This book is absolutely incredible. The characters are so wonderfully created and it is so incredibly well written. The emotions of the characters are beautifully portrayed and the plot is incredible.
This book is absolutely incredible. The characters are so wonderfully created and it is so incredibly well written. The emotions of the characters are beautifully portrayed and the plot is incredible.
I have been wanting to read this for so long. I got it today as a birthday present !
I am about 50 pages in and I am hooked !
This book was really enjoyable and I found it to be elegantly written. The settings were really magical and was overall a breath of fresh air.
He had wondered once why love was always phrased in terms of burning. The conflagration in his own veins, now, gave the answer
"Maybe it's just that beautiful things are so easily broken by the world"
Oh where do I begin?
This masterpiece tore out my heart a hundred thousand times and it's compelling narrative with it's intrinsic characters playing their game of revenge and redemption changed the way I look at the great epic Mahabharata. Those who have been painted as saints may be the sinners and the sinners the saints...
Combined with a beautiful language, this book is not one to be missed...
It's been so long since I read a new book...
Can't wait to get started. This book seems so interesting, a new perspective on the Mahabharata.
I absolutely loved this book. Ransom Riggs has done a wonderful job developing a story and putting it so beautifully together. The pictures in this book gave a sense of reality to the story. This is my favourite book from this series. I loved the plot twists. It is overall a wonderful series to get lost in...
"Sometimes it's better not to look back..."
I got this from school today...
Really excited to see that they have started giving out books as prizes...💕
It sounds really interesting...
So for atleast the next few hours...Goodbye world😜
It has been a long day...
Settling down ito my armchair,
Now I hear the gentle prattle of rain,
I can smell the fresh brewed coffee,
With each page I turn, I am lulled deep into the embrace of another world, another life, and even though it is for a short while, I feel like I am at home away from home...💕☕️🌧️
I loved this book so very much... The plot twist was completely unexpected and the last couple of chapters were so emotional for me... The first Jodi Picoult book I read was my sister's keeper... Both of these books have touched me deeply
Re-read one of my most favourite books... The whole book and especially the ending is so heart warming... Absolutely love it 💕💕💕
This book is turning out to be really interesting 🌫️🌫️🌫️
I've wanted to read this book for sooo long....
Finally started it today. The story is really interesting. Awesome book for binge reading and the pictures provide a sense of reality to the story.
This was overall a nice story (how could a story with Fenrir be bad???) But to be honest the narration had its flaws...but I am going to read the next in series not because it was that touching or a cliffhanger but I started it so I want to know how it ends...📚📚📚
So relatable...😍😍😍
But finding such a book is like finding a gem...right???
🎉🎉🎉Won a school quiz... The topic??? Books and authors...!!!🎉🎉🎉
Just finished reading it...
It was a quick read. I thought it thoroughly shows us the emotional journey of Bala the protagonist who was married at the age of seven!!! and whose groom ran away after a few months... Overall it was a nice story
I just reached page 249
Did not expect many things....
Can't put it down...
Look what came home with me today....💕💕💕
When he opened the door, the light from within three his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.
I don't know why but I find this strangely capturing...
This has been in my #tbr list for so long. I just started it today and am only 3 chapters in. But I am completely in love with George R R Martin's style of writing. It is just so vivid and I don't want to put it down now. And it is the first book in which I really used the map...
Be honest to those you love, show your pain. To suffer is as human as to breathe...
Rereading Harry Potter and the cursed child... It feels so wonderful to return to the world where I started my reading journey every now and then...
This is my #julytbr. A rather ambitious pile... Think I am gonna a have a good reading experience this month...📚
I am starting Jubilee journey by Carolyn Meyer (I am already reading 3 books; Twilight, Ivory Throne & Leaving Carolina 😜😜😜). I am just a few chapters in but it seems to be an awesome book...🌼🌼🌼
I am trying to select a book as a gift for my 12 year old cousin. Any suggestions???✨✨✨
I just read one chapter and I am completely in love with the style of writing. The author uses sophisticated yet simple language which makes reading it fun and it is a beautiful experience for me knowing the history of the royal family of my homeland...
Gonna start reading this today. It is the history of the royal family of Travancore, a small place in a small state in India.... If you haven't visited Kerala yet please do so you are gonna love it...🌴🌴🌴
Just finished Magnus Chase and the ship of the dead. It was way more than anything I expected. To be honest I loved this more than PJ. I feel so connected to the characters... Rick Riordan has managed to unleash his magic again 🐍🐺🐺
Finished reading hammer of thor and it was soo funny. Rick Riordan has managed to unleash his humour skills again. Now starting ship of the dead. I've grown attached to the characters and am feeling sad that this is the last book in the series... And the cover looks so awesome 🐺🐺🐺
Got the song of ice and fire series today. Can't wait to get started... The cover is so much more awesome than I expected.😍😍😍
The book was awesome... Rick Riordan has a unique skill to blend in humour with a serious end of the world storyline. 🐺🐺🐺
I am starting 'the hammer of thor' today...
I don't know why but I just love it so much...
I've wanted to read this for so long and I finally managed to get it today from my school library. The cover is so much more beautiful than I expected. Do this weekend I see a "cup of coffee, rain and this book = perfect day"
It was an awfully long read but it was totally worth it. In this story we live with the characters rather than hearing their story. But I did struggle with the Tom Bombadil part. But overall the story as well as the style of narration was beautiful.