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Joined April 2016

History nerd. English (and German) major. Phonetics is my enemy. Goodreads - Jen Brown
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I‘ve seen so many people online raving about this book that I finally gave it a try. At first I was loving it, I really felt like the book had so many realizations and it built very nicely. However, towards the second half it started getting quite tedious, and the fact that I found the author more and more arrogant with every chapter didn‘t help.

Read the first 5 chapters. That‘s it.

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I've just started this and it's already extremely relatable.

HiddenGemBooks The...first...two...sentences. YES. 7y
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Lately I've been watching Leah Remini's show 'Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath', and I ended up with this book. It's really interesting to know the life of a 'regular parishioner' - meaning not a SeaOrg member. I wasn't really interested in her rise as an actress, I obviously was more interested in those things about a Scientologist's everyday life. Scientology is crazy and I'm glad to see people like Leah Remini standing up to them.💪🏻

Saga Vol. 7 | Brian K. Vaughan
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I'm crying.

Eyelit That whole volume had me in tears. 😥 7y
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Saga Vol. 6 | Brian K. Vaughan
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Yay! I love this series. Never disappoints ❤️

Saga Vol. 6 | Brian K. Vaughan
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Finally getting to read Volume 6. Marko looks cool as f*ck. He's my favorite.

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Avocado toast and homemade orange and carrot juice 🥑🍊🥕☺️ Best part of breakfast are the blueberrys. I've read three chapter from 'In a Dark, Dark Wood' so far. Not into it so far, but let's hope it picks up quickly.

rockpools Breakfast looks amazing! 7y
Reviewsbylola Yum! 🥑 7y
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A little reading in a very grey day. I love rain. ☁️🌧☁️📚🙆🏻

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Amazing, quick read. Just like with her previous essay. Adichie is one of the best role models out there and I could not agree more on her opinions 💪🏻

We Should All Be Feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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A couple days ago I lent my copy of We Should All Be Feminist to one of my best friends, and I warned her that I sometimes underline my essay books. I'm weirdly proud to see she posted this on her instagram account. 👯

X-23: Innocence Lost | Christopher Yost, Craig Kyle
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Such a great origin story! And a badass female character. I'm definitely gonna keep on reading about X-23 💪🏻💪🏻

#LitsyAtoZ #LetterZ
#ReadHarder2017 #ReadASuperheroComicWithAFemaleLead

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I'm about to tear up in the train! This is such a sweet, honest and charming story... I'm still processing. Absolutely loved it.

#TASK15 #ReadaYAnovelbyanauthorwhoidentifiesasLGTB+

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Lady Killer | Joelle Jones
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It didn't convince me. The art is beautiful but the storyline wasn't as catching as I expected. However, I'll probably read the next volume to see if it gets better from now on.

Wife I ordered this one. First graphic novel. I hope I like it! 7y
JenBrown @Wife Hope you like it too! If you are just starting with graphic novels I'd recommend Saga, those were the ones hooked me up :) 7y
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The Novel Cure: An A to Z of Literary Remedies | Ella Berthoud, Susan Elderkin
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Oh... well... yes, that's me.

Yes Please | Amy Poehler
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Would Amy adopt me, please!? I enjoyed so much this audiobook. I own a hardcopy, which I used to see the pictures, but her narrative is so genuine I would recommend so much better to listen to it. Plus the random conversation and the giggles with Seth Meyers and Mike Shur, that part was really funny.

#LitsyAtoZ #LetterY #audiobook

Yes Please | Amy Poehler
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It seems I'm getting into audiobooks, but they are so expensive! I'm cleaning up while listening and it's making it lighter. Really enjoying Poehler's book so far.

awishman Overdrive from your public library is your friend!! That's what I use, in addition to Audible daily deals for many of my audio books. 7y
JenBrown @awishman Thanks for the tip! 7y
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I've seen this on the Audiobook app and I'm really intrigued. Seems like it is a new take on the Little Mermaid fairytale. Anyone has read it?

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Bossypants | Tina Fey
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I love Tina, and listening herself narrate this book is definitely much better than only reading it. I laughed in public a couple times like a crazy person! I really enjoyed it, especially the chapters about 30Rock one of my favorite shows - I re-watch it almost every summer). It's great to get to know the most personal aspect of her life. However, Liz Lemon for life!

#LitsyAtoZ #LetterB #audiobook #femaleauthor

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Bossypants | Tina Fey
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Giving audiobooks a second chance. I never seem to be able to fully concentrate to just listening, but I'm working on it. I think I'm doing quite well, more than one hour in!

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How appropriate; today I started reading The Second Sex, my friend invited me to go to the especial events in the Catalonia National Museum celebrating International Women's Day and "Sister Suffragette" from Mary Poppins just started playing from my playlist. #InternationalWomensDay2017 ????‍?

