"...men may aid Fortune, but not withstand her; may interweave their threads with her web, but cannot break it But, for all that, they must never lose heart, since not knowing what their end is to be, and moving towards it by cross-roads and untravelled paths, they have always room for hope, and ought never to abandon it, whatsoever befalls, and into whatsoever straits they come."
Its weird i know. But apples drizzled with chocolate sauce = ❤️great snack for while I'm reading!
1. The Importance of Being Earnest
2. June
3. Nope. None.
4. Twinkies
5. Happy birthday September Luttens! 🎂💐
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
I'm barely halfway through this book and I am recommending this book already! Its hilarious and sensible both at the same time! The best piece of non-fiction I've ever come across. It's actually from my dad's collection but it's still so damn relevant! Pick pick pick!! 👍👍👍
How true is that! 😂
Hey booknerds! Just a quick question. I've recently discovered audiobooks, seem to like them so far and am looking to use them more often. Which app would you guys suggest? I am currently using librivox. Its okayish but somehow im still not satisfied.. any suggestions?
Definitely pick this one. It's pretty boring in the first half but my oh my what a great read in the latter half. Sydney carton is goals! ❤️ This book left me feeling so happy and so sad all at the same time
Interesting read! Easy to follow and has amazing tricks and strategies that are used in the war. The first step to victory is understanding your enemy!
So far so good #currentread
Thus spake the TBR jar. The Peter Principle it is next! Have been so looking forward to read this!
Definitely pick this one and try to endure the first half. This book made me cry... its that amazing. Sydney Carton 💟
Hey @Amy-Laura thankyou so much for this awesome giveaway!
Im currently reading A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and im amazed at how a book can go from being so drab in the first half to so gripping in the latter half. Im hooked!
Im really looking forward to reading The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir.
Hey @MatchlessMarie Congrats on your #1Kgiveaway ! 😀
My sins
1. I keep adding on more books to my TBR and I find so little time to finish what im reading!
2. I keep buying books, but I normally dont re-read them (blame it on my looooong TBR list). So basically my librarys just a museum collection.
3. I hate ebooks. Im old-school and I like it! 😉
4. I have this OCD where no matter how boring I find the book to be, I still read it somehow.
How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard! 💟
#Milne captures such profound emotions in sich simple words...