“Fiction is there when real life fails you. But it‘s not a substitute.”
#quote #fiction #truth
How do you tell your best friend you love her? Graham decides the New York Comic Con is the best time to do it - naturally, there are complications. Rash authentically shares the awkwardness of first loves and crushes. Probably one that I would not pick up on my own - superheroes are not my thing - but, I did enjoy this. It‘s light and quick! Sending this our next week, @corycatelyn ! #TheBreakfastBookClub #GroupA
#BookMail ! I picked these up this morning from the post office.
@erinreads - I got the next #TheBreakfastBookClub #GroupA books
And, my #BOTM
My reading has taken a huge hit lately, so here are my May hopefuls to get back on track. Received my next #readersgonnaread book from @collegecatlady and finally back with #thebreakfastbookclub with the tagged book (thanks, @MrsGreen!). Not pictured, but planning on reading once I get them: my #BOTM pick, The Bride Test, and Elizabeth Acevedo‘s new one, With the Fire on High.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I loved this book so much! Self-professed nerd teens head to ComicCon for the weekend and while some things go right, a lot of things go wrong. I absolutely love the full embrace of being a nerd and going after what you want. I laughed a ton!
Excellent choice for #thebreakfastbookclub
Yours next @erinreads !
I got another #thebreakfastbookclub book today. I'll try to get The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love read and shipped as soon as I can. @MrsGreen @Librarybelle
@chelreads Let me know before you mail the next one out. I might be moving in the next month or two (if we ever find a place lol).
I got a book! I finally feel apart of #thebreakfastbookclub again lol. Thanks @chelreads and thanks to @Librarybelle for getting us on track again!
Apparently it takes me forever to journal about books! Hoping this gets better as #TheBreakfastBookClub progresses! This is heading your way tomorrow @melyndarae 📫 Sorry about the delay!
Sorry for the delay, @melyndarae 😔 We‘ve had a nasty cold going around the house this week and this weekend is the first chance I‘ve had to sit down and write my journal entry! I‘m trying to get this finished up and sent your way! #TheBreakfastBookClub
@whatsthEStorey I got your package and will start reading Flower this week!
I‘ve committed to finishing this today so that it can be sent out to @melyndarae 😊 I still need to run to the store to pick up a new journal and write down a few thoughts before it‘s sent off! #TheBreakfastBookClub
Thanks to @Librarybelle for starting the conversation and getting #TheBreakfastBookClub back on track! I‘m sorry you lost you book along the way @hes7 but I picked up the same title at a library sale last month that I‘m adding back into rotation! Reading Geek‘s Guide this week and then it‘s heading to @melyndarae 😊
This was a sweet, easy YA read. No major social issues tackled, just romance and friendship. A nice pallet cleanser.
@Tiffy_Reads it's on it's way to you!
This is turning out to be one of my favorite new/old books!!!! Nothing like Comic Con and The Princess Bride in the same book!
This is just totes adorkable. It‘s really cute and a fun YA summer read.
My latest read is one for #TheBreakfastBookClub so I won‘t say much about it here. But if you love awkward, nerdy, teenage stories then this one is for you! A fast and cute read, pick it up for yourself or recommend it to a teen this summer!
@whatsthEStorey It‘ll be on its way to you next!
How can you resist this title and cover?!?
Started reading my next book for #TheBreakfastBookClub on my way into work yesterday. What a fun read so far!
Books about geeky love are my favorite! 😍
2/3 - When I got home from vacation last night I had so much mail it was like Christmas! These few posts will be dedicated to the #bookmail portions.
This will be my next #TheBreakfastBookClub read. It looks super cute and I‘m looking forward to diving in soon!
Graham decides to tell his best friend, Roxy, that he‘s in love with her during NY Comic Con—but of course, nothing goes according to his plan. It‘s a fun and geeky story (and a quick read), and I enjoyed it.
@StephanieGeiser it‘ll be on it‘s way to you soon.
