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The Oracle Year
The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
112 posts | 89 read | 2 reading | 101 to read
From bestselling comic-book franchise writer Charles Soule comes a clever and witty first novel of a twentysomething New Yorker who wakes up one morning with the power to predict the futureperfect for fans of Joe Hill and Brad Meltzer, or books like This Book Is Full of Spiders and Welcome to Night Vale. Knowledge is power. So when an unassuming Manhattan bassist named Will Dando awakens from a dream one morning with 108 predictions about the future in his head, he rapidly finds himself the most powerful man in the world. Protecting his anonymity by calling himself the Oracle, he sets up a heavily guarded Web site with the help of his friend Hamza to selectively announce his revelations. In no time, global corporations are offering him millions for exclusive access, eager to profit from his prophecies. He's also making a lot of high-powered enemies, from the President of the United States and a nationally prominent televangelist to a warlord with a nuclear missile and an assassin grandmother. Legions of cyber spies are unleashed to hack the Siteas it's come to be calledand the best manhunters money can buy are deployed not only to unmask the Oracle but to take him out of the game entirely. With only a handful of people he can trustincluding a beautiful journalistit's all Will can do to simply survive, elude exposure, and protect those he loves long enough to use his knowledge to save the world. Delivering fast-paced adventure on a global scale as well as sharp-witted satire on our concepts of power and faith, Marvel writer Charles Soule's audacious debut novel takes readers on a rollicking ride where it's impossible to predict what will happen next.
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

Had to #dnf my January #BookSpin. I think this was mostly a case of not the right book for me. I simply had no interest in reading/finishing it. And since it was one of my #botm choices from 2018 I figure it's time to unshelve it.



Megabooks The end was so unsatisfying that I kind of wish I hadn‘t finished it. 2y
Megabooks Yeah. You never find out who is sending the oracle predictions and there‘s no sequel. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 apparently there‘s some master hand at work manipulating the planet but they‘re all kind of like “oh well guess we‘ll never know who” 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just have to let a book go!! More shelf space for something you'll like!! 2y
gossamerchild @TheAromaofBooks absolutely! The older I get the easier it gets. 2y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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I‘m going to put the #1 most frustrating thing about reading this in a spoiler. If you‘re on the fence 🤨 or just want a laugh, look!

Will receives 108 predictions as he‘s waking from sleep. As the early ones start to come true, he and his best friend decide how best to use this knowledge. Do they monetize it? Prevent disasters? Is there a plan behind them? Who or what sent them?

Megabooks The first three questions receive some attention, but number four, who actually sent these predictions? Yeah, I listened to a 12 hour audiobook and the author didn‘t ever say who sent these predictions!!!!! Wtf!! I listened to that whole-ass book and I never found that out! I looked to see if there was a sequel in the last four years…nope! Guess we‘ll never know. ✌🏻🙄 2y
BarbaraBB 😂😂😂 Couldn‘t resist reading the spoiler 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB drove me bananas!! Why?!? 2y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Behind on reviews, but I am so close to making my goal of 6000 pages this month and have made my goal of 200 audiobook hours!! I‘m hoping to catch up tomorrow after my doctor‘s appointment, but I‘m v excited for Saturday morning because FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SALE!! $5 a bag! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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The Oracle Year

Night y‘all! 💜

Megabooks @Cinfhen I‘ve been praying for you. I hope you‘re hanging in there. Sending love to you always. 💕💕 @BarbaraBB 2y
BarbaraBB Thanks for your email! I will reply soon 💕 and I am happy you loved The Rabbit Hunch too! 2y
squirrelbrain Ooh, have fun at the library sale! 2y
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Cinfhen It‘s SO EXHAUSTING and the jet lag is not helping but I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers xxx 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I did!! It was so odd but good! 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain I will have fun, but probably not as much as you at the reading retreat! I hope you all have a great weekend together! 2y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

This wasn‘t a good “book fit” for me, but I‘m glad to have read it for my February #roll100 …now I can move it off my bookshelf! 2.5⭐️

PuddleJumper Freed up some space! 3y
JackOBotts @PuddleJumper 100%! Already shared it with a fellow bookworm at my office! 3y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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My February #Roll100 is up next! Another from the #BOTM backlog (April 2018, I think).

PuddleJumper Wahoo! 3y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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LOVED this one, I couldn't put it down.