Oh, I haven't posted (or even read) much this last month. A lot of things going on, but I'm trying to get back on track.

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I've been obsessed with watching this movie since I finished the book less than a week ago, and today my mom and I are finally at the cinema. I'm so excited! Plus, I've got a big crush on Dev Patel recently 😍

UPDATE: I cried. Twice.

Bookzombie He is so handsome! I loved him on Newsroom. 7y
JenBrown @Bookzombie The Newsroom is how my crush started, he's so cute x) 7y
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This is an amazing story, full of emotion. Brierley's writing is so honest I couldn't get enough. And his story is amazing, it almost seems a work of fiction. I'm really glad I got to live his incredible journey through his words and wish both his families the best.

Now I can't wait to see the movie.

#LitsyAtoZ #LetterL
#LitsyReadingChallenge2017 #AMemoirByAPersonOfColor
#ReadHarder2017 #ReadATravelMemoir

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Anyone else getting ready for The Oscars? ✨So many movies based on books/real life events. Last weekend I watched Hidden Figures and Loving (would recommend both) and next Saturday I plan to go see La La Land. I hope I can get to see Lion and Fences before the ceremony - I love Viola Davis so much 😭. Books with the movie poster as covers usually annoy me, but I couldn't get mad at Dev Patel ❤

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The Neverending Story | Michael Ende, Ralph Manheim
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Just picked it up last week. I got to confess I bought it maintly because I loved the cover. #bookwithinabook

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Well, it hooked me up. It is a sweet "will they, won't they" story, and the dinamic between the main characters is funny. However, some plot points were predictable. It was waiting for the internal "Aha! I knew it" constantly. But if you can get past that, it's actually a pretty good light reading. Can't decide if I'd give it 3.5 or 4 stars, because I actually enjoyed it. This is Sally Thorne's first book.

#ReadHarder2017 #readadebutnovel

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Romanov obsessed? Me? Nah. #royals #readjanuary

izah.ahmad Wowsa 😍 7y
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#bookmail ‼️ Boy, why do they have to mail orders into 20 different packages? Well, this arrived today. I've read many good reviews about it. It's supposed to be real funny, so... let's give it a try.

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“Forget everything you know, stuff yourself into a corset and play dumb for the rest of your life if you want to make it here, sweetie” is basically what Oneill tells you. Next time a girl tells me how romantic and virtuous the Victorians were, I‘m gonna punch her in the face.

It is a really good book, funny and informative. And I'm making it my Letter U option for the #LitsyAtoZ because it is too good the be left out.


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"Do not suck your umbrella."

Did really Victorian girls suck on their umbrellas that often? It's not the first time mentioned in the book, I'll have to research it ? I found it hilarious!

Laura317 That's just - Weird. 7y
JenBrown @Laura317 It is indeed. 7y
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Lots of cool recipies with literary puns as names. Rye and Prejudice, A Rum of One's Own, The Last of the Mojitos... There are also non-alcoholic drinks like Cherry Poppins and The Wonderful Blizzard of Oz. I've marked a bunch of them to try with some of my nerdy friends 🥂🍹🍸 The only thing I thought was unnecessary was that the cocktails were classified as drinks for girls or guys.

#LitsyReadingChallenge2017 #nonfictionbookaboutfoodordrink

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Gloves flirtation. I can't 😂

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Finally arrived today! I could not resist, I had to start reading it. I'm two chapters in and so far I love it. Victorians were so gross! #bookmail

Reviewsbylola I just got this too. I may save it for #24in48 7y
JenBrown @Reviewsbylola I had to x) 7y
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When your friends are late for breakfast and you can read a little longer..... oh, and I could go get my #bookmail while waiting untill I decided I needed coffe right away ☕️☕️☕️

Michelle_mck Bliss! 7y
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American Gods | Neil Gaiman
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I just watched the trailer for American Gods, and all of a sudden I'm super excited! It looks awesome 😵 I have the book in my tbr, and I hope I can get to it before the show airs. ⚡️⚡️💫📚

Mtroiano So good! 7y
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The Reader | Traci Chee
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Me & my mom almost everyday.


Lumberjanes 1: Guardatevi dal Sacro Micio | Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Brooke Allen
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"Then there's a line about God or whatever"

Just started this comic. I don't know what's going on but I'm excited ?? And it's going to be part of my #ReadHarder2017 challenge!

heatherspoetlife I hope you enjoy it, this is one of my favorite series! 7y
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A little throwback to when Patrick Rothfuss visited Barcelona and gave a conference about how he works and presented a tale he had been working on. This was a few years ago.
Sorry the pic is a little blurry, too many people wanting their book signed.

