Heads up if you have a #Nook or order from #BarnesandNoble. Details here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.slashgear.com/barnes-noble-hack-exposes-custome...
Heads up if you have a #Nook or order from #BarnesandNoble. Details here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.slashgear.com/barnes-noble-hack-exposes-custome...
It appears my nook just took its final trip. It‘s been glitchy for awhile. And, I have a kindle and an iPad. My kindle is also glitchy too so I was going to order a new one this weekend. I did put the nook app on my iPad, as I have a lot of things on it I still haven‘t read, plus some favorites I like to re-read. So I‘m going to try the app out for a bit. It looks like books are pricier than kindles these days.
I got a new Nook! Me and Amazon had a falling out 🙃🙃🙃
My Black Friday shopping yielded ANOTHER Nook. This one has the night mode, good for low light and migraine reading. Still, no one can argue with this case though 😍#nook #blackfriday #nookglowlight3 #retro #library
I really want to order a nook glow light 3 but my simple touch is fine and I do not need a new nook.
LOOK WHAT I FINALLY FOUND!!!!! Never would of thought it would be in this keepsake box! Yay!!! Now to remember where i put my Nook. 🙃
Cant find my charger AGAIN! I misplace it more then cigarettes smokers misplace a lighter!
I have "read" all ways: physical book, audiobook, ereader book, and on the phone visual and audio books, but...
I prefer physical books.
The thunderstorm knocked out the power, and the PSE&G text alert estimated a 5:00 am repair time, so without electricity for the night, we're reverting back to living like they did in pioneer days: playing on the iPhone until the battery hits 10% so we can still use the alarm clock feature, and then turning on the backlighting on the Nook.
I went to B&N to trade in my 1st gen #nook for this tablet I don't need. I'm glad they couldn't help me right away; as I waited for a manager to bring a coupon down, the minutes turned to reasons I did not need to add to my #kindle #ipad repertoire. I left the store before anyone came to find me. Mischief managed!
RIP NOOK HD 2008-2017.
While I mourn I could use some eReader advice. Which do you littens prefer?
I made the girls a little reading nook when I rearranged the living room! It's tucked next to the piano, behind the couch. The library chapter books are in the "I ❤ Reading" tote bag and the library picture books are in the "She is too fond books and it has addled her brain." bag. ?
A month ago I asked for advice on whether to buy a Nook or a Fire. I had never used either one and have never read an e-book. My kids put me out of my indecisive misery and bought me an iPad for Christmas. While I'm not sure I will read an e-book, the difference between reading Litsy posts on my phone versus the iPad is phenomenal. I think I'm in love with this new gadget.
I bought an e-reader in February, I'm pretty sure it's one of the newer nook tablets. I only got it to read PDFs for work, which has saved me from printing off an obscene number of pages to only be read once. I've tried reading on an e-reader but don't like that all the books feel the same. I've never even hooked this up to wifi to download any books. #seasonsreadings2016 #ereader
A Nook, a Kindle, or a Fire? Go.
I just "long tapped" a word in the print version of "Balm." Wow.