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La liste de mes envies
La liste de mes envies | Gregoire Delacourt
Jocelyne, dite Jo, rvait dtre styliste Paris. Elle est mercire Arras. Elle aime les jolies silhouettes mais na pas tout fait la taille mannequin. Elle aime les livres et crit un blog de dentellires. Sa mre lui manque et toutes les six minutes son pre, malade, oublie sa vie. Elle attendait le prince charmant et cest Jocelyn, dit Jo, qui sest prsent. Ils ont eu deux enfants, perdu un ange, et ce deuil a drgl les choses entre eux. Jo (le mari) est devenu cruel et Jo (lpouse) a courb lchine. Elle est reste. Son amour et sa patience ont eu raison de la mchancet. Jusquau jour o, grce aux voisines, les jolies jumelles de CoiffEsthtique, 18.547.301 lui tombent dessus. Ce jour-l, elle gagne beaucoup. Peut-tre.
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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I had an appointment this morning and spent most of the afternoon working on a puzzle, so I‘m a little late to #two4tuesday

1. No, but I realized that I need to revamp my wishlist.
2. Maybe? I ordered a book for my brother-in-law but haven‘t heard from the bookstore. I‘d rather get it from them than from the big company.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing 2y
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La liste de mes envies | Gregoire Delacourt

Not my type. Going nowhere kind of book.

The List of my Desires | Gregoire Delacourt
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I find that for quite a few years now I can't listen to a lot of Lennon's songs. This is one of them. There's an underlined dark tone to some of them that makes me so uncomfortable as a woman. YMMV
Desires, jealousy often go hand in hand so I chose this really popular book that I didn't really enjoyed in its original French language. #marchintothe70s @Cinfhen @Lizpixie

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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1. The Trouble with Goats and Sheep - Joanna Cannon, The Cabin at the End of the World - Paul Tremblay, Locke & Key box set - Joe Hill
2. Pens, coffee mugs, literary t-shirts that I can wear to work
3. Oct 5
4. Horror, historical mysteries/thrillers, history/biographies, true crime. It depends on the mood I‘m in 🙃

My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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Oh, Audible, you‘re so naïve. As if I could purchase my Wish List for $300.

InBooksILive 😂😂😂😂 6y
UwannaPublishme 😂👍🏻 6y
Birdsong28 😂😂😂😂📚📖 6y
MicheleinPhilly I once saw a contest that promised you would never have to buy another book again. The grand prize was 1 book a month for life. I laughed. 6y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt

Hi! I want to share this awesome wish list with you :) all the books I don't own and would love too. Plus the funko pops I am looking for.

#Cupidgoespostal #Valentinesbookexchange

MrsGagnonreads2024 @Avanders here is the post 6y
Avanders Nice!! 👏🏽👏🏽 6y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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There are 76 books on my Goodreads #wishlist.

There are a lot of items on that mental #wishlist I've been compiling for years. Some things I'll never get, like a fully functioning time turner, but I'm still allowed to dream of getting one, right?

#NoteworthyNovember @Jess7

My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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It occurred to me that my litsy is not exactly a helpful resource (aka y u no update goodreads, @ self?) I hope this might help give an idea :x Hi Litsy Santa, I'll do my best not to be a pain in the neck.

(All in paperback)

1. The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman
2. The Dog Stars by Peter Heller
3. The Motion of Puppets by Keith Donohue
4. The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
5. The Fortunes by Peter Ho Davies

Credit: @smangela

My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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As @DeborahSmall knows, my wish list is always growing! 😂 But here are my current #mostwantedtopfive books:
1. The Song of Achilles (Bloomsbury Modern Classic edition)
2. Call Me By Your Name
3. The Six of Crows Duology (Hardcover Set)
4. Starfish
5. Grisha trilogy (new edition hardcovers)

Smangela Song of Achilles is a popular one on Littens‘ wishlists! 7y
ScorpioBookDreams I have a signed first edition but I‘d love the Bloomsbury paperback too. Such a brilliant book. 7y
DeborahSmall I have already bought you 2 of the above for Christmas 😘 7y
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Elisa Oooh I LOVE the Grisha trilogy!! And The Song of Achilles is on mine too! I love Greek mythology and the Iliad was one of my favorite topics in lit at school! 7y
ScorpioBookDreams @DeborahSmall can‘t wait! 😘 7y
ScorpioBookDreams @Elisa I love Greek mythology too. I‘m currently waiting for Mythos to arrive as I couldn‘t resist it! 7y
Elisa @ScorpioBookDreams oh cool! Looking forwards to frequent updates while you read that!! 😃 7y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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Ohhhhh my wishlist for Christmas is going to be tough but here it goes:

1. The snowman
2. The dinner
3. Capital Gaines
4. The devil in silver
5. Copycat

This may currently be a rough draft 😂😂

Repost and tag @Smangela


Smangela I forgot we have The Snowman because I got it for Alex! Also, half of mine are for our book club 😂😂😂 7y
Callemarie @Smangela hahaha I️ def noticed thst 7y
GA_Bookworm07 Ive already purchased and got one main books. Love & Gelato. 7y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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I'm just going to leave this here for any book swap matches who may be Litsy stalking, lol. 😆😆😆 I have a wish list shelf on Goodreads that I tend to keep updated.



