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With October rapidly slipping away, I hope everyone was able to find and enjoy a copy of Sundiver. It's now time to think about November & December selections for #ClassicLSFBC. If there are no objections, we will do it the same as the August-October picks, the book that gets the most votes will be November's choice and the second most will go to December. It gives people more time to locate the selections. Nominations are now open.

CatLass007 I‘m thinking Connie Willis… Anything of hers… But this one comes to mind 2h
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RamsFan1963 Ooops!! I forgot to add our newest member to the selection process. I apologize @AnishaInkspill 2h
RamsFan1963 I think I will nominate one of Frank Herbert's best non-Dune books 2h
Bookwomble Harrison's 1974 novel parodied but also rehabilitated the Space Opera genre and is cited as inspiration by Iain M. Banks for his own sci fi works. 2h
Bookwomble @RamsFan1963 Oh, I've got that to read, too. 😄 2h
Ruthiella I‘ll vote from everyone else‘s nominations. 2h
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Sundiver | David Brin
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This is really toward the low end of the pick scale for me. It had some issues with pacing. I‘m glad I read it, though I doubt I‘ll read others in the series. I just didn‘t get the motivations for some of the characters actions. #ClassicLSFBC #audiowalk

Sundiver | David Brin
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There‘s not been tons of action in this book, and suddenly there‘s now tons of action! I‘ve got a couple of hours left, so I should finish soon. Beautiful day for a walk with temps in the 70s. #ClassicLSFBC #audiowalk

Ruthiella I‘ve not got to the action yet…but I think it‘s about to start. Dr. Jefferey‘s ship has just been presumed destroyed… 1w
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Sundiver | David Brin
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97/150 I'm pretty sure I read this when it first came out, but it's been long enough that I've forgotten most of the plot. Humans have discovered plasma beings inside the sun, and using the Sundiver project, seek to make contact. This could have leaned toward a hard science science-fiction, but Brin creates interesting characters, human and alien, that adds more dramatic points to the story. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lesliereadsalot Got this one coming up to read. 1w
DieAReader 🥳❤️‍🔥Excellent!! 1w
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A bunch of library ebook holds came in today and instead of postponing a few, I downloaded them all (cue nervous laughter). 🤭 still plugging away at Sundiver for #ClassicLSFBC and The Message in the Hollow Oak is for #NancyDrewBR this month.

sarahbarnes The same thing happened to me! 📚 2w
Ruthiella @sarahbarnes a classic library patron dilemma! 😆 2w
BarbaraJean 😂Library holds are one of the reasons I‘m in the middle of nine books right now 🫣 2w
Ruthiella @BarbaraJean The pressure is real. 😂 (edited) 2w
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A Fall of Moondust | Arthur C. Clarke
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Driving a tourist bus on the Moon, Pat Harris gets caught in a moonquake and his bus sinks in the Sea of Thirst's moondust. We follow the passengers and crew, the rescue team, and the journalists covering the story.

The moondust in the story doesn't actually exist, though it was a reasonable speculation at the time of writing. Yes, the characters were firmly rooted in the 1950s but the author still provided an exciting, suspenseful story.

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A Fall of Moondust | Arthur C. Clarke
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TO BE THE SKIPPER of the only boat on the Moon was a distinction that Pat Harris enjoyed.


ShyBookOwl I've never heard of this Clarke book but I'm intrigued! 2w
Bookwomble @ShyBookOwl We read it for the Classic Litsy Sci Fi Book Club in September. #ClassicLSFBC if you want some comments and critiques 😊 2w
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A Fall of Moondust | Arthur C. Clarke
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Sundiver | David Brin
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Started Sundiver for #ClassicLSFBC and for my. Ew #audiowalk book. I think I‘m going to like it, but as with many older books, I‘m going to have to adapt to sexist attitudes. Of course an attractive female biologist is going to run around barely clothed all the time. 🙄 Alligators and turtles again.

A Fall of Moondust | Arthur C. Clarke
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96/150 I loved this kind of book when I was young, hard science science fiction was my favorite genre. After 60+ years, it does feel a little dated, but it still holds up well. It still makes for a tense, exciting read as the rescue team struggles to save the passengers & crew of the Selene. Like any good disaster movie, just when the heroes think they've got things beat, a new problem comes along to gum up the works. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #ClassicLSFBC

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2w
Bookwomble I think this is one of the most enjoyable books the #ClassicLSFBC had read so far 😊 2w
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