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L'isola dell'amore proibito
L'isola dell'amore proibito | Tracey Garvis Graves
Lacqua cristallina lambisce dolcemente i suoi piedi nudi. Anna apre gli occhi allimprovviso e davanti a lei si apre la distesa sconfinata di un mare dalle mille sfumature, dal turchese allo smeraldo pi intenso. Intorno, una spiaggia di un bianco accecante, ombreggiata da palme frondose. Le dita della ragazza stringono ancora spasmodicamente la mano di T.J., disteso accanto a lei, esausto dopo averla trascinata fino alla riva. Anna non ricorda niente di quello che successo, solo il viaggio in aereo, la superficie blu che si avvicina troppo velocemente e gli occhi impauriti di T.J., il ragazzo di sedici anni a cui dovrebbe dare ripetizioni per tutta lestate. Un lavoro inaspettato, ma chi rifiuterebbe una vacanza retribuita alle Maldive? E poi Anna, insegnante trentenne, partita per un disperato bisogno di fuga da una relazione che non sembra andare da nessuna parte. Ma adesso la loro vita passata non pi importante. Anna e T.J. sono naufraghi e lisola deserta. La priorit quella di sopravvivere fino ai soccorsi. I giorni diventano settimane, poi mesi e infine anni. Lisola sembra un paradiso, eppure anche piena di pericoli. I due devono imparare a lottare insieme per la vita. Ma per Anna la sfida pi grande quella di vivere accanto a un ragazzo che sta diventando un uomo. Perch quella che allinizio era solo uninnocente amicizia, attimo dopo attimo si trasforma in unattrazione che li lega sempre pi indissolubilmente. Lisola dellamore proibito un fenomeno editoriale senza precedenti. Pubblicato in proprio dallautrice, in pochissime settimane ha venduto pi di 200.000 copie solo negli Stati Uniti. Dopo la pubblicazione presso una delle pi importanti case editrici americane, ha scalato tutte le classifiche restando ai primi posti. Una storia damore unica, intrisa di travolgente romanticismo e intensa come la vita, sullo sfondo del mare incontaminato delloceano Indiano.
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#AboutABook @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Read this book twice. Loved the story and the characters.

willaful So good! Did you know there was a follow-up? 1mo
Eggs Perfect 🤩 1mo
TheSpineView @willaful Yes, I have read all the books by this author. 1mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 1mo
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This looks like an Elin Hilderbrand cover 🏖️ 6mo
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It kind of does. I hadn't thought about that. 6mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 6mo
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: The Terminal

Klou Brilliant! 1y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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I started this after work today and just finished at 1 am. It‘s a little cringey in places and the ending is almost too picture-perfect, but the writing is not bad, I really liked the main characters, and I LOVED the whole lost on a deserted island plot. I quite literally didn‘t want to put this down once I started.


TheSpineView I loved this book too! 2y
sprainedbrain @TheSpineView did you read this one as well? I couldn‘t resist and started it tonight! 2y
TheSpineView @sprainedbrain Yes. I liked it too but not as much as the first. 2y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Eggs Beautiful 😍 2y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Not the Maldives beach romance you would want! 😛

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

💝 Dear Santa was from Misty @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks BTW, I didn't get to it and about 6 others last Christmas. So I am saving it for Christmas 2022 #WinterGames
💝 A Wrinkle In Time to LJ, one of the young girls at the barn who is also a reader.
💝 Tagged

Want to play? @wanderinglynn @DarkMina @Come-read-with-me @merelybookish @Gissy

wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 😘 3y
Eggs 💖Wrinkle in Time🥰 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Its one of those incredibly written books that you never want to put down where you are immersed in the story & connected to the characters right from the beginning.
Another thing that you should know is that TJ‘s cancer does not come back. This not a story about that. I‘ve heard some people say that that held them back from wanting to read this book so I‘d like to dispel that worry here. This is a beautiful love story with a very happy ending!

TheSpineView I loved this book! She has a new book that just came out that I haven't had time to read. 3y
damselsgotballs @TheSpineView It was my first book by this author and I'm definitely looking forward to reading her other works as well! 3y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves

I bought this as a cheapie kindle download when on offer after being recommended to read on goodreads after the idea of you , I read it on the beach last month , November and it was the perfect sexy summer read , no waffle , no boring bits just a brilliant easy read page tuner.

TheSpineView I love this author. She has a new book out I have not read yet. 3y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Ebook on sale today and it works for the #Maldives #readingasia2021 so I grabbed it. It looks good too. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Butterfinger I need a Maldives. Thanks. 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks for sharing. It‘s one of the most difficult countries to find books for. 3y
Librarybelle Thanks for posting! 3y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Castaway

Klou Perfect! 3y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🏝📚 🌊 4y
TheKidUpstairs ❤😍 4y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I wish I were there 🏖 4y
TheKidUpstairs Beautiful. I feel warmer just looking at that cover! 4y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

☀️ Cleaned my desk off. No stacks... nothing! It was so liberating!
☀️ Dock of the Bay

Want to play? @wanderinglynn @EadieB @LibrarianRyan @BarbaraTheBibliophage

MoonWitch94 Good song choice! No stacks?!?! Impressive! 🌞 4y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag 😘 (edited) 4y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Klou Sounds good!!! 4y
TheSpineView @Klou It is a good book. 4y
Klou @TheSpineView I'm glad you liked it. 4y
Reecaspieces Loved this book! 4y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Toes in the sand and a book in my hand. 🏝This book surprised me. I was not expecting a deserted island story from that cover. I enjoyed the relationship between the survivors with a 14 year age difference. A lovely beach read, just don‘t read it on a plane! Book 58 4⭐️

Tracyantoon Love that cover! I think I‘m going to try to read this one soon too if I can get it from the library still. 4y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves

I absolutely loved this book. The pacing was perfect and loved the two different points of view. It definitely could be considered taboo, but how it was done, I would not consider taboo at all. A good, easy, romance read.

