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A Kitten Tale
A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
39 posts | 13 read
As four kittens who have never seen winter watch the seasons pass, three of them declare the reasons they will dislike snow when it arrives, while the fourth cannot wait to experience it for himself.
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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Everyone, meet Moxie! My new fur baby and latest addition to the #catsoflitsy fam. I had family pets growing up but she's my first solo pet as an adult. I'm so excited and love her to pieces already! 😻

Jas16 She is absolutely adorable! 4y
wideeyedreader Awwww!!! 4y
BookmarkTavern Hello sweetie! ❤️ 4y
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BookDragonNotWorm 😻😻😻!!! 4y
vivastory So freaking adorable! And what a perfect name!! 4y
IuliaC Awww 😍 4y
CoffeeNBooks She's adorable! 🐱 4y
AlaMich Wow she‘s cute!! 😻 4y
JenReadsAlot Cuteness!! 4y
MsMelissa She‘s so cute 🥰 4y
Soubhiville She‘s perfect! ❤️ congratulations. 4y
HOTPock3tt Lovely!! 😻 4y
Thousand-Lives Adorable! Love her name! 😍 4y
TCLinrow So cute! Such a sweet little face 😻 4y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 4y
Palimpsest Aww, so sweet! 4y
JennyM She is so beautiful 😻 4y
Suet624 Adorable. Heart melty. 4y
Crazeedi Moxie will steal your heart❤️😻 4y
Leftcoastzen Awwww!😻👏❤️ 4y
Scochrane26 ❤️❤️ 4y
rachelsbrittain Moxie 😍😍😍 What a sweet little baby! 4y
MicheleinPhilly Adorable! 4y
LeahBergen Hello, Moxie! 😘😘😘 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Awww, hello precious kitty! ❤️ Congrats on becoming a solo animal parent for the first time! 😊👍 4y
Bookzombie So cute and I love her name! 4y
Lreads Such a sweetie! Welcome to Litsy, Moxie. 😻 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww sweet Moxie 😽 4y
cozypunk Moxie is a great name. Love tabby ca 4y
cozypunk *cats 🙈 4y
LiteraryinLawrence Congrats!!! She‘s so cute and you guys are going to be a great duo!!! 4y
127 likes31 comments
A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

I would put this in my classroom ! I think it would be good for independent reading or group reading. I would introduce it during the winter time.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

A Kitten Tale by Eric Rohmann, 2008. Picture book. This book would be an easy read for children. The kittens are so adorable and the pictures are bright and fun. This book would be good to read before the winter because it talks about the cold and snow coming.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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“We‘ll be right out!”

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

This book would be great for kids to learn about how seasons change and what it looks like over time. The book mentions how leaves are falling from the trees, and hinting at the weather becoming more cold and wet. Not after too long, the snow falls and winter begins. I think this would also be a good book for students who like or dislike winter, to become more familiar with how fun snow can be to play in.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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This book is about four kittens. 3 of them hate that winter is quickly approaching while the other kitten is very excited for winter and can‘t wait for snow. Seasons are changing throughout the book which worries the kittens that snow is coming. Once the snow piles up, the excited cat runs outside to play in it. The three other kittens join the other kitten when they see how exciting playing in the snow can be.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

”Snow! It‘s cold and wet and covers everything!”

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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I love to choices of pastel colors used in this book. Most colors are dull except for the key things each page is emphasizing. This keeps the reader focused and interested on the key concept.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

The plot of this story is well conducted. The author does a great job of showing the four different seasons in a fun and exciting way for children to read. The kittens are excited to see that the snow covers everything which mimics a child's reaction to snowfall as well.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

“Snow will cover everything I can‘t wait!”

