chapter 54: Dodo goes home and Will drops by #babyhasaname #willispeacingout #hewantstomakehiswaybeforehecomesback #sirjameshashorribletiming #pemberlittens
chapter 54: Dodo goes home and Will drops by #babyhasaname #willispeacingout #hewantstomakehiswaybeforehecomesback #sirjameshashorribletiming #pemberlittens
Day 6 - #Communicate #QuotsyDec19
They discussed the plan and the possibilities. They would move in on the elk camp in the predawn from three directions and close in. Wacey said he would #communicate with Joe and Deputy McLanahan with hand signals. If anyone was in the camp, they would surround and disarm them as quickly as possible. #QuotsyDec19