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Today has been a shit show with buses being late, clients cancelling and generally being shitty. I was in the right mood for paranormal silliness.

#HauntedShelf #Flerken

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes you really do need a book to take you away from reality! 😅 2d
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CBee I hope tomorrow is better ♥️ 1d
Texreader Glad the silliness helped make your day better 1d
OutsmartYourShelf Brilliant 👏 1d
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This one has some action in it! This is probably my favourite couple so far. The dynamic was different and they were both military.

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Viral Airwaves | Claudie Arseneault
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My current read has an asexual protagonist! And all four of my #JuneOfARC books are queer! I‘ve also got the last book in the Last Binding series by Freya Marske on my nightstand waiting for me.

#SundayFunday Have a happy Pride Month! And remember to tag me in your posts!

Bookwormjillk I didn‘t think so but just remembered I have 4mo
PathfinderNicole Yes! Currently read the tagged but also have a sapphic cowgirl romance on my TBR! 4mo
mcctrish I just finished The Guncle and Clear, I‘m reading A Scatter of Light and have The Road to Dalton on deck to read. All of them are really different from each other 4mo
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Kitta Just finished Clear for #camplitsy24 and that was an unexpected #lgbt read! 4mo
Kitta I definitely need more lgbt reads for this month though, I‘m getting close to filling my #lgbtbookbingo card! (edited) 4mo
willaful By sheer luck, both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books are queer. (My Lucky Star and The Great Believers.) I'm also listening to Greta and Valdin and have the Guncle Abroad to read this month. Liek @mctrish I'm buddy reading A Scatter of Light and Clear (is it queer? I don't know yet.) And just got the new Alison Cochrun, Here We Go Again, IIRC. 4mo
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A History of My Brief Body | Billy-Ray Belcourt
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I had such high hopes for this, but really struggled with it. In part because of the language. (I had to look up several words I didn‘t know in the dictionary, and English is my first language!) I found it hard to focus, it was so dense.

Very damning of Canada in terms of the treatment of indigenous peoples and an interesting perspective on NDN queer life, I‘m glad I read it but wouldn‘t recommend it.

#lgbtbookbingo #lgbt

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My 1st book for the #transrightsreadathon and I thought it was great! I very much want to read his memoir now.


JVN discusses queer life in a series of personal essays complete with research and data to back up his opinions (love a good reference). Covering grief, public perception and imposter syndrome, as well as his HIV+ status and the HIV safety net, among other things - this was a great quick read.

#lgbtq #lgbtbookbingo

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#lgbtbookbingo #lgbtq2023 @Kenyazero

I didn‘t finish the whole card but I did get a bingo!!

I didn‘t read nearly as much this year so I‘m happy with that. Can‘t wait for the next one!

Kenyazero Nice work! It looks like you came pretty close, and completed many of the bonus prompts too! Combined, I bet there‘s enough to count as a blackout 😉 9mo
Kitta @Kenyazero haha okay I‘ll take it! 9mo
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Stormsong | C. L. Polk
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After Witchmark, Grace finds herself in the position of dealing with the aftermath. Too bad she also has to deal with a manipulative father, a faerie envoy, a tempting journalist, & the moral center of her country.

I adore the setting of these books. & Grace redeems herself for me. Charming characters, & lots of political intrigue. & a examination of radical change vs moderate steps. The ending left one major plot point undealt with. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern Second read for the #TransRightsReadathon, #LGBTbookbingo @Kenyazero QBIPOC author, #NoBuy2023 @PuddleJumper Library book CW 👇🏻 (edited) 2y
BookmarkTavern Chapter 21 graphic description of murder by asphyxiation to the victim‘s father to coerce a confession 2y
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A lake. A cursed princess. A swan. You think you know this story, but what if I tell you there‘s also a dying forest, an amnesiac enchantress, & the threat of war?

This was a charming, polyamorous/queer retelling of Swan Lake. A wonderful, if a bit confusing, magic system, sweet & diverse characters. And a thoughtful story on the importance of communication & honesty in a relationship. Very much reads like a debut, but very enjoyable. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern First book finished for the #TransRightsReadathon, #LGBTbookbingo @Kenyazero Non-binary rep, #NoBuy2023 @PuddleJumper Black or white cover (edited) 2y
TheBookHippie Oh my daughter loved The Swan Princess. I‘ll have to get this for her. 2y
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Graph Out Loud | Graphjam Com
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StoryGraph stats from last year! I made a real effort with queer books for #lgbtbookbingo!

It looks like I forgot to add a couple books, I take much better care in updating goodreads. I can‘t figure out what‘s missing though. 🤷🏻‍♀️