the characters are what they‘re doing, etc.

LibrarianRyan It‘s almost never ending. Even now, though I have listened to those first two hours multiple times I still cannot tell you anything that happened. I‘m not saying this book was bad I‘m just saying it wasn‘t for me as an audiobook. 5mo
Fr3NcHtOaSt I tried to read this book snd was enjoying the historical aspects of it, then I just stopped. Maybe I‘ll go back to it at some point. 5mo
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Floofy and I are sitting on the fence with this one. Whilst I love the history and the concept I'm not in love with the plodding nature of the writing. It took over 300 pages to get interesting. Yeah, I stuck with it that long. I started this one about a month ago and I'm not totally sure why I stuck with it. 2 1/2 🌟 for me. Floofy gives it 1 🐾

TheSpineView ❤️🐾 1y
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Update! Picked these 2 for #BOTM #BookoftheMonth - so exited!

Finally finished Dune (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) & now I can go watch the movie! Also finally finished the tagged — heavy on the history and super-character-building. I really enjoyed it but it‘s a slooooooow burn. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Also finally read The Invisible Library! Intrigued and will proceed w the series ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Am now listening to Good Turn (I 💗 this series) and reading Cold Cases. Loving so far!

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Other new books I obtained this season… some gifts… some gifts from me… 🤭😁

#bookhaul #tsundoku #ButheyIalsoculledandgotusedbookstorecredit!

EvieBee Nice! I‘ve been wanting to read Blue Ticket. The cover is stunning! 3y
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the mugs at dennys Crack me up

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Finally starting a new book!

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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 219.

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This gets two stars exclusively for how interesting the concept is—history retold through a lens of magic, what‘s not to love?! Well, as it turns out: a lot. So much of the first 300 pages is just politicians talking, and the most interesting character—who is also the only woman that really gets any sort of voice—has the least space by far. I also find the (implicit) whitewashing of the slave rebellion problematic.

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No. I just couldn‘t. I tried...set it aside...tried again...and again...and then remembered that life is short and there are many, many books to read. This sounded original...Africa, France, Britain, magic, slavery tied to magic, vampires...power structures toppling, revolutions stirring, freedom for all....but I just couldn‘t get into any of it. I liked The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep, but this one is not for me.

ChaoticMissAdventures Yes! 👏 I haven't tried this but I love a good bail. Life is too short and our tbr too long! 👏 3y
julesG I got the ARC for the sequel a day after I posted my bail review. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤔 3y
SW-T @ChaoticMissAdventures Sometimes you just have to bail and move on. 😄 3y
SW-T @julesG 😂😂😂 3y
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Full review: https://scepticalreading.com/2021/05/robespierre-might-have-been-a-magician/

Reminded me too much of Clarke's Strange&Norrell, and boring history lectures at uni.

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Listening to ⚾ and
Reading my new purchase. I had no idea this was a start to a series. Uh oh!
#baseball #yankees #series

TheRiehlDeal Go Yankees! ⚾️ #☝️ 3y
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As I was reading this part I pictured Oprah saying; “You get a trip to the guillotine, you get a trip to the guillotine, and you get a trip to the guillotine. Everyone gets a trip to the guillotine!!!”🤦🏻‍♀️

It‘s basically the conflict between France, Britain, and Haiti, but if people were born with certain magical abilities that are oppressed for the most part. 😔 Now I have to wait for the 2nd book to come out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Just a regular day in the neighborhood... 😆 Maybe I‘ll get lucky today and get some reading in while she‘s grooming. 🤞🏽🤞🏽

AlaMich She‘s so ladylike!! 🤣 4y
TheBookAddict @AlaMich 😂 Yep! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
Zoes_Human This cat is me after a full meal. 4y
Lauram Are you permitted to touch belly or is there an immediate penalty? 4y
TheBookAddict @Zoes_Human 😆 same! @Lauram It depends on her mood. She can be quite moody sometimes. 😆 Or she‘ll just give me the death stare. 4y
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I guess I‘m only allowed to read the first page tonight. 😔 #catmomproblems


merelybookish That paw! 😻 4y
TheBookAddict @BookishMarginalia @merelybookish 😂 Yep, so demanding for such a small being and such a small gesture. 🤷🏻‍♀️ she‘s a little queen 😺👑 around these parts. Maybe I‘ll have better luck today. 😆 (edited) 4y
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BookishMarginalia My own #kittysquad has been interfering with my reading too. But they‘re all so cute that I can‘t just move them off! 4y
TheBookAddict @BookishMarginalia 😆 right! My husband laughs at me all the time because I rather sit there and not move her. What can I say? She‘s my baby! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
BookishMarginalia Exactly! 4y
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Ok i think im done buying books for awhile!