CoffeeAndABook Oh Patrick Rothfuss!!! Will you finally publish the next book already!!!!! Very cool that you got to see him though. 👍😉 (edited) 7y
JenBrown @CoffeeAndABook Well, this was 2013, sooo.... 😶😆 (edited) 7y
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On the train on my way to work. Although I'm half way through with Fangirl, I like to bring lighter books when I read on the train. Everyone says this is so good, so I'm starting it and will be my train-read for the next few days.

This is my O option for the #LitsyAtoZ reading challenge :) Oh, and I'm reading it in Spanish.

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Say hi to my dear friend LIZ!! She's new on Litsy, and finally signed up because I'm the worst 😬 Follow her, talk to her, she's quite alright 😘

LizVillar You're quite alright too hahahah Love you 😘❤ 7y
Theresa Welcome @LizVillar !! 7y
LizVillar Thank you @Theresa 7y
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The Romanovs: 1613-1918 | Simon Sebag Montefiore
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My dad forgot to give me this for Christmas and he's giving it to me now. He's had it for weeks! Well, today it's still a Holiday in Spain so it's ok. I'm really exited about this book. It is so heavy!

BookishMarginalia Such a pretty cover too! 7y
Reecaspieces Wow! Enjoy! 7y
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Hilarious! I could have posted a lot more pictures of conversations (?) in this book. A light and enjoyable read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Blair_Reads I just put this on hold! It looks hilarious. Thanks for posting ☺️ 7y
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This book is gold.

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"Because of evolution, sweetheart."
OMG, I almost choked! I don't know why I find this so funny ?? I'm definitely telling that to my kid someday.

JoeStalksBeck Lmao!! 7y
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I LOVE THIS BOOK! I had it for the longest time and come back to it every once in a while. I love 19th century fashion (visually, I'm sure it was actually a pain), and this was my first book on the subject back when I was 14 or 15. I got it second hand in a random vintage store for 5€, I couldn't believe it. #DressesonCovers and basically dresses inside as well ☺️

Reviewsbylola I cannot imagine dressing like that daily! 7y
RealLifeReading Wow those dresses! 👗 7y
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Oh My God I gotta stop! But I want to do this too 😭 but I don't think I can keep up with three challenges, I know there's people that do that and more but.... well, screw it, I 'll sing up and see how it goes. 📚📚📚💫 #ReadHarder2017

PurpleyPumpkin I've got a bunch of challenges on the go too. I figure I'll do my best and if I don't finish, it's no biggie. We've gotta try!🙌🏽 7y
JenBrown @PurpleyPumpkin 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 7y
broomperson I like challenges because I have so many books that it helps me decide what to read. 7y
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Utopia | Lincoln Child
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When you cannot make up your mind for a reasonable TBR 😭😰 #thismonthstbr #januaryreads

Marchpane This one is fantastic: 7y
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Scaramouche | Rafael Sabatini
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Today I went to the theater to see the comedy musical Scaramouche! I loved it, it was funny and relatable to nowadays politics and social situations (at last from where I live). It felt like Les Miss meets The Princess Bride. I'm not sure to what extend the play is inspired by the book. I've read a little about it and although it feels familiar, it's not the same story. However, I loved it! ❤️

Fangirl: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Alright! I flipped a coin and Fangirl it is. Thank you @saresmoore for your suggestions ;) I'm gonna start right now.

saresmoore Yay! I hope you enjoy! 7y
Lacythebookworm Such a fun book! 🙌 7y
Jinjer Sounds good! Added to my TBR stack. 7y
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A to Z | Sandra Boynton
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Happy New Year, Littens!! The Holiday madness is over! I'm done with hangovers and it's time to start reading again, but I just can't decide which book to pick up next! Here's my #AtoZchallenge list. Which book should I start with? 📚⁉️

saresmoore So many good choices! My vote is either for The Ocean at the End of the Lane or Fangirl. I think either would leave you wanting to keep reading. 7y
Redjewel_7734 The Ocean at the End of the Lane is soooo good! 7y
Reviewsbylola I loved the following: Ready Player One, both of the Gillian Flynn books, and Z. 7y
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JenBrown @saresmoore @Redjewel_7734 @Reviewsbylola thanks for the suggestions! The ones you've mentioned will be next in my tbr :) 7y
Bookzombie I suggest Yes, Please and probably Bossypants on audio. 🎧 7y
JenBrown @Bookzombie I'm strongly considering it, although I have them both on paper. 7y
Bookzombie @JenBrown I read Bossypants on paper when I read it and still enjoyed it. 🙂 7y
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Here we are still celebrating! Christmas is not over! Here's one of my bookish gifts!