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Mislaid in Parts Half-Known
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known | Seanan McGuire
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Dinosaurs and portals, and a girl who can find both in the latest book in the Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning series. Antsy is the latest student to pass through the doors at Eleanor West's School for Wayward Children. When her fellow students realize that Antsy's talent for finding absolutely anything may extend to doors, she's forced to flee in the company of a small group of friends, looking for a way back to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go to be sure that Vineta and Hudson are keeping their promise. Along the way, temptations are dangled, decisions are reinforced, and a departure to a world populated by dinosaurs brings untold dangers and one or two other surprises! A story that reminds us that finding what you want doesn't always mean finding what you need.
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This was a really enjoyable entry to the series. I read it this afternoon.

My only complaint (or just sadness) is that one of my favorite characters is now gone.
Not really a spoiler since Seanan likes to kill off or send back to their world almost all of my favorite characters. 😬

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Love this series. Doorways to other worlds.

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Can‘t wait to read this

BookmarkTavern This was an interesting one! 💚 4mo
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Read them in the wrong order but loved all of these Wayward Children novellas as usual. Lost in the Moment and Found was particularly challenging for themes. But love, as always.

Jgacreations Loved this series 4mo
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Definitely, my favorite installment in the series.

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A marvelous addition to the series. Focused on some of my fave characters - and it's becoming clear I have a preference for the ensemble quest books over the individual door/world books.
Fascinated by further insights into Kade and Sumi, so proud of Antsy, so happy for Cora.

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I aspire to Sumi's particular brand of self-awareness.

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I‘m so far behind on reviews that my “need to write a Litsy review” list goes back to mid-January. 😬 This seemed like an apt title to start with, since apparently my review-writing has been mislaid in parts half-known…

I loved this most recent installment in the Wayward Children series. I‘ve seen others criticize it for being a bit uneven—which is fair. It feels like it hasn‘t decided whether to be an ensemble quest story ⬇️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …or to focus in on one character. I did love the focus on Antsy and the resolution we get with her story, even though I wish the other characters had a bit more development here. 5mo
rubyslippersreads 💚 the cover! 🦕 5mo
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I liked as I do really love the Wayward Children series but this was a somewhat disappointing read. It‘s a quest book but doesn‘t feel like a quest book as much as a bit of a mishmash of things that would have been better each given its own stories. Feels a little like Seanan McGuire is just losing steam on the series. I wouldn‘t be surprised if there‘s only one more book and that‘s it, which would be sad but understandable.

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Y‘all I can‘t even begin to say how much I love this latest in a series of books that all feel like coming home despite the variety of worlds they occupy

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Book 9 of Seanan McGuire‘s Wayward Children series felt like a piece and not a whole and I‘m grumpy about it. 🙈 These books always feel too short — and yet, I delight in their brevity. This one felt too short in a different way, like it should‘ve just been a part of the book that came before it. And I think Seanan knows it.

She (meta)jokes, by way of one of her characters,👇🏻

monalyisha 1/1: “Have you considered handing out orientation sheets before you drag people into whatever sort of club this is?…Nothing too involved. Just a list of all the weird in-jokes and inexplicable references.” But I‘m not laughing (much). There should be no weird in-jokes & inexplicable references! I‘d like the series much better if each installment could stand alone. And I think they used to be able to much better. I hope Book 10 is fuller & rounder. 6mo
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When the students realize Antsy can find any door, she chooses to flee with a group of friends through several worlds until returning to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go.

This broke my heart. I love Antsy so much, & seeing the other kids be friends was so lovely. We get a little more world building, & we also get several reminders that enduring trauma isn‘t permission to pass trauma on to others. & this narrator is absolutely stellar! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

AnnCrystal Wow, that sounds good... 6mo
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I love this series of novellas. A group of kids who have each visited another realm through magical doorways, I feel the excitement of seeing their various worlds and their longing either for something they miss of that world or something they needed to return to their homeworld for.

I was glad to spend more time with Antsy from the last book, and travel with her and some characters from previous ones as well.

This is book 7, and Sietje.

CBee Hi Sietje ♥️ 6mo
CoffeeNBooks Sietje! 💜 6mo
Jas16 I read the first few books in the series and loved them. I really need to get back to the series 6mo
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Crazeedi Sweet puppy 🐶 😍 6mo
Amiable What a sweet face! 😍 6mo
AmyG She is so sweet. ❤️ 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
ShelleyBooksie Sietje ♡♡ 6mo
batsy Sietje is so adorable 😍 6mo
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Still enjoying this series. I think, like Murderbot, it probably suffers a bit from how spaced out I‘ve been reading them (a book a year, upon release) but will make for good re-reads eventually.

Anyway, another portal fantasy in which a group of mostly-recurring characters visit several worlds. It‘s not a dinosaur book, but a dinosaur world is one of the interesting places they visit.

If new to the series, start with Every Heart a Doorway.

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It‘s here! I braved the cold to walk to the mailbox and get this, so you bet I‘m starting it right now! Accompanied by hot chocolate and pets cuddled up with me.

TieDyeDude 😍 Enjoy! I still have to read Lost in the Moment... 6mo
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“People who‘ve been hurt often think they have some sort of right to go around hurting other people,” said Sumi. “They think trauma‘s a toy to keep handing down forever. But the fact that someone hurt you and tied you up in knots doesn‘t give you the right to do it to anybody else.”

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I am screaming with joy! 😱 My hold for this came in yesterday! 💕📚 I love this series so much!

BarbaraJean I just read this one yesterday and it‘s SO good!! 6mo
Branwen @BarbaraJean Oh my goodness, I finished it in one sitting! You're SO RIGHT, it was amazing! I am so happy for Cora! 🥹 And Antsy! 🥰 6mo
BarbaraJean 💜💜 I just love both of those characters, and I love where this book took their stories! I'm not usually as into the “quest“ stories--I've preferred the individual portal stories--but this one is an exception. I loved it and it made me want to go back and re-read all the previous books! 6mo
Branwen @BarbaraJean Yes! Same! I really want to go back and restart this series from the beginning! 🥰 6mo
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This ninth novella in Seanan McGuire‘s beloved Wayward Children series is as full of fierce wisdom and whimsical quests as ever, following Antsy and friends from Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children through several Doors both familiar and strange, seeking a way to set the Shop Where the Lost Things back in order. The worlds we visit in this installment are so fun and fascinating—and I love how Antsy‘s story continues here.

BookmarkTavern Ahhh! I‘m so excited for this one! 💚 10mo
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*supersonic shrieking*


khooliha Dinos?! 13mo
BookmarkTavern @khooliha DINOS! 🦖 13mo
Soubhiville 😲🥰 13mo
peanutnine 😲🤩 13mo
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