Breanne1 I have this one on my TBR list, I may need to bump it up now. 3y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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A deftly-paced tale with an excellent supporting cast, this novel about power and free-will manages to surpass its already solid premise.

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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

Fun concept and a page turner, not much more to say

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Signed up! @MaleficentBookDragon can‘t wait so excited! 😁

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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Look what I got in the mail today! Thank you @TorieStorieS can‘t wait to open it! Now to resist the urge to open. #nightmareswap

TorieStorieS Yay!!! So glad it arrived safely!!! 5y
LibrarianRyan Yahhh 5y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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I was so looking forward to this book and was excited when it popped up on Hoopla. The premise was good: a guy wakes up having dreamed about 108 world predictions which ultimately all come true. He begins releasing them anonymously through a website and then of course everyone wants to know who he is.
But I was ultimately really disappointed in this one. Flat characters, non-fluid story line, and very mediocre writing overall.

Oracle Year | Charles Soule
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My first thoughts after finishing The Oracle Year: wow. That was a ride. Agreed, the book can be somewhat slow burn at first, but when it gets going, it just keeps on going. I couldn‘t pull my face away from the page for the last third of the book! Full review: http://bit.ly/2XlZHSH

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

Last line: If it turned out that she did have more to day, well, there was always tomorrow.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

We are the sum of our choices. Choose well.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

the sight...would be embedded in her soul forever like a tick...

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

Will tossed the coin into the fountain. Circular rings radiated out from the spot where the coin broke the surface of the liquid.

I loved the imagery here.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

After all, a team without a coach is just a bunch of people playing with each other.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

...names start popping out of my brain like bread out of a toaster.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

First line: Anything can happen, Will Dando thought.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Ok I devoured this book! However, i felt like it had many plot holes and had the potential to be so much better. The writing was great which made it a fast read, but i felt like it lead to nowhere. Also, not a genre in my wheelhouse. I wanted to love it, but only liked it.

Susanita Yikes that cover. 5y
Vivlio_Gnosi Another solid review. Thank you. 5y
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Angitron I totally felt the same about this one. Great review! 5y
rather_be_reading @Angitron ty! glad im not alone! 5y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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My fav book lunch date

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Reading outside on my lunch break 👁

Joe_Jones That was a great book! I am looking forward to his next one that comes out in December called Anyone. 5y
avalinah Loved this one :) 5y
Recommended4Reading My eyes are dizzy...someone help me! (lol) 5y
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rather_be_reading @Joe_Jones i just heard abt his new one! 5y
rather_be_reading @avalinah i am devouring it! 5y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Love getting to read at Starbucks before work

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Book 82 of 2019
#botm #botmbacklog

Lucy_Anywhere Wow, 82 books!! That's great going 🙌 5y
rather_be_reading @Lucy_Anywhere ty! a lot of ebooks and poetry helped me along the way! 5y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule


The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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This book was so fantastic! And not just because of the story-which wondered a couple of times- but because of the way Soule set up and wrote about the characters. His writing grabbed me and I for one can't wait for his next novel 🤓

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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1. 9 f***ing degrees!
2. 65
3. 65
4. Rain and snow
5. The Oracle Year


wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💜 And stay warm! 🥶 6y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Great premise, mostly enjoyed this but the writing was a little sharp for me, I like a bit of a softer approach.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Eh. The characters were good, and the concept fascinating, but then it went all political-thriller on me and I just wasn't into it anymore.

rather_be_reading yes, agreed! 5y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Final read of 2018 almost complete. I had a long hiatus, but hopefully am back in the swing of things for 2019.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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This was just ok. Reminded me a bit of Dark Matter in its pacing and the fact that it at some times went too far into the weeds. Quick read.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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The Oracle Year is full of adventure but short on answers. It‘s an engaging what if premise that morphs into a standard comic thriller. Basically, it‘s a book that never really figures out what it supposed to be. I enjoyed the tale but it only truly stands out when it‘s exploring its sci-fi side. Narrator Charlie Thurton is solid. He moves the book along and his characters are well delineated but nothing here will be especially rememberable.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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This was a fast-paced book with a lot of twists and turns and an interesting exploration of free will.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Excellent book!! Didn't want to put it down once I got about halfway through. An excellent sci-fi novel which uses modern technology to great effect.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

reads like an action thriller with power money mob mentality and supernatural thrown in - not much soul, trying to have a conscience but not a believable one. just trying to be clear about expectations - I was entertained! I‘d recommend this for something absorbing - Not exceptionally thought provoking stuff but still a fun quick read. Felt kinda john Grisham like, which I enjoy - except no lawyers - but you get a former banker. Try it :)

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Will Dando suddenly knows 108 things that will happen in the near future. The book then unfolds as he chooses what to do with this info and sees the ripple effect of the events and reactions to the foreknowledge. This book grabbed me on page one and tore forward, never letting go. I really enjoyed it.