This one is over 500 pages!

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Ok - so I spent my voucher...

Obviously excited for the book - but also very excited that I didn‘t have to step foot in a shopping centre to buy this nail polish!

Thanks @Lyssa131330

wanderinglynn Love the cover! Looks like a book I‘d enjoy. 4y
Literary_Siren This is a kindle deal today in the US, $3.99. 4y
Lyssa131330 Looks good! I‘m glad you found something good to buy 4y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Lyssa131330, the amount of choice is overwhelming 😅 4y
Literary_Siren I did. Even though it only has 4 stars on Amazon; it has a 100% approval from our fellow littens. 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Literary_Siren, 4 stars is pretty good 😜 4y
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My husband was right. I have zero self control.🤦‍♀️ In my defense, 2 were buy 1 get 1 50% off and I had a coupon for 20% off the other. I didn't find the book for my kids because they sold out earlier that day (of course), but they were still excited for their new books. #bookhaul #raisingreaders #fantasy #yafantasy

Bookzombie I loved The Fifth Season. 4y
tracy.anne8 @Bookzombie I have heard nothing but great things about it. I can't wait to get to it! 4y
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This week's #bookhaul.

emz711 What is this! I've never heard of this book. Any good? 4y
Traci1 @emz711 I haven't started it yet, but all the reviews I've seen were positive. 4y
Read-y_Picker I'm really excited for that book (to eventually fall into a useful spot on one of my bingo boards). Look forward to hearing what you think! I did really enjoy 4y
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Finally getting my crap together and reading this!

emz711 How is it?! 4y
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Finished this up today! It was so good! A really cool re-imagining of the French Reign of Terror but with magic! 💕📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #chaplin

wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐱 4y
ValerieAndBooks I‘m intrigued!! The description makes me think of this (which I loved years ago) 4y
Branwen @wanderinglynn Thank you! He really is! 😻 @ValerieAndBooks Yes! That's a great comparison actually! They are a lot alike! 😀 4y
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Books and snacks are my favorite combination! 😍📚💕🥐

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Spending New Year's Eve right! 😂 Starting today I am off until Monday! I plan on doing so much reading! Seems like a great way to ring in the new year, right? 😁 I'm really enjoying this chunkster so far! I'm finding that I love historical fantasy! 💕📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #chaplin

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4y
Suet624 I can‘t wait to lie on the couch and read and snooze. Enjoy yourself!! 4y
Branwen @Suet624 Thanks friend! You too! 🤗💕📚 4y
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The best feeling in the whole entire world is the thrill you get from starting a brand new book! 💕📚

Mitch Yeeeesssss! 4y
GingerAntics 💯 4y
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I had trouble getting into this book so I read it in spurts. It felt like it could be a few books that were squished together to approximate the shape of a cohesive story. The technical aspects were all there. The writing was done well. The World Developement was rich, the Characters were likeable and it felt period appropriate. If bland Revolutionary, Alt- History, Magical Realism is your thing then you might want to give this one a go.

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Looooved this book. Can‘t recommend it enough if you like political historical fantasy. Check out my full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3351075961. #netgalley #ARC #bestof2020

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#BastilleDay is an excellent day to be reading this #ARC title. Only about 160 pages left! 🙌

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Haven‘t gotten too far today, but man, this book is just as exciting as when I last left it! I have about 230 pages left, but frankly it‘s going to have to fall straight off a cliff for me to change my mind about how much I love it 😍#netgalley #readathon #24B4Monday

RamsFan1963 I saw that listed on the Bookperks website. I thought about picking it up, good to know it's such a good read. 4y
TheBookDream @RamsFan1963 honestly it really, really is. I‘ll write up a quick blurb when I finish it, but it‘s a pretty awesome piece of historical fantasy. Basically, “events around the French Revolution but with magic” 4y
rubyslippersreads I just got this from the library. Glad to know it‘s so good. 4y
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Oof I didn‘t know about #24B4Monday! Won‘t get the whole thing done, but I want to do some serious reading of these two titles (tagged book came out Tuesday!! Still reading this #netgalley ARC but loving it so far.).

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A thought-provoking story. Taking place at the end of the 18th century, this book is a well-researched coverage of Atlantic capitalism in French St-Domingue & British Jamaica. However, it is occurring in a world where magic abilities run in bloodlines. There's a global covenant agreed not to use magic at war but it's being used widely in the slave trade. Parry has done an amazing job channeling the time period, with a large focus on politics. ⁣⁣

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#Pusheen posing with my next #24B4Monday read, which happens to be a #Netgalley ARC. This was mentioned by another panelist at #VirtualBalticon and sounded good, so I requested it and was approved! Virtual cons are awesome.