I'm sooooooo bored! Bailing at 26% (3:35:29).
I'm sooooooo bored! Bailing at 26% (3:35:29).
You can sometimes find little
treasures at Dollar General.
Fun fact—this is a sequel. I didn‘t realize until I looked it up on GR. Then I discovered I‘d read the first book almost 20 yrs ago. 🤦🏼♀️
Kate Reddy is going thru menopause and dealing with a loveless marriage and teenagers with issues. She‘s forced to re-enter the workforce.
This would be considered chick lit but with more substance imo. I thought issues about middle age were done well, but overall it was long winded and not very cohesive.
If the question is “how hard can it be to finish this book?”, the answer was “very!!” I almost DNF‘d but I‘m stubborn and couldn‘t really believe it would end as badly as I feared.
It did.
#PannedBook2019 #DearDecember @Eggs
This book can be summed up in one word: Tedious. It‘s filled with offensive stereotypes about aging, and I can‘t believe anyone (either real or fictional) could be as dense and clueless and enabling as Kate, the main character. I‘m in the same stage of life as she is, but I found her actions to be completely ridiculous and far fetched. Absolutely mind-numbing slog to get through it. 😖
#TBRtemptation post 1! This is installment #2 in the Kate Reddy series. It‘s made all kinds of lists: Best Book Club Choices, Best Books To Make You Laugh, What Women Born in the ‘70s Read, etc. Kate “re-enters” the job market after being a stay-at-home mom for a bit. Can she juggle teenage kids, a husband and his midlife crisis, ailing parents, and working again at the hedge fund she founded? #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
I wanted to like this. British humor, middle aged woman dealing with perimenopause, obnoxious teenagers, loser husband, trying to get back into workforce that values youth. It‘s a recipe for a good book but this just felt tedious and boring, despite spot on insights. It was difficult to believe anyone would put up with the total douche bag who was her husband, or be so oblivious to her children‘s problems/faults. Almost a pan; some funny moments.
Finished listening to this last week. It was fun to catch up with Kate - I really liked the first book. I liked her naming of Roy for her memory, Perry for peri menopause, and I think there was a Catalina in there, too. While much of the book stretched the limits of my imagination, I liked pieces of it.
I have just bailed on a book for only the second time *ever*! I hate DNF‘ing. So not only do I hate the book because it wasn‘t very good, I hate it even more because it made me bail!! 😡
I have been listening to the audiobook version of this, but it‘s so indescribably bad, I can not bear to continue it. Allegedly the lead character has to rejoin the workforce because of finances, but can still go to a Harley Street doctor for HRT, rather than go to the NHS like the rest of us. She‘s wholly unlikeable, whiny, over-privileged and self-absorbed. I‘m the same age as the her, and also menopausal, but I couldn‘t relate to her at all.
Freebie that is 2nd in a series. I really need to do more research before picking free series books. I never read the first one so i was a wee tad lost when i started reading it. I made it to page 16 and stopped. Hated the story and the characters. Not worth my time reading this big book.
Kate Reddy is back - this time shows us how working mom does it all again, dealing with teenagers syndrome, aging parents, career comeback, and partner‘s midlife crisis. I can‘t relate to all this. But as all women in general juggling all the balls in life and thriving to make a statement or living, it‘s worth it to recognize that sometimes, we have the right also to choose life & love, not just duties. And the British humor is gravy ☺️ #katereddy
Like most couples, our relationship has been held together by a common outlook on life, and by laughing at or despising those who don‘t share it 🤣
I loved “I Don‘t Know How She Does It” and awaited this eagerly. Alas it did not speak to me and I only made it to page 73. The writing is witty and the problems (teenage sexting, supporting the family while the husband finds himself) are timely for this stage of my life. Whoever thought that 11-point font is a good idea for a middle-aged audience made a big mistake. I could hardly read it by nightlight and I bailed. Maybe another time.
I found this to be a very witty novel. I had no idea that it was a follow-up. Kate was a hoot and I found myself LOL several times. I found myself relating to her in many ways. I loved her calling on ”Roy” for her memory lapses and then the footnotes at the end of the chapters when he recalled what she was trying to recall brilliant. This was a great read, and Ms. Pearson left it open-ended, so I wonder if we will be have more of Kate‘s escapades.