#TheBreakfastBookClub #MountTBR
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Finally getting this one off my TBR list makes me happy. I absolutely loved it. I am a lover of comics and unrequited love is the story of my life, so naturally, this book was perfect for me.
Graham is awesome and the Clark Kent glasses? Yasssss.
#25infive #comic #nerd #geek #readathon #weekendplans
Getting started today!
#mounttbrreadathon #readathon
I picked this up on a whim from a display at the library. I thought it would be a fun and mindless 3-4 star read. I was very pleasantly surprised by this book. Maybe it's the nerd in me but I loved this story set in the New York Comic Con over a 3-day weekend. Again, not super deep but I really enjoyed the characters and the nerdy references throughout. Perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon! 5⭐️
GIVEAWAY TIME!!! I'm doing my very first giveaway! I'm excited and nervous. A hardcover copy of this book is up for grabs plus, sticker prints of this fan art and another fan art of your choice, and some bookish swag! Here's the rafflecopter link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d0428f2e1/? This ends on Harry Potter's birthday!
Clearly I'm having a book hangover from this book. I couldn't read the next book I need to read properly. This book is just sooooo good! 😍 in other news: i need to find some free calligraphy classes from the internet... I butchered the end 😂
But for once, I see all those characters and I don't really envy them their fantasy worlds. I'm okay with my reality, as messy and imperfect as it may be. I don't really know what comes next, but honestly isn't that the best part of writing a story anyway? Maybe it's the best part of real life, too.
So-so. Could have been a lot more MORE had the characters had stronger development. Fun one day read.
Guys I had a long day of cleaning my house and getting ready for my brother in law and his wife visiting us later in the week. I had coupons for Half Price Books and felt the need to reward myself.
The perfect ending quote for a YA novel: "I'm okay with my reality, as messy and imperfect as it may be. I don't really know what comes next, but honestly, isn't that the best part of writing a story anyway? Maybe it's the best part of real life, too".
About to start this YA novel just in time for Valentine's Day! Running out off own books #MakeRoomMakeRoom
So much fun! And now I want to go to Comic Con!
I loved this adorably nerdy, Comic-con romance that perfectly captures the feeling of unrequited love at 16. I'm definitely going to add Tash to my list of authors to insta-buy
Sometimes all we have is the knowledge that something extraordinary exists in the universe, even if we can't be the ones to claim it. Sometimes that has to be enough.
Fiction is there when real life fails you. But it's not a substitute.
This was such a sweet story! I really enjoyed reading this tale of first teenage love set against the backdrop of NYCC. It appealed to my inner geek (I think we all geek out about something!) and I enjoyed the pop culture references. If you like YA, I'd recommend!
Not a great photo, but it's just about the only book I have with a #longtitle. Plus, I just finished it, and was writing it up in my reading journal. #booktober @RealLifeReading
My last 2 books were heavy, so I'm really in the mood for something light and easy!
This is a sweet story about a group of geeky friends, NYCC, and teenage love. I read it in a morning and am excited to share it with my students who share my love of all things geeky. So many times, I stopped and thought, "This author speaks my language," not Dothraki, but Geek. Well done and worth the read.
This book started off a little slow for me, but by the end I found myself cheering the characters on. It was sweet and nerdy and a little messy. Also, I definitely loved the fact that the characters got to cosplay and walk around at a comic con. How could I not love this quote?
ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I am now a Sarvenaz Tash fan for life. Her writing is wonderful; when I couldn't be reading this book, it was all I could think about doing. Even though the book wasn't surprising in regards to overall plot, every turn of the page brought a new delight. I want to read it again!
"Isn't it funny, though? How it's become kinda cool to self-identify as a nerd? I doubt our parents had that luxury."
Oh, God, I'm in the same generation as teenagers' parents now...
And now for something completely different...
Okay guys. I'm pretty excited about this one. I love books. I love comic cons. This book and I were meant to be! 🙌😃🎉
I loved loved loved this book! I sat down and read the whole thing in one sitting. I loved the characters, humor and above all, the geek references. I got totally lost in the book!!!