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Weekly Forecast | Thomas Gibson Inc
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#weeklyforecast a day early. Similar to last week, I want to finish my in-progress reads and then hopefully get through one or two others from my first quarter TBR stack. I have A Golden Age on audiobook, so that will probably be my next listen. I‘ll also probably have to use the spin the wheel app to pick my next print book because there are several I want to read now. #decisionfatigue #toomanychoices🤷🏻‍♀️

Cinfhen My brain can‘t seem to settle either...you have loads of good options 3y
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Hunting Ground | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy or Anna & Charles???? 🤔🤔 in terms of timeline, I should read Hunting Ground first but I kinda want to see what Mercy's up to too!! #ExtendedUniversesForTheWin #TooManyChoices

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I decided I wanted a romance novel, opened my Kobo and remembered I bought this ages ago. Read Anne Rice‘s author‘s note/introduction from 2012, and she mentioned my absolute favorite of her novels, Cry to Heaven, which made me want to reread that. Now, I can‘t make up my mind and am frozen in indecision. #firstworldproblems #toomanychoices #whichAnnedoIread #maybeIwillrereadInterviewWithAVampire #ormaybeishouldjustgotobed 🤯

LibrarianRyan I love the sleeping beauty series. They are very sexually graphic. 5y
OrangeMooseReads Yes the Sleeping Beauty trilogy has some series graphic sex. It is good though. 5y
DGRachel @LibrarianRyan @OrangeMooseReads That‘s the reason I‘m hesitant. I read romance novels, and some of them have had a racy scene or two, but I‘m not sure I would be comfortable with the level of detail in these stories. 😳🙈 5y
OrangeMooseReads @DGRachel you can always give it a try and if it‘s too much bail. This trilogy isn‘t everyone‘s cup of tea. 5y
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Poor Unfortunate Soul was a nice, quick read. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I thought I would. Maybe if I had realized sooner that it was the third in a series that was actually entwined with the previous books, I would‘ve enjoyed it more. Now I have the problem of too many choices in what I read next.... #shelfie #books #toomanychoices #whatdoireadnext #help

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Curled up on my reading chair and trying to figure out what to read next #decisionsdecisions #toomanychoices

Every Heart a Doorway | Seanan McGuire
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My “Let‘s put as many genres in the one pile” stack, ready for tomorrow‘s #24in48readathon I think I‘ve covered most genres here, there‘s Crime, mystery, thriller, poetry, fantasy, western, magical realism, historical fiction, non-fiction & fairytales. And this is just a tiny amount of my TBR! #stackit #pileithighpileitupupupintothesky #toomanychoices

LeahBergen Ooo, read True Grit! 👍🏻 6y
Kalalalatja I really recommend this 6y
Suelizbeth @LeahBergen Yes! Such a great book. 6y
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Writing out some of my favourite books of 2017 into my journal 😍📖🤔 #toomanychoices

Stranger Things | Erin M. Healy
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I was going to read one of these tonight, but instead we started Stranger Things Season 2 😄😀🤓

#Netflix #TooManyChoices

BooksForEmpathy Worth it! We just finished about 10 minutes ago! 7y
EKonrad That was my weekend! I thought it was every bit as good as the first season. 😊 7y
StephBengtson I watched it all last night. So good! 7y
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emilyhaldi @BooksForEmpathy us too!! Almost finished it last night after an all day marathon 😳 but held out on 2 episodes to finish tonight 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
the-flashley I spent all of today binge-watching it with my mom. Lol we forced ourselves to stop and only have three episodes left now. 😬 😂😊 7y
Bklover Me too! Watched the first three episodes tonight! 7y
TricksyTails I'm so behind. I've only watched the first episode of the first season. Watching Mindhunter now. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I spent my weekend watching! Loved it! 7y
EsquireGirl Have watched both of these shows in their entirety! Loved them both! 7y
SkeletonKey Yay! I'm going to start season 2 tonight, just rewatched the first. 7y
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Untitled | Unknown

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by my #tbr. It just keeps growing, thanks to litsy! I keep telling myself there's no rush. #justkeepreading #blameitonlitsy #notsurewhattoreadnext #toomanychoices #bookloverproblems

Springtime: A Ghost Story | Michelle De Kretser
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Ok- showered and have ventured outside with my book 3 options for #readathon . Do I pick the spooky ghost story (Springtime by Michelle De Kretser), The Hour of the Star by Brazil's famed Clarice Lispector. Or the mystery Five Children and It by E. Nesbit?! Maybe a choice will be clear when my spicy veggie ramen comes. #toomanychoices #bookloverproblems #alwaysbereading

Notafraidofwords The hour of the star is so weird but so good. 8y
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