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Love in Lowercase
Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
A romantic comedy for language lovers and fans of The Rosie Project,about a brainy bachelor and the cat that opens his eyes to life's little pleasures The Silver Linings Playbook author Matthew Quick: "A delightfully absurd, life-affirming celebration. I literally stood up and cheered as I read the last page." When Samuel, a lonely linguistics lecturer, wakes up on New Year's Day, he is convinced that the year ahead will bring nothing more than passive verbs and un-italicized moments--until an unexpected visitor slips into his Barcelona apartment and refuses to leave. The appearance of Mishima, a stray, brindle-furred cat, becomes the catalyst that leads Samuel from the comforts of his favorite books, foreign films, and classical music to places he's never been (next door) and to people he might never have met (a neighbor with whom he's never exchanged a word). Even better, the Catalan cat leads him back to the mysterious Gabriela, whom he thought he'd lost long before, and shows him, in this international bestsellerfor fans of The Rosie Project, The Solitude of Prime Numbers,andThe Guest Cat, that sometimes love is hiding in the smallest characters.
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks cute ❤️ 5d
Eggs Beautiful 🌹📕❤️ 5d
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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I loved this one! Cute and different with a small cast of very quirky characters! A middle aged man who is stuck in his ways changes his life by accident, the accident being a little initial small act of love: giving a stray cat a bit of milk. And after that it gets curiouser and curiouser 😄🐱

Also, here is my veggie Paella with veggie Chorizo 🥘 🇪🇦

@Catsandbooks @Texreader

TheBookHippie Looks good!!! 1mo
Susanita I loved this book, and your paella looks amazing 1mo
Texreader Veggie paella sounds really good to me 😋 1mo
Lunakay @susanita @TheBookHippie @Texreader Muchas gracias🍊🍷💕 1mo
Catsandbooks Yum! 🇪🇸👏🏼 1mo
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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1. I love Mexican food but don‘t like cilantro or peppers.
2. The tagged book is a quirky story about a lonely professor whose life is changed when he finds a cat on his doorstep on New Year‘s Day.

AlaMich Man, I‘m with you on the cilantro!!! 😝 8mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 8mo
Ruthiella @AlaMich I hate cilantro too! 👎 8mo
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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I really love these two paragraphs in the middle. I like learning how the Humanities are taught in different schools, and in different countries. 😯

Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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I find that it's best to reread favorite books in particularly stressful times.

Christyco125 I so agree. Thank goodness there are sooo many audio versions and retellings of my favorite that it can be a semi-first time read. 2y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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This was between a pick and a so-so for me. I didn't love it, but I didn't dislike it either. It's been on my bookshelf for a long time, so I'm glad it was my #BookSpin pick this month and I finally read it. There were definitely some interesting quotes in the book that made you think.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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#20in4 I found the rest of the #20in4TreasureHunt words I was missing! @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏🙌 3y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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I'm looking forward to finding time to read my #BookSpin book this month, and hopefully my #DoubleSpin book, as well. This *might* be the year that I actually read some of the books I already have on my bookshelves! 😂

Megabooks This makes me want to reread High Fidelity! 3y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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I don't understand it myself. But the #proof that it exists is that we're here

Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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Absolute delight! Some loose ends BUT the serendipitous series of events were quirkily charming!
There may be plenty to decipher between the lines. Even if I'd missed the layered meanings, this remains immensely enjoyable 💗💗
I find that a rare quality in books.

Super pleased my first pick for #ReadingEurope2020 is 💟 #Spain
Might as well leap on the bandwagon for #Booked2020 (1) - animal on the cover (cats are such popular cover subjects ! ;))

JennyM ♥️🐈 4y
BookishMe @JennyM 💕💕 not a fan of the felines but I can't help admire their disdainful demeanour 😁😁 4y
JennyM @BookishMe 🤫 me either...🐶 all the way 😆 4y
BookishMe @JennyM oh yes! Esp the gentle ones with the adorably soulful eyes 😍 4y
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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celebrating 11 years of coupledom with my husband this week! 😱💀💘

in bookish news: i‘m considering bailing on “little women.” it feels so earnest & “dear.” i‘ve actually been listening to spotify (& rediscovering my love of 90‘s punk princesses) in lieu of tuning in to my audiobook. i have no desire to read about meg, jo, beth, or amy. i would, however, like to see how jo is portrayed in 2020; maybe i‘ll just watch the movie & call it a day? 🙈

