Any Labyrinth fans out there? 😍 I was excited to hear the announcement that there will be a sequel!
Any Labyrinth fans out there? 😍 I was excited to hear the announcement that there will be a sequel!
So I don't know which one it is, but one of the photo challenges for today is #soundtrack , well you can't get much better than Labyrinth. And it doesn't matter if it's just the melodic orchestral number or the rocking happy Bowie numbers you can't listen to this sound track and not be happy.
When we would play music in the back room and Magic dance came on we all stoped for a bad dancing break! Happy car ride (I'm not driving)
Hoogle was #foolish to give Sarah the peach. I mean I too would have loved to see Bowie on #stage but you should know better than to cross Jareth. It had some #tragic repercussions. #readingresolutions
Jareth and Sarah. I think they could have worked it out. #coupleILove. #aprilbookishmadness
Jareth and Sarah. I think they could have worked it out. #coupleILove. #aprilbookishmadness
Labyrinth makes my heart happy #throughdangersuntold #youhavenopoweroverme
🎈The Infernal Devices
🎈Labyrinth the Ultimate Visual History
🎈Cassandra Clare
David Bowie and Jim Henson during the filming of the #AsTheWorldFallsDown scene.
This books is amazing but I NEED one for The Dark Crystal. #SeptemBowie
Loved the movie. This book is really entertaining.
Ive mentioned this book before but a #readjanuary prompt of #royals was always going to end like this.
I wish the goblin king would come and take you away right now
Merry Christmas littens and I hope you all got your Xmas book wishes too. This book is a must for any fan of the movie, it is stunning. Now say it with me........you remind me of the babe
My love for Labyrinth runs deep. ❤ It came out when I was two and I've been a fan ever since.
Amazing book about my all time favorite movie😁
I know you are all just SHOCKED that this is my pick for #classicmoviemonster. What could be more insidious than a monster you want to love? #octphotochallenge
I looooved this movie when I was a kid. I am so looking forward to going through this book! 😍