One of my favourite #diverselovestories from last year. Sofia Khan is Not Obliged tells the hilarious dating mishaps of a British hijabi, who ends up finding love in the most unexpected of places. #romantsy #feistyfeb #diverselovestory
One of my favourite #diverselovestories from last year. Sofia Khan is Not Obliged tells the hilarious dating mishaps of a British hijabi, who ends up finding love in the most unexpected of places. #romantsy #feistyfeb #diverselovestory
My #diverselovestory and one of the most touching books I've ever read #feistyfebruary
Unapologetically cheating on this prompt! #diverselovestory My little Jewish daughter is having a baby and marrying a Muslim man. And there is so much love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ It makes my heart sing! And I get to be a grandma! #feistyfeb
#FeistyFeb My first ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️read of 2017 was this #DiverseLoveStory Guapa follows Rasa, a young gay man living in an unnamed Arab country as he struggles to make sense of the life he is both living and hiding. It's a moving story, beautifully written and crafted. I've already loaned my copy to a friend so I'm using a stock photo.