MyBookLife This is one of those where I‘ve watched the movie (a few times) but never read the book 🙈 (edited) 4y
audraelizabeth Congrats 4y
Cupcake12 I‘m the opposite...I‘ve read the book several times never seen the movie 😂 11 years...congrats 🎉 (edited) 4y
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Palimpsest The book was so moralizing and puritanical for me compared to all of the film adaptations which I love. I also knew the movies so well I had a hard time finishing the book. Alcott called her own work “moral pap for the young”. I wouldn‘t feel bad bailing, but the new movie adaptation is worth watching. Congratulations as well. 😊 4y
monalyisha @Palimpsest Actually...that makes me feel much better! I liked her short stories when I read them in college! 🤷‍♀️ 4y
Crazeedi Congrats on your special day! And your photo reminds me of our woods! We have a place very similar!💕💕 4y
monalyisha @Crazeedi Thanks — & cool! This was on a “Moss Walk” in Connecticut. 😊🌱🍄 (edited) 4y
AnneCecilie Congrats 🎉 4y
JillR I read Little Women with my daughter and struggled with it (she didn‘t, she‘s 9, it must be me 😆) We loved the film though and the book makes more sense to me now. We‘re now reading Good Wives but I‘ll admit it‘s a bit of a slog... 4y
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎊 🎉 📚 📖 4y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 💕💕🥂🥂 4y
ljuliel What a nice picture. Congrats on 11 years. You look so happy. ♥️. (. I didn‘t like Little Women either.) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Congratulations!! I love Little Women a lot, but I grew up on it, so that may make a difference lol Alcott was definitely writing during a time when stories were meant to teach, and it's not always subtle. Not every book is for everyone, so if you aren't looking forward to it, I say bail and move on!! 4y
Tamra Congrats!! 4y
Bubblebelle Congratulations! Re: Little Women, I have picked that book up and abandoned it maybe 6 times in the past year. I don‘t know what it is about it, but I just can‘t find it in myself to fall in love with it. I felt like I was being lectured the whole time and couldn‘t really look past that! 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures Congratulations! For little women thu, i say bail. I think we are at a time when the book is good for children but not really one for adults. I did learn the word priggish so that is fun. 4y
DaveGreen7777 Happy CoupleVersary! 😀🎉🍾 4y
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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Huge thanks to @BookishMe for recommending this book. It was delightful! I was expecting a whimsical story, but it ran much deeper than that. Philosophical and pretty meta.

Double prompt ticks for #animaloncover #booked2020 🐈 and #Spain #ReadingEurope2020🇪🇸

BookishMe Yay! 🎊☺️🎊 this is going to be my pick for Spain too ;D 4y
JennyM @BookishMe thank you so much. It was such a good read but I would never have found it without your recommendation. 😘 4y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh, nice 👍🏻 4y
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BookishMe @JennyM really, the book found me 😍❣️🥰 4y
Librarybelle Perfect! 4y
Rissreads This sounds lovely ❤️ 4y
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles

Hours are worthless unless you know what to do with them.

#nowReading #currentRead #currentlyReading #Barcelona #Europe #bookquote

Trashcanman I live for the distraction, always feigning for a distraction. 4y
Geenie 💕 4y
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Love in Small Letters | Francesc Miralles
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Like some, Feb 14 is just another date in the calendar, for me ;))
when I saw this on the library shelf, I recalled a Litsy post anticipating this Friday and that prompted me to reach for this book.

The synopsis was a Pleasant surprise! And mostly raving reviews on GR ;D
Can't wait to start this amidst my other current reads ;p #whimsyreader

Susanita I loved this book! Same book with a different title 4y
BookishMe @Susanita ahhh the versions of translation. The first chapter has impressed me with the thoughtful prose 😊😊 4y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Truest thing I‘ve read all day. Cats have got the life, man. 😹😹😹

[DELETED] 3803335244 That is funny & so true! 🐱 6y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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My cat is not a lap cat, so I never get a cuddle buddy for reading time. Sometimes you just have to literally get on their level for some quality Sunday afternoon reading and kitty time. 😹 #kingcyress #catsoflitsy #catsy #weirdreadinghabits

