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You've Got to Read This
You've Got to Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories That Held Them in Awe | Jim Shepard, Ron Hansen
7 posts | 1 read | 2 to read
Thirty-five authors choose their favorite stories and they explain why. From Chekhov's Gooseberries to Mary Caponegro's The Star Cafe.
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Hello Group H - #lmpbc - I'm so excited to share this experience with you! Are there any genres that you loathe or avoid at all costs? I'm open to any/all and think this is an awesome chance to explore new reads! 🤗📚Have a great day!

Jerdencon I'm good with anything...except maybe romance. Looking forward to this... have to pick my book and start reading since the first day to mail is next week! 7y
mariaku21 Hi! I'm good with just about anything... what about you? 7y
JackOBotts I'm open to anything, @Jerdencon @mariaku21 @MoniqueReads305 - I'm not a huge fan of Sci-Fi and super romance-y reads, but I'm flexible (& open to diversifying my reads). Shall we keep our selections a surprise for the next reader? We have all of November to read our choice and then share by the end of the month, right? We can send it to the person "below us" on the sign up...#4 sends to #1...does that work? 7y
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mariaku21 @JackOBotts @Jerdencon @MoniqueReads305 that works for me! Now I just have to pick a book... 7y
Jerdencon @JackOBotts @mariaku21 @MoniqueReads305 I will mail to Monique I think. And I misread the dates... thought I had to mail out by 11/1! Happy it's 11/30. Will try to find something good and excited to be surprised with what everyone else sends! 7y
MoniqueReads305 @KatKilo @JackOBotts @mariaku21 I don't have any reading restrictions. Excited to see what what is picked. 7y
JackOBotts @MoniqueReads305 @Jerdencon @mariaku21 - I think I've made my selection. Fiction, published in 2012, male author, well received. Trying to keep it a surprise! 🤗 7y
MoniqueReads305 I've made selection also (I think). Fiction (literary/contemporary), published in 2012, female author. I've read two books by her so far and have enjoyed them. 7y
Jerdencon I picked mine too... fiction also written in 2016. Hope it's good! Just ordered it! 7y
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This is literally the only book I own with a title that starts with X, Y, or Z! It's a massive collection of short stories chosen by contemporary American authors. Each story has a brief intro written by the author who chose the story. I love the variety here- everything from Joyce, Kafka, and Borges to Raymond Carver and Jamaica Kincaid. #seasonsreadings2016 #titlesstartingwithxyz

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Signed up for #litsyreadingchallenge on Goodreads & will pick my books soon. I also want to do the 2017 Read Harder challenge since I didn't this year & a 2nd year of the #foodiesread challenge w/ @Dvmheather but I'm still deciding if I can commit to the #litsyatoz challenge. With these 3, a book tour blog review a week + work/life, I'm not sure how doable it is-but many of my favorite littens are doing or organizing it. Such a bookish dilemma! 😬

