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willaful I think it's interesting how the author assumes readers all already know the backstory of each of the characters.

Also, yet another who wants to rehabilitate Mary Crawford! I remember reading a “sequel“ -- Joan Aiken, maybe -- which was clearly of the mind that Mary got #arawdeal and should've been the real heroine. Never mind the whole #beingafortunehunter thing.
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Ruthiella @willaful I loved Mary Crawford and was annoyed by Fanny, but I need to re-read 13mo
willaful @Ruthiella Fanny is definitely all wet, but Mary pretty much #dugherowngrave IIRC. I don't mind her growing from the experience and having a HEA though! (edited) 13mo
Cuilin So many characters. There was a moment where a Nancy showed up and I was like where did you come from? 13mo
ravenlee @Cuilin that threw me for a minute too, and I had to rack my brain to remember Nancy is a nickname for Anne (which I should remember, as an Anne) 13mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin @ravenlee yeah, it took me a minute to see that Nancy is Anne #annenotnancy #dontconfuseme #toomanypeople 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Sooo many characters all at once and @willaful is right about just being expected to remember them!!! I was never a Mary fan and read another sequel where she died, so I was also a little like, “wait, she's not dead??“ 😂 But poor Brandon! I love that guy, and everyone always wants to kill him off! #Brandon4lyfe 13mo
ravenlee Exactly! @TheAromaofBooks Why is Col Brandon always the first to get knocked off? He‘s one of the best Austen characters. And I feel more sympathetic to him as I find myself on the wrong side of 35 (okay, 40) - he‘s supposed to be sooo old and he‘s not even middle aged?! 13mo
TheAromaofBooks @ravenlee - Right?? Everyone so down on him because he wears flannel! 😂 13mo
dabbe @ravenlee I can't ever picture Col. Brandon again without thinking or seeing Alan Rickman, who is also gone. 💔

dabbe @willaful Agreed! It's been a while since I've read some of Austen's books, and boy am I having to go back and research to remember the gist of each person from the Austen novels. 😅 #whew 13mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe same! I mostly have the gist but I definitely needed a bit of a refresher 13mo
willaful Brandon got knocked off?! I missed that.

Now I want to read an AU where Marianne dies and Brandon and Mary Crawford get married. #justkidding #donthateme
BarkingMadRead @willaful I hate that Brandon died! Whyyyy does everyone kill him off?!? 13mo
willaful Oh, I did remember wrong. It wasn't fortunate hunting, it was Mary's moral failings in Edmund's eyes. 13mo
Morr_Books @BarkingMadRead Can you add me? I'd love to join the discussion. 13mo
BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books absolutely! 13mo
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Lolololol whoops apparently Miss deLuce has gone missing in the chaos that is our apartment so it looks like I‘m finding a different book to read.😅 I‘m thinking the book that reminds me of my happy place might be next.....🤔 #booked2019 #hotmessexpress #lostmybook #trulytragic #iamsuchamess #ineedanadult #help

The Swap | Megan Shull
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I promise I didn‘t forget about you @Chrissyreadit !!!! Getting ready to send it out today! I can‘t wait for you to get it!😁😁😁😁 #BlitsyHistoryMonth #BHM #BlitsySwap #BHMSwap

Chrissyreadit Awesome! 5y
Chelleo 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😍 5y
MolliesaurusRex @Chrissyreadit .....okay maybe it‘s going out tomorrow because my dumb ass forgot everything is closed today. BUT IT WILL BE THERE! #HotMessExpress🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
Chrissyreadit @MolliesaurusRex haha!!! I often forget the days... 5y
Chelleo @MolliesaurusRex 😂😂😂 I assumed as much 5y
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