Bookish.Heart What a sweet face 😀 6y
SamHeartCoffee Aww, your kitty!! 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Beautiful kitty! 6y
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tammysue 😻😻😻 6y
TheLibrarian So handsome! 6y
SandyW My kitty isn't a lap cat either, but put a blanket on you and he'll curl underneath and snuggle right up next to you. 😻 6y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Going for a much lighter read after finishing Beartown this morning. And there‘s a cat! 😻

Zelma That looks cute! 6y
Susanita I loved this book! 6y
erinreads @Susanita I just saw all your kitty pictures tagged with this book! 😻 6y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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My litsyversary passed without my noticing, so I'll take the opportunity again to talk up this charming book that I think was my first post. A lonely professor opens his door on January 1 and meets a stray cat, and his life is never the same! This sweet guy is Butterscotch from the shelter where I volunteer, and for now the shelter is closed while we look for new space. In the meantime #memoriesremain of human and feline friendships. #90sinJuly

Susanita Don't worry! He and his two buddies were adopted before the closure! 7y
rubyslippersreads @Susanita I'm glad, because he looks so sad. I'm sure he's happier now in his forever home. 😻 7y
Susanita @rubyslippersreads It was a rare moment that he wasn't play fighting with his buddy. 😸 7y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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I "love" a chance to feature another of the shelter cats. This is Jennifurr, and she went to her new home yesterday! Have a great life, pretty kitty! #lovetitles #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
Merethebookgal 😻❤😻❤ 7y
Susanita @Suzze does she remind you of anyone? 7y
Suzze @Susanita Oh, my, yes! I hope she makes her new family as happy as Tink makes me. She came from a shelter too. ❤❤❤ 7y
Susanita @Suzze Shelter kitties are great! (My Kili is a "pre" shelter kitty.) 7y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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#17booklove Love in the title

Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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All the songs are wrong. The most wonderful time of the year is actually this. #OneBookAhead #ItWontLast

RealLifeReading 🙌🙌 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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I was trying to decide which book to read when I flipped this one open. It starts New Year's Day. Perfect.

Also, it's in translation, backlist, and from outside America, thus fulfilling many of my New Year's Resolutions.

BethFishReads I'm curious what you'll think 8y
Reviewsbylola Perfect!!! 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Restraint at the Politics and Prose sale: a still life

(Except that, not pictured: Christmas cards and gifts!)

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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles

Another of my top ten for 2016. I loved this book with it's quirky, socially awkward hero. I loved that a cat, crazy man, and the old guy upstairs teach him about life and love. Seriously spellbinding.

Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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My #firstlitsypost featured Reese, a cat from the shelter where I'm a volunteer. I'm happy to report he has since been adopted! This cutie is Bennie, a previous resident who's still one of my favorites. The book is about a lonely professor whose life changes after a stray cat shows up on his doorstep New Year's Day. He reminds me a little of Benigno from Talk to Her.

Suzze Are you a foster mom? Pretty kitty. 8y
Susanita Not a foster mom. Myspouse has made it very clear that's not happening. This is a cage-free, no-kill shelter in a private home run entirely by volunteers. I was heartbroken when we had to put down our elderly kitty, and after a couple months I decided to start working there and have those darlings be my "surrogate kitties" for a while. The very next day Kili the unexpected kitten came into our lives! 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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This book widened my knowledge about books and made me understand cats, a bit.

MrBook Great pic! 8y
vuhlrybyhn @MrBook Highly appreciated 😊 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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A lonely nerdy professor meets a stray cat, and it changes his life. What's not to love?!? Oh and it takes place in Spain!!!

Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Fast, quirky read about a man who want to reconnect with a woman from his distant past. I wish I knew what happened to one of the characters.

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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Reading while the sun sets.

RealLifeReading Perfect! 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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Random pickup at library. I was attracted by "the year ahead will bring nothing more than passive verbs and un-italicized moments."

Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles

I noticed that she was wearing eyeliner and that she'd used some kind of gel to give her short hair a tousled look. Girls who are naturally beautiful should be forbidden from using such unnecessary embellishments.

Sdunavan Men should be forbidden from making statements about what embellishments women choose to use on themselves. 8y
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Love in Lowercase | Francesc Miralles
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"Maybe everything that is beautiful is sad because it's so ephemeral, like a butterfly kiss."

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