BookishMarginalia I'm just going to whisper something in your ear: cross-pollinate! Use a book for multiple challenges 🤔👍🏼 8y
Dvmheather I'm just going to read what I read and see how it works out for Litsy A to Z. 8y
SharonGoforth I always over-commit, but that's because I love to make the lists, plus it really does help me organize my reading. And, like @bookishmarginalia , I do try to make a book work for as many challenges as I can . I always make an effort to complete them, but don't stress too much if I don't 😊 8y
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LisaJo @Dmvheather - that is my plan too. 8y
ApoptyGina69 I just sent the link for #foodiesread to myself, so I'll check it out. And friended @Dmvheather. 👋🏻Hi! 8y
Suzze I always start challenges and rarely finish, but even if I only read a handful of books for them, it was fun. 8y
DebinHawaii @BookishMarginalia Yes, I think it's the only way to do this. I am a total mood reader and not the best planner. I think the review books are what throw it off since I usually pick those quarterly, a quarter out to review on specific dates. Right now I have them scheduled through March so if I do the A-Z challenge, I may not have a complete list or need to make it fluid/subject to change.👍 @Dvmheather @LisaJo I may need to do that. 👍😀 8y
DebinHawaii @SharonGoforth @Suzze Yes! I need to probably get over my need to complete things I start and be more relaxed about it! 😆👍 8y
DebinHawaii @ApoptyGina69 Yay! It is a fun, relaxed challenge & there are monthly prizes! @Dvmheather is awesome! 👍👍👍 8y
DebinHawaii Here's the link to the 2017 Foodies Read Challenge if anyone else wants to check it out: http://www.spiritblog.net/december-foodies-read/ 8y
SharonGoforth @DebinHawaii Thanks for the link! 8y
LitHousewife What does freezer-worthy horror mean? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I'm not ashamed to ask. 🙂 8y
Jinjer How do I find that challenge on good reads, please? 8y
Jinjer Never mind! Found and joined it. 8y
DebinHawaii @LitHousewife Hah! No worries. It comes from an episode of Friends where Joey puts books that are too scary in the freezer because it makes him feel safe. Great episode featuring The Shining & Little Women. You can find the clip on YouTube if you put in Friends 'The Freezer.' 👍😀 8y
DebinHawaii @Jinjer Glad you found it! It won't let me copy, cut and paste that link for some reason but if anyone else needs it it's under Litsy Reading Challenge on Goodreads: Groups 👍 8y
Daisey I completely get what you're saying! All the of these look great, but I was planning on doing less challenges next year and now I'm back to at least three. I plan to stick with the Read Harder challenge again, this one, and Litsy A to Z, and I will definitely be using books in multiple challenges when possible. 8y
DebinHawaii @Daisey I think that's the only way to do it! 👍😀 8y
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Joining the #LitsyReadingChallenge from @jessica
This is going to be a fun challenge!!! Also working on my list for the #LitsyAtoZ challenge from @BookishMarginalia I think I'm doing the Title track. Looking forward to LOTS of reading in 2017!!!

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I signed up for another #readingchallenge2017 this time by jessica (couldn't tag her). Is it cheating if I use a couple of books for both challenges? #LitsyChallenge2017

heatherspoetlife I think its necessary to use some books for multiple challenges if I'm going to get through them all. 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Not cheating at all! I'm doing the same thing with the #LitsyAtoZ reading challenge. And I also do the Ultimate Pop Sugar reading challenge on GR. It's going to be a busy year! 8y
BookishMarginalia Not cheating at all. #LitsyAtoZ is about fun and we aim to keep it easy, low-stress, and flexible. 👍🏼💜 8y
JenBrown I'll take your word girls ;) 8y
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I'm going to try my first #readingchallenge ever with #LitsyChallenge2017. I successfully kept track of the books I read this year, so I feel like I can handle this? Plus, I'll have all my #littens helping me! 😍👍🏼

Bookworm54 You can do the thing! 💪🏻 8y
Reviewsbylola I think I will be participating too! 8y
JDHawkins Love this challenge. You got this! 8y
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Have you heard of the #LitsyReadingChallenge for 2017?!

As of right now we have 138 members participating in this challenge that will kick off 1/1/17!

Head on over to this link to get your bingo card and see what everyone else will be reading!


Godmotherx5 Printed off my card yesterday! 8y
jessberk13 @Godmotherx5 yay!! I'll be working on my lists this weekend! 8y
Laura317 Printed all the cards yesterday. Possibly accidentally. Maybe. 8y
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Sararl77 Just signed up! Looking forward to this! 8y
charl08 This looks great. 8y
TrishB Just joined group! Haven't had chance to think yet but will be joining in! 8y
jessberk13 @Laura317 😂😂😂😂 8y
Owlizabeth @RiotMom I'm gonna try to do this... 8y
RiotMom @Owlizabeth I'm doing #litsyAtoZ and I'm going to attempt #readharder... I've got big dreams for 2017 😂 8y
intothehallofbooks I just signed up! Or I joined the group, I think that's all there is to it? Yay! Thanks Jessica!(oh my I can't tag you either @jessica, I'm so sorry) 8y
katedensen I just joined yay! 8y
Bookworm54 I'm joining once I work out my goodreads login! :) 8y
Jessicav I just signed up! Looks fun. 8y
LeahBergen I joined! 👍🏼 8y
bookandcat I'll be signing up! This can replace my books on the nightstand bingo hole that was left after their podcast ended 8y
TheCanuckReader I just signed up too :) 8y
pinkpygmypuffs I joined. 😄 8y
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