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My Life as a Dandelion | John Sazaklis
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You probably knew where dandelions got their name. But did you know that their puff is called a clock? #weirdwords I should have waited to post this in #weirdwordwednesday

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So, is anyone beeking today? Not me. I'm AC'ing it as it's currently 108ºF with 33% humidity. 🔥

Texreader Oh yikes!! 2d
Texreader I‘m in quite cool London for another day. I am very sympathetic though. I feel it all the way here. 2d
AmyG No 2d
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dabbe @Texreader 🩵💙🩵 2d
dabbe @AmyG No to beeking or no to my weather? 😂😂😂 2d
lil1inblue I'll do some beeking for you. It's only 65 F here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula! If I don't beek, it's actually a little chilly! 😂 😉 2d
AmyG Ha! No to both! 2d
TheSpineView I am beeking today! It is only 90 here today. However, the humidity is around 70%. You leave the AC and the humidity just clings to you like a second skin. 🥵 2d
Cuilin With those conditions you‘re beeking without your consent. 🥵 2d
kspenmoll No beeking here! Just clouds! 2d
TEArificbooks My beeking only happens after the sun goes down. As long as the sun isn‘t bearing down the heat feels good for about 5 minutes, warms the bones. Temps dropped about 10-15 degrees this week because it has been cloudy. We aren‘t getting wet, the rain is staying on the mountains but I like the temp drop. 108 feels good after 115+ for weeks. Still getting heat sick every time we leave the house. 2d
dabbe @lil1inblue Thanks! I'll be beeking more in the late fall/winter. 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @AmyG Gotcha! 🤩😂😘 2d
dabbe @TheSpineView What a perfect description--I can feel the sweat sliding down my back! 🥵 2d
dabbe @Cuilin Well said! #bwmc (beeking without my consent) 😂😂😂 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Same here. Are you in Phoenix, too? And why don't I know that? 🤔 2d
TEArificbooks No, An hour outside of Death Valley as a crow flies. 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Did I know that? If so, my brain has officially melted by #bwmc (beeking without my consent). You win the prize for hottest place on the planet. #thepainisreal🔥 2d
CBee If I beeked here I‘d possibly melt. The temps have been cooler as it‘s been raining every day, but the humidity ain‘t playin 😳😳😳 2d
dabbe @CBee Looks like we'll both be beeking in autumn! 🤩😂🤗 2d
Bookwormjillk Too humid here to beek much, but I‘m dreaming of September. 2d
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One of my most favorite new to me words, from my most recent read (You Be Mother). Mostly used in the book to mean a nap (which sounds SO NICE right now). Enjoy! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

IndoorDame So fun!!! 3d
TheSpineView That's a cool word!😎 3d
psalva Love this! 3d
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CatLass007 Interesting. I wonder how the word originated? 3d
TheBookHippie Oh fun. 💤 2d
dabbe You put the zIzz in 💤. 🩵💙🩵 2d
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s British or Australian or both. Was trying to get more info from the Oxford Dictionary but I have to subscribe 🤦‍♀️ 2d
CatLass007 Well that stinks. Oh well. 2d
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Untitled | Untitled
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#WeirdWordWednesday @CBee

I ran across this interesting word to share with you. I need to start making a list so I don't forget these words.

CBee I like this! And it isn‘t pronounced like I thought it would be. 3d
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The Joys of Yiddish | Leo Rosten
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vantz (VAHNTZ)

n. A bedbug.
n. By extension, an annoying person.

"My family always affectionately dubbed my brother, Howard, a vantz."


#weirdwordwednesday ?

AmyG A word used alot by my grandmother and Mom. 3d
lil1inblue Ooh! This is an excellent word. 3d
CBee Hmm. I can think of a few 😂😂😂 3d
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dabbe A new (ahem) slogan: Vance is a Vantz. 😀 2d
willaful How topical. 😂 2d
TheBookHippie @willaful I try to behave, alas it‘s a struggle… 2d
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Untitled | Unknown
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I saw a tiktok about limerence today and I had to look it up. What an intriguing word. #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

CBee Ooo! Thanks for posting - new word for me! 1w
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I'm feeling pretty otiose after the dog walk today. 104ºF, 37% humidity. 😳

AlaMich Ha! I have that word of the day thing as well. Never heard otiose before, and I feel that I have a decent vocabulary. 1w
dabbe @AlaMich I love them and the cartoons. I had never heard of it either, and I'm a retired English teacher! 😂 1w
ShelleyBooksie New word for me - love it!! @dabbe - the fact that you walked in that weather shows that you are not otiose 1w
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CBee Okay, I could handle the heat without so much humidity - if it were 104° here it would be absolutely like walking in a stew ??? 1w
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie It certainly made me worthless after, though! 😂😂😂 1w
dabbe @CBee We keep hoping for the monsoon to actual bring us rain. 🙏 1w
CBee @dabbe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (edited) 1w
dabbe @CBee 😘🤗😀 1w
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I like this better than Fine which is what I usually use. When googling this to make sure it was real I also found an album title by this name. I listened to a bit of it and it brought to mind the music Ross made on Friends.

Thanks for the tag, @CBee

Ruthiella Ross on the keyboard or Ross on the bagpipes? 🤣 🎶 Celebrate good times, come on! 🎵 1w
Deblovestoread @Ruthiella The keyboard 😂 the bagpipes always come with a side of Phoebe singing along 🎶 1w
dabbe @Deblovestoread And Jennifer Aniston hiding her face because she was laughing so hard. 😂😂😂 1w
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CBee Love it 👏🏻 1w
ShelleyBooksie I cannot wait to use this word! 1w
UwannaPublishme Just added to my vocab! 😁 1w
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Fun word lots of thoughts

Fun article https://momentmag.com/jewish-word-zaftig/

The Yiddish word zaftig (zoftik) means "juicy" or "succulent" and comes from the word zaft, which means "juice" or "sap". It entered the English language between the mid-1800s and the early 1900s and became a common adjective in the 1930s

What does Zoftig mean in slang?
-having a full rounded figure
-pleasingly plump.


LiteraryinLawrence When I lived in Boston there was a great Jewish deli/restaurant called Zaftig‘s. 💗 1w
julesG German word "saftig" means succulent/plump/juicy - mostly used for fruit and some vegetables, but can be used to describe certain juicy body parts. 1w
CBee 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1w
TheBookHippie @julesG ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1w
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Stumbled on this new-to-me weather word while reading the tagged this week and thought it was perfect for #weirdwordWednesday. I can‘t recall ever seeing this weather phenomenon as depicted, but I must have experienced it growing up near Scranton, PA and the Appalachians. One of those, “Oh there‘s a word for that,” moments. #weirdwords @CBee

CBee Lovely! 1w
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