Starting this #litsypartyofone with chili cheese #tots and a Redd‘s apple ale. @MrBook
Starting this #litsypartyofone with chili cheese #tots and a Redd‘s apple ale. @MrBook
I don‘t know who to credit this, but you need to see this, @MrBook #tatertots #tots
Love seeing some of my favourite lines from the movie in the book (so really lines from the book that made it into the movie).
What is with all the men trying to plan out the women‘s lives? Sadly, this still happens quite frequently. At least in Shakespeare‘s day it was customary. Now, we know it‘s inappropriate and out of line. What are people‘s excuses today?
#shakespearereadalong #shakespeare #tamingoftheshrew #tots #10thingsihateaboutyou
All I'm saying is...this is for you @MrBook @BookBabe
#BookNDinner! Tonight's Friday night feast is a gussied-up hillbilly special — cheesesteak with cheddar and mozzarella and artichokes, #tots, and an iced tea. 😋 This has been another production of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats! 😊🍴📚