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My first Books by the Banks was a success! 📚🤗 I spent way too much, but I met some incredible authors and had a lot of fun! I really enjoyed chatting and hanging out with these awesome Littens (plus @Pamwurtzler and @kitty_reads not pictured in this photo)! Thanks for organizing Michelle!

#litsymeetup #ohiomeetup #cincinnatimeetup #cincinnati #ohio #booksbythebanks #authorevent #bookevent #bookfestival

Mayhem & Mass | Olivia Matthews
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Untitled | Unknown
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SilversReviews Have fun!! 6y
Cathythoughts Have fun 💕 6y
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Karkar You two are too cute! 6y
TNbookworm Aren't y'all cute! 6y
zzz How fun! 6y
Pamwurtzler You guys are so cute! 6y
Reviewsbylola I wish we could have made it today! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! 6y
Chelleo @Reviewsbylola It was great! I haven‘t been in a few years and it has really grown! 6y
Hooked_on_books What a cool sign! 6y
Mdargusch Wish I was there! 6y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Lola This is so great! Have fun!! 6y
Mitch Love all your happy smiles! 😍 6y
SilversReviews Have fun!! 6y
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Cathythoughts Wooohoooo 🎉 6y
CouronneDhiver Love this! ❤️ 6y
zzz Very cool! 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
SilversReviews Have fun!! How many people are at the meet up? 6y
Chelleo @SilversReviews There were 7 Littens. 😊 6y
117 likes4 comments
The Kingdom of Ohio | Matthew Flaming
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Karkar We should do this every year!! 6y
Chelleo @Karkar Agreed! Great event! 6y
Chelleo @Karkar Are you still there? Jess is looking for you and @pamwurtzler 6y
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Jess7 @karkar are you still here?? I‘m in the author signing room 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻😊 6y
Karkar @Jess7 yes I am. I was just listening to Jason Reynolds 6y
Karkar @Chelleo @jess7 we went to the Finoa video first. Too cute. 😍😍 6y
Pamwurtzler @kitty_reads & I saw Sara Paretsky after the Fiona video & then we had to take off. It was fun & yes we should definitely do that every year. @Jess7 @Karkar @Chelleo @LeshaMac @GondorGirl 6y
85 likes9 comments
Kingdom of Ohio | Matthew Flaming
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91 likes4 comments
Kingdom of Ohio | Matthew Flaming
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#OhioLittens we‘re meeting in this corner in front of the windows. It‘s the corner of Fifth & Elm. #BooksByTheBanks #OhioMeetup #CincinnatiMeetup #litsyMeetup

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Kingdom of Ohio | Matthew Flaming
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Looking forward to seeing you #OhioLittens #CincinnatiLittens and anyone in the surrounding areas tomorrow! #LitsyMeetups #OhioMeetup #CincinnatiMeetup #BBTB2018

BeansPage I just heard about this from your post. I want to go but it's such late notice I don't know if I can. I will have to see. Can you tag me the next time this comes up? Pretty please? 🍒🍦 6y
Chelleo @TheReadingMermaid Adding you to the list! 6y
MirrorMask I really wanted to go to this, but unfortunately I'm sick. 6y
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Pamwurtzler @kitty_reads and I are planning on it! 6y
Chelleo @MirrorMask Hope you feel better! 6y
Jess7 Where are you planning to park? @Chelleo looking forward to seeing you all! 6y
GondorGirl The husband and I just made it to Cincinnati! We got a hotel this time so we don't have to leave home at 5am. 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 6y
Chelleo @GondorGirl Smart woman! Hope you enjoy some of the city while you‘re here! 6y
Chelleo @Jess7 I was planning on parking in an adjacent garage. 6y
64 likes11 comments
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1. Me and my youngest bookworm at the Bengals vs Steelers game
2. Hope Never Dies (Obama/Biden mystery)
3. #BooksByTheBanks #ListyMeetup #Ohiomeetup #CincinnatiMeetup with #OhioLittens #CincinnatiLittens
4. Ear buds
5. 🎶 We are living single, And in a nineties kind of world, I‘m glad I‘ve got my girl 🎶


laurenlovesliterature Living single! (Doesn't that part repeat again.... Idk... it's been awhile). 6y
Chelleo @laurenlovesliterature 🏆 you got it!! 6y
Susanita I loved that show! 6y
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ShananigansReads Keep your head up, what! Keep your head up, that‘s right! Whenever this life gets tough you gotta fight with my home girls standing to my left and my right. True blue and tight like glue! 6y
ShananigansReads I know all of that but couldn‘t tell you what I had for lunch yesterday. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ 6y
MinDea Loved that show! 6y
Chelleo @Bookjunkie57 😂🤣😂 6y
EchoLogical C‘mon now! That used to be the show back in the day. LoL 6y
MicheleinPhilly I still quote a line from this show all the time. Kim Fields: “Can you really imagine a world without men?” Queen Latifah: “Yeah! A bunch of fat, happy women and no crime!” 6y
Chelleo @EchoLogical Yaaaassss! Max was my favorite 6y
melbeautyandbooks Look at those smiles! Great pic! 6y
Twocougs What an adorable bookworm😍 6y
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