Feenbraut This sounds like a straight and reversed version of ‚Call me by your name‘. I am intrigued... 5y
1 comment
On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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A bookclub selection that surprisingly generated some decent discussion. Anna and TJ survive a plane crash and find themselves stranded on an uninhabited island. The caveat is that 30 year old Anna is a teacher who was hired to tutor 16 year old TJ. I didn‘t love the romance that somewhat toed the line of taboo, despite understanding how it could happen (TJ was 19 when it began). Don‘t let the cover mislead you, this wasn‘t a Club-Med romance

TheSpineView I liked this book. Surprisingly since I wouldn't normally read but a friend recommended. 5y
Loric @TheSpineView me too! 5y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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I really liked this. The chapters alternated between Anna and T.J., which was a bit confusing at first (even though the start of the chapter tells you whose POV it is), but it didn‘t take long before I was ok with it. It was a fast read – read in one day. Short chapters. I could say more, but there are just too many spoilery things – beware of other reviews, as many do include what I would consider to be spoilers

TheSpineView I loved this book too. Great beach read! 5y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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📖 On the Island
📽 The Blue Lagoon
🎼 La Isla Bonita by Madonna
(🎶Last night I dreamt of San Pedro..🎶)

And now I want to go to a tropical island!!!! 😎
#ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 💙🏝💙 5y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#WanderingJune @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

This story is about two people who are stranded on an island in The Maldives after their plane crashes. They are very lost.

Cinfhen I like the stranded scenario when it‘s done right 5y
TheSpineView @Cinfhen Yeap!😊 5y
Cinfhen Ha!! 5y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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On the Island @traceygarvisgraves @penguinbooks This sounds really good. My first book of @traceygarvisgraves Definitely a read to get you in the mood for Summer. ☀️🍓🍷 Instagram at castrojeannette

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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I kind of liked it but I also expected a different ending for some reason. I‘m happy that everyone got a happy ending but I wonder if it‘s realistic.

Mamashep My book club was convinced to read this one and we were all so creeped out by the relationship. 6y
BookishGirl06 @Mamashep I honestly thought the same thing. I was expecting them to move on at the end and find new people 6y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Library hold that just came through, so I‘ll be reading this alongside another book.

TheSpineView I loved this book! 6y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

When I think of a beach, I almost always recall this book. I have read it three times and I am not normally a romance reader. This story has a lot going for it.

keys_on_fire Just goes to show that a good story surpasses genres! 6y
TheSpineView @keys_on_fire So true!😊 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 6y
vkois88 The pics are beautiful, and it sounds like a good one 6y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Ok so this wasn‘t a super serious read and to be fair it wasn‘t the most well written book I have ever read BUT for some reason I couldn‘t put it down. I read it mostly in one sitting because I HAD to know what happened to Anna and TJ. While I think everything was wrapped up almost too nicely, in the end I still actually really enjoyed the book. This romance(?)/survival story would make a great summer read.

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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I‘m really enjoying this read.

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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Most true romance novels have bad covers, but I actually really thought this was a #badcovergoodbook. I felt the traumatic event was portrayed realistically and the romance lovely & believable. A sweet palate cleanser! #aprilbookshowers

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves

I LOVED this book! Yeah it wasn't the most serious, but it was fun and I really cared about what happened to the characters

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Well I'm heading to bed, so this is my final time. I'm pretty happy with what I accomplished for my first #24in48 and I can't wait for the next one!

Bookzombie You did great! 👏🏻 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 👏🏻👏🏻 8y
TheresaGivan Yay! Great job. That's a heck of a lot of reading time. ☺ 8y
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Dragon 👍🐉 8y
shanebeth woohoo! ⭐️ 👏🏻 8y
Eyelit Nice job! 8y
DebinHawaii Awesome! A great amount of reading time! 🎉📚👍 8y
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On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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#ReadJanuary DAY 6 - #DreamingOfAWarmerClimate 💖🌞🌴
in this really cold day of january I wish I was on a desert island in the middle of the Indian Ocean..

⭐⭐⭐ the twist at the end, how they have been rescued, is the only thing I didn't see it coming.. I'm not a huge fan of romance, but this is a good novel.

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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Don't let the cover fool you. It's good!

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves
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There were some cute moments, but its a book I quickly forgot after completing it. It lacked complexity and I thought the book could have done with more research. It was a quick, light read.

On the Island: A Novel | Tracey Garvis Graves

"I will always keep my promises to you, Anna."
A lovely, gripping, and romantic desert island story.

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