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

It‘s so cool the one kitten doesn‘t have the same thoughts as the other 3!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

There were 4 kittens who never saw snow! The first 3 kittens weren‘t so sure about it as the snow covers everything. But the 4th kitten is so excited
-traditional lit

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

I like how this tale shows how people and animals have different likes and dislikes but if you don‘t try something, you won‘t know until you actually try.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

This tales plot was shown one the first page of the book, adventurous. All the kittens but one do not want it to snow because of the fact it will be cold and wet. The fourth kitten can‘t wait until winter rolls along. Thought our characters, we can tell that the three kittens aren‘t open to different things but the fourth is willing for anything to come it‘s way. Genre: traditional literature; Published: 2008; Illustrator: Eric Rohmann

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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I love how at first the 3 kittens were all so scared but because of how excited and brave the 4th was, it encouraged the others!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

I love this book and how simple it is! This book shows how even though your scared of something, you should try it! The fourth kitten in this book really was brave and helped encourage the other kittens!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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“I can‘t wait!”

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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Cute and simple read with pictures that flow well from page to page.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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Traditional literature, 2008. Four kittens who three of them do not want snow but the fourth one does. When it snows the fourth kitten goes to play and the others follow eventually. Shows how having a positive attitude can lead to fun experiences.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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The use of both pages in this books makes the illustrations pop more.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

This story is about 3 cats that don‘t want winter to come and 1 cat that does.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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“But the fourth kitten didn‘t hide.” This kitten was excited about the new site and experience.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

This is a simple book about how to have fun and not be afraid of what you haven‘t yet experienced. There is a lesson in this short story. We should be excited for new experiences rather than fearful because we may turn out to really enjoy them.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

This book was written and illustrated by Eric Rohmann. It was published by Alfred A. Knope in 2008. The illustrations go along perfectly with this story. I love Rohmann‘s use of simple, pastel colors in this story. It is about three kittens being scared of the thought of snow throughout every season except for one kitten. When the snow finally comes that one kitten teaches them how to have fun and not be afraid of the snow.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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“I can‘t wait!”
A simple phrase, but intriguing to the other kittens .. the fourth kitten would and could not be afraid of the snow!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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I love this photo! No words, just emotion and warmth!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

Published in 2008, this is a story of kittens and their fascination and also fear of snow! I think this story is adorable and fun, however, i‘m not sure if it will be a lasting book go children. I think it would be a lovely book to read, but I don‘t know how much a child would be prone to pick it up. However, the illustrations were beautiful! The use of line, color, and value truly brought the book alive.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

Loved the different colors of the cats!

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann

The outline of the kittens in the book really draws your eye into the illustration. The book was sweet and clever. I also really liked the outline of each page in thick black. The book contains very defined illustrations and pictures.

A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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Sebastian just had his first vet visit today, and he did very well! The back story: he has been hanging out in my backyard the last few weeks. I learned from my neighbors that he has also frequented their yards. I thought he belonged to a household about a block away from me; they moved out after Thanksgiving, leaving not only him but their adult cats too. So sad, but he wandered into the right yard! #SebastianKitty #catsoflitsy