Cinfhen Clever!!! #NoPressure 7y
alisiakae @Cinfhen 😂😂 I got the idea from other Littens. 😃 Honestly, the whole process is fun, I don't really care what I receive, it's more the joy I have in picking out things for others! 7y
Cinfhen I agree! I love the excitement that builds on Litsy 💜and it's great to see so much generosity 7y
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riversong153 I like this idea!!! 7y
SamLBooks @4thhouseontheleft you're my fairytale retelling match! My email is samantha.l.bills@gmail.com I'm excited to find you some retellings! 7y
alisiakae @SamLBooks 💜💜💜 I've already started shopping for your package! 😃 (edited) 7y
SamLBooks @4thhouseontheleft Exciting! Your package is started too! 😊😊😊 7y
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La liste de mes envies | Gregoire Delacourt
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Still reading in French. I'm reading past bestsellers that were very popular with the patrons at my library. I bought at least 10 copies of Delacourt's novel back in 2013. I read in the original version if possible of a book. That's my preference. Translated english books in French are usually pretty awful. Delacourt's book didn't live up the hype. I found it boring. Short and boring. Onward to the next one.#readinginfrench

My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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A little pre-bed wishlist making; it is better than circling the toys I wanted in the Toys R Us catalog as a kid!....Goodnight Littens! Sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you! 😴

#wishlist #somanyprettybooks #folio #foliosociety #feellikeakidagain #pleasantdreams

LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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I ❤️ the idea by @julesG and I have cleaned up my TBR list (at least the first 100 books or so!) to include only books I don't own. My Amazon wish list is another good place to check. But feel free to surprise me too!! #summersantagoespostal Background photo from our beautiful backyard at the lake. Was a lovely surprise when we got there this weekend.

erzascarletbookgasm What flowers/plant is that? I've never seen it in my country. 7y
Texreader @erzascarletbookgasm I don't know! We just recently bought the house and it is so much fun watching the flowers bloom in our backyard. The gold is pollin and the hummingbirds love this plant. As do I. Litsy gardeners: can you identify this flower?? 7y
julesG How's the sorting going? 7y
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elkeOriginal Ah, yes - cleaning my Litsy TBR was my first task too when I realized my match would look and not know I owned many of them! 7y
ApoptyGina69 We had that plant/shrub at my mom's house in the '70s. She called it bottle brush. 7y
elkeOriginal @erzascarletbookgasm My mother the gardener says it is a Bottlebrush. She has one trained to be a tree, but it can be a bush too. 7y
Texreader @ApoptyGina69 @elkeo Thank you for identifying this flower in my yard. We have a row of them but only a couple are blooming and the one in the photo is the most photogenic! I did notice hummingbirds love it. Thanks again. Now I know what I have! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Thank u @elkeo and mommy for the identity of the flower :) 7y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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Dear #SummerSantaGoesPostal stalker, I will spend some time today, to update my Goodreads lists, so you can see, which books on my TBR I already own. 😉

Martta This seems to be going around. I just cleaned up my TBR list on Litsy. 😁 7y
Wife For now, I think I will take books I own off of my Litsy TBR. It's probably easier for me than most Littens, because for the most part, I rely on library books. Just hope to make this easier for my match. 🌹 7y
julesG @Martta It something I should have done ages ago, the goodreads lists. But I will not attack "the Litsy list of doom" today. ;))) 7y
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julesG @Wife That's also a good idea. Still, see above. ;) 7y
Martta I think it's wise to do this in stages. The most important things in life must be thought over with care. 😁 7y
scripturient How do I delete titles from my Litsy TBR list? I can only change then to reading or have read. 😕🤔 7y
Wife @scripturient When the TBR is bolded, just tap and it will un-bold. (edited) 7y
scripturient @Wife Aaaaaaah! 😃 Thank you!! So easy and yet so difficult to find. 😂 7y
Texreader Love this idea! 7y
Gissy That's a good idea! I wish my litten friend could do the same! It's always excited and scary to know what books the person will like. And I should do it to help the person who I'm her/his litten. 7y
julesG @Gissy I found it well worth the effort. And it made me realise how many books I still have to read. ;) 7y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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What would you do if you won the lottery? A short read with a big impact!

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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Here's wishing for lots of bookish goodies for Littens celebrating Christmas! 🎄🎁📚

saresmoore 😂 8y
Merethebookgal 😂😂😂 8y
B.Reader They should know better! 8y
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BookishTrish 😂 8y
vivastory Haha, love it 8y
LeahBergen My Christmas mantra! 😂😂 8y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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What would you do if you won the lottery? A 47-yr old housewife/business owner suddenly finds she wins the jackpot lottery of 18 million euros; but before cashing it, she tells no one and begins to evaluate her life. Does she wants her life to change? A well written novella that makes you think about dreams and fears; happiness and lies. Melancholy and easy to relate to, I came away with mixed emotions.

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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'I‘d like to have the chance to decide what my life will be like, I think that‘s the best present anyone can get. The chance to decide what your life will be like.' My Sunday brunch companion.

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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This was an odd, short read. It was not what I expected from the blurb, however I did really enjoy it. The stream of consciousness style writing worked really well here. And despite it not being a literary read, it had some powerful things to say about contentment, joy, wealth, and love.

My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt

"...our needs are our little daily dreams. The little things to be done that project us into tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the future. Trivial things that we plan to buy next week, allowing us to think that next week we'll still be alive."

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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After three books in a row that somehow involved parents losing a child, it was time for a lighter read... Excited to dig into these library grabs from today :)

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt

I really enjoyed this book. It would make for a great beach read. It's small but surprisingly had me talking about it at length with my husband. I think it would make for a great book club discussion.

anwade88 I have this on hold at the library! Excited to get it! 8y
BellaBookNook @anwade88 Let me know what you think. I never heard of this book but I am glad I found it. I still keep talking about it so it packs a punch. 8y
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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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"Being rich means seeing all that's ugly and having the arrogance to think you can change things. All you have to do is pay for it." This little boom is surprising me with little gems of wisdom that never occurred to me when I daydream about winning the lottery,

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My Wish List | Gregoire Delacourt
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I need something light after reading, "When the Emperor was Divine".

Casmt Light sounds good 8y
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