Pleasant background noise while driving or doing housework
Pleasant background noise while driving or doing housework
I have a new author to follow! I loved this story, the characters, and the inner monolog she throws in. I can't wait to read my next book by her!
I loved this one. It was the female version of The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell for me. Rough childhood followed by strong life lessons. I can‘t recommend it without a warning though. There is one very disturbing part, but you can probably skip through it and get the gist if it bothers you.
Week 2 totals. Love the encouragement from this group. I‘m going to challenge myself to encourage others more this week.
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC
Truly some laugh out loud moments with great characters in a dreamy east coast setting. There was bit of crude and immature banter a couple of times, and I really dislike the overuse of endearments - if I‘d had to read “sweetheart,” “honey,” or “sweetie” just one more time...
Altogether a fun read though. And Harry Potter fans will love the many references to the series.
I don‘t usually laugh out loud at events in fiction. There has to be a level of reality with believable characters. The gathering referenced in this quote made me gasp, and literally LOL. I don‘t want to adult today, I just want to keep reading this!
Today‘s prompt #wishitwasaseries for #julyinbooks18
I would love to see more of the characters in this book!
Diversion from her normal fare and it works. Again, easy read but with a bit more oomph.
Continuing on the Kristan Higgins train.
My brain requires easy; these are easy.
Now That You Mention It is the Daily Deal on Audible.com for $3.95!🎉
Welcome to Mount TBR dear sweet audiobook 😊📚💕
A life-changing experience sends Boston gastroenterologist Nora Stuart back to the Maine island where she grew up. Her recovery is marked by discovering truths from her past and new relationships to enrich her future.
My first light read in a while. Good for some laughs. Good to have all loose ends tied up happily.
Happy birthday #rachelsbirthdaygiveaway 2017 was actually not my favorite year for books but the one I think I loved the most is tagged above. Thanks for the opportunity at your giveaway! @maximoffs
Enjoyable quick read about a GI doctor going back home to a Maine island.
Nora goes home to an island in Maine after many years away & tries to reconnect with her mom, sister & niece along with herself. I really loved it & had recommended to friend. But then there was bad event with an animal that wasn‘t necessary & I had revoke rec because she is a huge animal lover. I still liked it but it is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ when it could have been 5.
Enjoyed it while I read it, but won‘t remember it a few months from now.
For some reason I have always thought KH was a fluffy, chick lit type of author. Not so much. I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would and will be definitely reading many more of her books.
Meatballs and a book. It‘s so freezing cold here with snow on the ground so a nice warm dinner is what I need.
This book is so much better than I was anticipating and I don‘t think it‘ll be my last by her.
I started Manhattan Beach yesterday and 30 pages later I‘m not really feeling it so I think I‘ll start this instead.
Another book that's getting rave reviews that I only felt lukewarm about. This book was okay, but it had a tonality problem I just couldn't get past. I didn't always know where it was going next and whether I should laugh, cry, or be scared. Sure, a lot of stories skip around with emotions, but somehow with this one it just didn't work. The main character was fine, but the nagging negativity of nearly everyone around her started to be too much.
Loved-♥️ Loved-♥️ LOVED- from the first page to the last! Funny, romantic, incredible pace-a real page turner... Incredible characters —did I mention hilarious? HILARIOUS 🤣
5 Stars/ I would give it more if I could!
Back to the drawing board! Giving this one a shot next for #litsyatoz #lettern
Sunday morning book and coffee in my new cup that I absolutely love!! #muglove #ilovesundays #pajamasallday
I originally borrowed this book from my local library to read for an online book group. Yesterday I discovered an autograph copy in the store and gave myself an early birthday present 😊
I loved this book so much. It gave me warm fuzzies on those arctic days at the beginning of the month. I love Higgins female leads, they are always smart women who find love but don‘t sacrifice for it, they are just enriched by it. Above is my favorite moment Harry Potter innuendos!
#romanticcomedy #comfortread
Kristin Higgins has written a beautiful story about the twist and turns in the life a woman with a very complicated past. Wonderful characters and a fantastic story. Highly recommend this book.
I love Higgins‘ books, they are comfort reads for me. This one was no exception, although there was an assault, so trigger ⚠️ warning.
A captivating story about love and loss, letting go of the past and starting over. And over again. A story of family and friendships. A bit of romance, a dash of Mystery, and a healthy dose of humor along the way makes this a page-turner! #BrendaNovakBookGroup January book 😊
First book of 2018 was excellent. Higgins is an automatic buy. This story is about understanding ourselves and others. There is a lovely romance, but the story is about family and friendship.
I love Kristan Higgins books, and I‘ve enjoyed the more women‘s fiction direction her latest books have taken. While this heroine did have some trauma in her past, this is definitely more in the uplifting, happy category than serious. There‘s also a seriously hilarious dinner party gone wrong 😂
Amazing book, as always, by Kristan Higgins.
Often at times this appeared to be your standard chick-lit; romance mixed with some family drama but there was another element to the story that I thoroughly enjoyed and that was the drama and suspense of Nora‘s near fatal attack and the effects it had on her life. I would love for this to become a series from the author and would devour it as I have this novel.
Maybe my most favorite quote in a Kristan Higgins book. Love love love her newest one. ❤️ #romantsy
Two new e-ARCs. 🤓📚 Probably won't get to them until next week.