Cinfhen Awww, sweet 😻love that u rescued him 7y
robinb Awww, kudos to you for coming to the rescue...he‘s a lucky cat! 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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Librarybelle Thank you, @Cinfhen @robinb ! We‘ll see how my other two feel about him! 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
2BR02B Poor little dumpling. Good thing kitties are so resiliant. I hope the other cats find better homes as well. 7y
Librarybelle Me too, @2BR02B ! They have not wandered into my yard, but I do hope they have found another cat lover in my town. 7y
Zelma Poor guy! I hate when people abandon animals, but it looks like it worked well for him. 😻 (our new dog is an abandoned pet as well.) 7y
SassyBookworm I don‘t understand how ppl can just up & leave their fur babies?! Ours are just our furry children! So glad you are taking care of that handsome lil guy! 7y
Librarybelle @Zelma All of my cats are strays I found or someone else has found and given to me. It‘s really sad - glad you were able to give your dog a good home! 7y
Librarybelle @Chrysta23 I know! I have no kids, so my little guys really are my children. I could never leave them behind! 7y
TricksyTails Sebastian is so lucky to have found you! ♥️ 7y
Librarybelle Aww...thanks @TricksyTails ! 7y
Bookish.Heart I‘m so glad he found you! People who can abandon their pets don‘t deserve to have them in the first place. They‘re not worthy of the love animals give them 7y
Librarybelle @Bookish.Heart It is so heartbreaking! It also makes me so angry! 7y
GondorGirl He's very beautiful and has obviously picked the right house to grace with his presence. 😻 7y
Emiller Such a handsome and lucky kitty! 7y
Librarybelle Thank you, @GondorGirl @Emiller ! ❤️❤️ 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
BookNAround That‘s how we got our handsome Jazz-man. What a lucky boy he is. 7y
Librarybelle @BookNAround ❤️❤️❤️❤️🐱🐱 7y
Purrfectpages What a great picture. Is that his mad-I-went-to-the-vet-face?? 7y
Librarybelle @Purrfectpages Haha! I think it‘s more his mad-I-want-to-go-to-a-different-Room-but-you-won‘t-let-me face. 7y
JessClark78 🐱❤️ 7y
AmyG He chose you! He's lucky and beautiful. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I can‘t stand when people treat animals that way by abandoning them. It‘s cruel! I‘m thankful you are a wonderful person. Our cat is our family, we treat him like a family member that‘s how it should be. Thanks for being a wonderful person! The cats are lucky! 7y
Librarybelle Thanks, @AmyG ! 7y
Librarybelle @ForeverNerdy It bothers me greatly when people mistreat animals. I‘m glad I had the ability to bring him into my home. Thank you! 7y
Ms_T Good for you for taking him in. He‘s a beauty 😻 7y
Librarybelle Thanks, @Ms_T ! 7y
Clwojick 💗💗💗💗💗#adoptdontshop 7y
83 likes31 comments
A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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Not necessarily book related, but I‘ve taken in a potential new reading buddy. He gets his first vet visit next week, where I can make sure he is nice and healthy. Cross fingers all goes well! More details next week! #catsoflitsy

2BR02B Beautiful kitty! Good for you! 😻👏 7y
KVanRead Well done 🙌 so cute 😽 7y
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DivineDiana I think he‘s in love! 😻 7y
Librarybelle @DivineDiana We‘ve had a lot of bonding time! My other cats are still uncertain who‘s lurking in the garage! 7y
DivineDiana Waiting to see them all together! 👍🏻 7y
Librarybelle @DivineDiana Me too! ❤️❤️ 7y
MinDea Ohhh how awesome! I hope the check up goes well! 7y
SandyW What a pretty kitty... How old, name? Good luck with the vet and the cat integration. 🐈 7y
Librarybelle @SandyW I‘m not sure on the age...I think at least a few months old. I‘ll find that out next week! I‘m naming him Sebastian. 7y
SandyW Sebastian is a great name. 😍 7y
erista What a cutie and great name! I hope all goes well. 7y
Librarybelle Thanks, @erista ! I‘m hoping things go well too! 7y
Bookish.Heart Awww sweet baby 😻 7y
Purrfectpages He looks just like my Captain! ❤️ 7y
Librarybelle @Bookish.Heart @Purrfectpages ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Zelma Congratulations. He‘s beautiful! 😍 7y
LeahBergen Aww! 😍 7y
TricksyTails Yay! 😻♥️ 7y
RadicalReader @Librarybelle what‘s the beautiful new reading companion‘s name? 7y
Librarybelle @RadicalReader His name is Sebastian 🐱 7y
62 likes24 comments
A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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I forgot to update my Litten friends! We were able to find homes for both kittens AND their momma this past week. I'm so glad these babes have good homes. 🐱 #adoptdontshop

EllieDottie So cute and so happy for the kittens 🐱 in their new homes! 7y
AmyG That's wonderful! 7y
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booklvr39 How adorable 💜🐱 7y
TaylorMay Yay! They are just adorable 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Yay great work glad they are all going to good homes. 😻😻 7y
136 likes6 comments
A Kitten Tale | Eric Rohmann
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I know when this book came out it was a big deal, but I don‘t see why. It‘s cute, yes, but not really special. Not something that speaks to me. It's about kittens being doomsayers about the coming snowfall (3 seasons away). And learning not to be scared of the unknown. I guess I was just expecting something WOW, and got something okay. #beatthebacklist #hermione 2017