#dogsofLitsy #Bindi

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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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#botmbacklog Book 3: 4/5 ⭐
Will Dando is The Oracle. The anonymous viral sensation gifted with 108 predictions that are slowly being posted online...and coming true. Will doesn't know why he woke up from a dream with these in his head, but as he sells them to corporations and watched the global uproar over his predictions (ranging from mundane to huge), he begins to wonder...why him?
This was a fast-paced thriller great for summer. 4/5⭐

bookandcat This also crosses off the "prophecy" book for my OWLS for #newtsreadathon2018 ! 6y
Catsandbooks I thought it was great too! And now I got my husband to read it! 6y
bookandcat @Catsandbooks that's awesome! Hope he enjoys! 6y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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We went out for brunch at IHOP and I snuck some reading time in when he went to the restroom. Onto my second #botmbacklog book!
Don't worry, not all of that food is for me 😂 the Belgian chocolate mousse pancakes were so tasty though! #brunch #bookandbrunch #botm

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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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This was a really great ride! Unpredictable, engaging, and funny. This kept me locked in throughout and I highly recommend it!

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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I wanted to love this book but just couldn‘t get there. Should have finished it a couple day ago but just wasn‘t motivated. Maybe the real world is more interesting and crazy.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟 4.5/5 stars! This was such an interesting read. It was a fast pace action sci-fi story that I think would make a great movie or TV show, which is something you don't hear too often about a book.

Djkpanic I loved this one too! Such a cool concept. And yes, I second the movie idea 😊 6y
Scott_BookInvasion I‘m about 3/4 of the way through and I love it! The tv right we‘re already purchased before the book was publicly released! —http://www.syfy.com/syfywire/charles-soules-the-oracle-year-already-acquired (edited) 6y
Catsandbooks @MisfitNerdBooks oh thank you for letting me know! I'm excited to see how they tackle it! Enjoy the rest of the book! 👍🏼 6y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Wow, did I ever hate this book. One of my book club buds described it as Reddit‘s first book, and super accurate. I mean, it‘s a book about free will and the protagonist‘s name is Will. (Ugh.) Alas, that‘s the least of its problems; the book is chock full of racism, sexism, ableism, fatmisia, anti-religion, and more. Watch us all hate this garbage book: https://youtu.be/7hkH_P1-0io

DivineDiana I hate it too just by your description! 😡 6y
Alfoster Yikes! Sounds awful!😳 6y
ness @DivineDiana @Alfoster It should have been good! The concept was amazing. NK Jemisin would have done something so incredible with it. In Soule‘s hands, however, the execution was horrible. 6y
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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule

I‘m not sure how I feel; I went in with high hopes and expectations, but then I realised it was not a lighthearted read. It had its ups and downs, and could have been a bit shorter, but I enjoyed it enough to finish.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Waiting for my car‘s oil change. Almost done with The Oracle Year. I‘m liking it so far.
So glad I signed up for #BOTM. My favorite books this year have come from them. 📚🤓

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Finally forcing myself to read this month‘s book club pick. Blech.

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The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Any Littens in a reading slump? Check out this brief episode of Just the Right Book with guest @mkindness Michael Kindness, who for years did the Books on the Nightstand podcast with Ann Kingman. (I still miss it.) Michael talks about the tagged book in this episode.

8little_paws I liked their podcast too:( 6y
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Oracle Year | Charles Soule
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A new sub-category for guys: the dicklit or dudefiction. In The Oracle Year, a millennial slacker wakes up one morning and discovers he can make predictions that can change the course of the world. However, religious and political leaders feel threatened by his Nostradamus prophecies and chaos ensues. A satirical look at our world concerning politics and religion with a bromance element.

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Late night reading and audiocoloring. The Oracle Year is getting intense so sometimes I have to put it down for something a little slower paced. Anyone else have to do this?