I teach a course called Growth Goals and Grit. This has been an invaluable resource both personally and professionally. We are working on building strong habits that will help us reach our goals. This is the undisputed handbook.
I teach a course called Growth Goals and Grit. This has been an invaluable resource both personally and professionally. We are working on building strong habits that will help us reach our goals. This is the undisputed handbook.
Habit tracking also keeps you honest. Most of us have a distorted view of our own behavior. We think we act better than we do. Measurement offers one way to overcome our blindness to our own behavior and notice what‘s really going on each day. One glance at the paper clips in the container and you immediately know how much work you have (or haven‘t) been putting in. When the evidence is right in front of you, you‘re less likely to lie to yourself
I‘ve had this one sitting on my shelf for a while. It‘s all about how small changes to your daily life & routines can make bigger changes over time. I annotated along the way, now will I remember to use the tips or make changes (I do use some of the suggestions). #bookspin
Starting this next 🎧
A book that almost everyone should read at least once, but wouldn‘t hurt to read several. It has numerous strategies to build better habits and break bad ones. I hope to make the best out of them.
Straightforward advice on how to develop good habits and break bad ones. This complements other books I have read- including just about anything by Brene Brown and Unwinding Anxiety. I‘m not sure it adds anything to the topic, u less of course you just starting to think about this- then it‘s a very good introduction.
"The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent."
Gearing up for 2024 with a wee reread 🤣
I loved it!!! This book is perfect for anyone looking to make lasting improvements in their life. The author's approach to breaking down habits into small steps is practical and motivating. It's not just about stopping bad habits or starting good ones.
If you don't have the time to read this book, just listen to the summary, it will help you narrow down the basics in under 3 minutes.
#SummerEndReadathon #Wardens2023 #RushAThon #ReadMyRoom
Today‘s impulse starts. One from my #HQNTBR stack & the other an Audible listen.
Not a bad book. It feels like a lecture stretched out into a manuscript tho.
(Image: hats I made recently)
Great book.
My take from the book
'Identify good habits and show up everyday '
Read for the 201 Leadership Foundation class I lead for work, this is an excellent book not only business, but for life. It provides info on how habits are formed & layers in useful framework, tools & tips for building good habits & eliminating the bad ones. It‘s no wonder it is perennially on the Amazon best seller lists. My group finishes it next week but so far the consensus is that they all found value in it for whatever they were working on.
Absolutely loved it. So many great tidbits on how to start/maintain great life long habits and how to stop those bad habits that are keeping you from your goals and potential.
I'd read it last year, now decided to re-read it. My opinion remains the same: It's a good book, worth your time.
Furthermore, instead of rushing towards the habit making section, spend some time fully grasping the first 3 chapters. They contain key insights (which I'd missed the first time I read it).
A great read! Even thought I consider myself as having great habits, I learned a lot of great information and advices on adopting new habits.
The Millennials I know are really into this book, so I finally picked it up. I read the first third carefully then skimmed the rest. I like the number of citations and stories Clear uses, and although the information isn't new if you've read books or listened to podcasts about habits, he organizes it in an accessible and logical way. So, if this is your first habits book, I recommend it. But if you're not a novice, you can probably skip it.
This book is absolutely excellent at demonstrating how we should be thinking about all those little things we do day to day and how they affect outcome. Advice is simple, sensible, and the book is full of rationale and encouragement.
Having said that, I reckon I'm beyond redemption... it's like the better I do in life, the more complete the self-sabotage that follows 😵
Hopefully my brain took in some of these lessons by osmosis.
Something different.
Atomic habits is a book about how to build and sustain healthy habits while cutting out the bad ones. The book is not super long, maybe 4-5 hours but the writing is simple and easy to understand, keeping the key points concise. The simplicity of each rule makes them easy to implement and continue with.
"If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead."
"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
"What is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided."
I listened to this book, and I gotta tell you the waitlist for this book for the new year was really long. The audiobook is great, short, and informative in an a small steps approach. And there‘s a website where I can go for printouts on how to get started in adding new habits to my routine. Of course, now the big dilemma is me actually following through.😂😂😂
Day 27 of the Dessert Detox. No pudding. No chocolate. No cake. No sweets. No dessert.
Only fruit juice, smoothies, diet shakes allowed.
Currently in the "Valley of Disappointment". Habit established. No results yet...
And now it's NATIONAL CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY ???? Stay strong, Rae.
I think it was good to have this one among the reads I've started the year with. We all know tiny steps and small efforts lead to success and this book shows the way to use this mantra to build good habits and abandon bad habits. The connection between habits and identity was also a very interesting piece of information.
Book 3 of 2023 😠I'll need to buy a copy of this one to refer back to. Lots of great things to ponder over and implement.
Perfect read/listen for the start of 2023!
I closed out 2022 with “The Power of Habitâ€, so this was a great way to turn that information into some practical steps for making sustainable change in my habits and routines going into 2023! 10/10 recommend!
Also, getting ready to graduate and am raring to get back into my reading groove! Trying to decide which challenges I want to join in on in this new year and I feel like a kid in a candy store!
I don‘t normally read books like this but I read this because my husband was. I really enjoyed it. It made sense of both my failures and successes and left me feeling hopeful. The idea of making incremental changes and identifying as the person I want to be makes sense to me.
Rule Number 1: Never travel anywhere without an emergency supply of books.
And a Kindle. Just in case.
Any thoughts to share on this book?