Oh Hi all!!!! Been a little preoccupied the last two weeks. My daughter left for the Army and it's been weird settling into a new normal of the empty nest. This book was actually a wonderful companion through this life change when I could settle myself to actually read lol (a little slow in the beginning, but not to its detriment)
I feel like I might have missed a LOT regarding @Trashcanman and the (non)toaster oven 😕😂
Today‘s mood
#13Books13Weeks ..., #MountTBRchallenge... The follow-up to I Don't Know How She Does It, Kate makes her return in How Hard Can It Be? for a LOL funny read! I found a couple of Kates parenting choices seriously lacking responsible parenting skills and I'm not sure the book needed to be almost 500 pages to tell the story but overall I enjoyed this book 😊
I really need to get back in the house and get ready for the week, but it‘s such a beautiful evening, I just want to stay on the deck and read. Like the chapter title says, just five more minutes...really enjoying this sequel to I Don‘t Know How She Does It. And tho‘ it‘s a sequel, I think this absolutely works as a stand-alone so don‘t stay away if you didn‘t read the first book.
This narrator is close to my own age, and I hate her so much that I'm unable to read past page 9.
An absolute hoot. Love the witty, clever banter of the main character, particularly her inner monologue.
Some elements I struggled to believe, handsome millionaire please???? But overall I could believe the daily grind of survival and so pleased to see this perspective being published.
I loved the first book, this one I could not get into. I have been reading it for four days and can‘t seem to get past page 75. Time to move on.
Going to start this one...since it is due soon at the library.
Kate Reddy is trying to keep her home and work life going smooth without going insane.
A great read.
So excited to meet up with Kate Reddy again. Both of us have older kids now and are entering a different stage of life. I‘m hoping I love her as much in this book as I did in I Don‘t Know How She Does It
Was very surprised to find this in the nail today. I‘ve never won any giveaways before! Maybe it will start a new trend!
Thanks @StMartinsPress
Should be reading: Orphan Train for book club. Or the other 3 books I‘ve started and put down. Actually reading: the tagged book. Anyone else in the same boat? #shouldbereading #actuallyreading
Loved her first book can‘t wait to read this one.😁Reading raves.
#howhardcanitbe? Released today! Grab for a great laugh and great beach read!
So excited for this one! I LOVED her first, I Don‘t Know How She Does It-so relatable for me 😂
"I never thought I would look back on that time with affection, let alone longing, only suddenly I think how exciting it was. It tested me in a way that nagging kids to do their homework, cooking nine meals a week & getting a man to do the gutters-the wearisome warp and weft of life-never does. Can you be a success as a mother? People only notice when you‘re not doing it right." #HowHardCanItBe #13InThree #NetGalley #VacationReading? @Samplergal
#bookmail + #wordslinger42giveaway mail! Can‘t wait to get this awesome print framed!
Thanks @wordslinger42 😀
I finally won a GR giveaway!
Apparently this is a sequel of sorts. Did anyone read the first one, “I Don‘t Know How She Does It”? If so, what did you think?
Hoping this glass of wine will help me hit my stride with this book. Feeling guilty that I haven‘t finished it since it is an ARC. A glass - maybe bottle of wine makes everything easier. Right???? I mean seriously, how hard can it be?
I received this ARC in exchange for a review. I liked Kate, Ben and Emily felt real, and I despised Richard. I would say this was a 3🌟 book. #HowHardCanItBe #GetReddy
Alabama and I are at odds. She thinks my copper colored, leaf lights, are a toy for her. Not happening Cat!!! #naughtykitty #catsifLitsy
My favorite place to chill. Music,and a book, with warm lighting, who could ask for more?
There are many aspects to this book that I can‘t relate too.But the things that I can relate to I couldn‘t stop laughing!The battle of the chin hairs is a constant battle.Once I‘ve killed them,I swear to god the come by two‘s as if to cast revenge for the fallen soldiers that were plucked from their posts the day before.I think that women who can relate to the main character more,they will really enjoy this book. #GetReady#HowHardCanItBe?
Every single time Richard enters the room, I want to scream at him. #HowHardCanItBe #GetReddy
It is true, George Clooney's smile dies reach his eyes before his mouth. #GetReddy #HowHardCanItBe
I am so annoyed with the husband. #GetReddy #HowHardCanItBe @StMartinsPress
I'm fuming....there is nothing wrong with chick lit...take it by a person who is obsessed with self help! It just chills you :) i love her books...but please don't put us down, even by an unlikeable character in your book :) #JustSaying