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A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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Dang...this books got me torn. I‘m so confused by my feelings right now, I don‘t even know what‘s happening 😂 But because of what Tamlin did to Feyre, I‘m gonna have to go with #teamrhysand

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So, I read ahead, mostly because I want to get it over with and move on to other books. I have more thoughts and I‘ll put them in spoiler comments for anyone who has reached this point in the book. If I don‘t get them down now, I‘ll forget (if I‘m lucky) by the time the group discussion reaches this point.

#ACOTAR #dicksoapgate #LitsyAfterDark

DGRachel Ok. So, the writing is still cringy to me. There‘s just something about Maas‘s style that doesn‘t work for me. At. All. Chapter 27 brings the first real sex scene, which wasn‘t as bad as I feared it would be. But, I‘m really confused about Rhysand. I‘ve seen tons of #teamrhysand posts on social media, so I‘m sure something happens that makes him less of an a$$, but right now...ugh. The melodrama is killing me. #unpopularopinion #isitoveryet 6y
LibrarianRyan @DGRachel we shall see. I finished chapt 3. I will try for more tonight. 6y
Myhusbandhatesreading I really liked this book. That sucks you‘re not enjoying it. 6y
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Marilyncjackson I really liked it the first time I read it m, the second time not so much. 6y
DGRachel @Marilyncjackson That‘s interesting to me. Why do you think you didn‘t enjoy the reread as much? 6y
Marilyncjackson @DGRachel without any spoilers: because I have read the second and half of the third book so I know what happens and I can not look at things the same way. Both good and bad. I find myself wanting to scream at the characters now, where before I was able to completely be immersed by the story. To be honest I‘m hoping I can actually finish this read through with you guys. 6y
Wan.der.love I tried reading this and couldn‘t get into it. So many people love it. Thought maybe it was the timing and would try again later - interesting to see your feedback is similar! 6y
DGRachel @Wan.der.love It is really nice to meet other people who don‘t love this book because you‘re right, it has such a huge following that I thought there must be something wrong with me. 😂 6y
jpmcwisemorgan Oh boy! 6y
DGRachel @jpmcwisemorgan I will finish this one, if only out of spite at this point, but I‘m not sure I can do book two. I‘d rather read more squicky #tentacleporn. 😂 6y
jpmcwisemorgan #tentacleporn or the like can be arranged, I‘m sure. 6y
VeganCleopatra Part of the team Rhysand stuff is that Maas decided to do a 180 on the characters and from book two on you're supposed to then love Rhysand and hate Tamlin. She did this is the Throne of Glass series too. It's like she enjoys writing her own fan fiction. 🙄 6y
DGRachel @VeganCleopatra That makes me even less inclined to read the second book! 6y
VeganCleopatra Yeah it makes no sense. She just decided she preferred Rhysand and decided to make Tamlin a horrible person suddenly but tries to convince you he was all along. And of course Rhysand is the misunderstood good guy. 🤷‍♀️ I actually liked the first book but hated the rest. I'm pretty much done reading SJM. 6y
julesG @VeganCleopatra That's pretty much what I gathered from the ACOTAR wiki. Makes me not want to read the next books, but I'll finish this one. 6y
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Continuing the Maas journey!

MicrobeMom I love this series!!! Rhysand and Fayre!!! 6y
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Fangirl: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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"To really be a nerd she'd decided, you had to prefer fictional worlds to that real one."

Do you guys have a favorite fictional world? Mine wavers between Middle Earth (but Orcs eeep!) or Harry Potter (but Death Eaters aaah!).

bessejayne91 Prythian ( night court) ACOTAR Series- sarah j maas :) 7y
LoverofLit @bessejayne91 How could I forget ACOTAR?! And I'm not sure I'm familiar with Night Court. I'll have to look it up! 7y
bessejayne91 @LoverofLit have you read the 2nd book in ACOTAR Series? ;) 7y
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LoverofLit I've read all three! And I've preordered the next ❤ #teamrhysand 7y
bessejayne91 Im so excited for the next one but i soo keen for her last TOG installment. Its been a long wait 😫😪 7y
LoverofLit @bessejayne91 I just read Tower of Dawn last month so I'm doing ok on my craving for TOG but let's be honest, I want the next book as soon as I finish the last! 7y
bessejayne91 Im excited but nervous to read it at the same time!! All the ships better get all back together haha 7y
LoverofLit @bessejayne91 I KNOW! Actually I have to say that when the cover and synopsis was released for ACOFAS I was just a smidge disappointed it was following the same star couple we all love. There's so many good couples in this series and I want them all to have their own books and am ready to focus on their stories! Though I love anything Maas writes so I'll be happy as a clam I know. 7y
bessejayne91 @LoverofLit I would love to read about cassian and nesta! I think that would be intresting and steamy haha are you team Lucien or azriel for elain? 7y
LoverofLit @bessejayne91 Azriel all the way! 7y
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A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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“Don‘t you ever think that,” Rhysand hissed, his eyes livid. “Not for one damned moment.” ❤

I died.
#currentlyreading #acomaf #teamrhysand

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A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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#bookandcandle kind of day here in New England!! If you visit Willow Ridge Candles be sure to use “BOOKSAVVY20” for 20% your entire purchase.

Possibly one of my favorite books right here... #teamrhysand

#fantasyreads #bookstagram #booklove

A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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On the final book now! So in love with this series and how badass Feyre is 😍

#acourtofwingsandruin #sarahjmaas #teamrhysand

A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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" Rhys clinked his glass against mine. 'To the stars who listen-and the dreams that are answered.' "

I am well and truly on Team Rhysand ??

#acourtofmistandfury #teamrhysand #courtofdreams #sarahjmaas

Eryn2513 Favorite quote! 7y
Becca95 @Eryn2513 I got shivers reading it! ✨ 7y
SpeculativeFemale This is on my #TBR. After how much I've heard about it lately, it might be up next! 7y
Becca95 @SpeculativeFemale this series is definitely worth reading if you're a big fantasy fan! 7y
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So this finally came in yesterday. Only starting it now because I wanted to finish up my previous first. #acotar #teamrhysand

kristen_reads I'm halfway through now, hoping to finish tonight! 7y
Hashtag_TheAeonChronicles Just got mine Saturday! Almost done with Fury! 7y
NicolaRose Sooooo good! 7y
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