“Go home, Johann — Walpurgis Nacht doesn‘t concern Englishmen.”
Johnathan Harker's petty bourgeois, supercilious, condescending, colonial, hubristic side-eye 😒🤦♂️😆
“Go home, Johann — Walpurgis Nacht doesn‘t concern Englishmen.”
Johnathan Harker's petty bourgeois, supercilious, condescending, colonial, hubristic side-eye 😒🤦♂️😆
Wow! What a good writer! Intense. And, once again, a stubborn, foolish Englishman is saved.
#Scarathlon #TeamHarkness @StayCurious 16 points
45 more minutes.
Happy Halloween weekend! 👻
We picked this for its story “Burial of the Rats,” but the better rat story is “The Judge‘s House.” While this collection isn‘t the best thing I read this year, it was a delight. Dracula is respected and taken seriously, but Stoker wrote some TRASH and it is so much fun. This is crass horror: violent, gory, over-the-top. It‘s a reminder that we weren‘t purer-minded “back then.” As an added treat I would rec “The Dualitists”: that story is f*d up.
Mrs. Markam intended to have her say out. It was not a pleasant say, and, truth to tell, it was not said in a pleasant manner. A wife's manner seldom is pleasant when she undertakes to tell what she considers 'truths' to her husband.
Warum habe ich so lange gewartet, um dieses Buch zu lesen?
Es hat mich wirklich gefangen genommen, gut unterhalten und zum Schluss kullerte sogar ein Tränchen!
Absolute Leseempfehlung!
Weiter geht's mit einem Klassiker 😍
Ich hoffe, er kann mich mehr begeistern, als mein letztes Buch!
#classicbooks #books #bookaholic #booknerd #lesen #lesenmachtgluecklich #lesezeit #buch #buecher
Anyone else watching the BBC new adaptation of Dracula? It‘s good - but weird!
A little #audioknitting before bed. Harpy wants me to stop right now. 🐱
#scarathlon #teamstoker #dracula
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Jewel of Seven Stars
The Judge‘s House
The Lady of the Shroud
The Burial of the Rats
The Squaw
Don't they look like two brothers? 😆
Bought Dracula for the #DraculaBuddyRead but as of today l haven't read a word.
October is always busy at work, but this year is particularly crazy. It has sucked up all my time. I'm so behind with everything l'm reading.
Don't think l'll managed to read it 😑
Vampires are one of the few things I WON‘T read about (for similar reasons I won‘t drink tomato juice.)
#ChillingPhotoChallenge #screamathlon
Woo hoo - I‘m #TeamStoker! So excited for the #Scarathlon ! Halloween is my fave time of year!
There‘s still time to join! Follow the hashtag!
@TheReadingMermaid @Clwojick
@TheReadingMermaid #DraculaBuddyRead
I've been meaning to read Dracula forever. This might just be the time.
And not the first time Litsy would make me read a classic 'l've been meaning to read forever' 😆
Dracula's Guest was referenced in the author's notes, in Dracul, so I thought I would check it out. It was removed from the original novel (Dracula) by the editor. It's a creepy little story. I did enjoy it, but I think it would have done better in its original place in Dracula, rather than as a stand alone story.
#dracula #horror #classics #vampire #shortstories
I bow to the gothic trio of my nightmares. Thank you sirs. I haven't slept in years...
☠️ Hum...I don‘t read super scary, but I really loved Bram Stokers Dracula.
🎃 The Shining freaked me out as a kid-still get the chills about it. I‘m a mild scare factor person & loved Aliens so if it‘s on TV I‘m watching it.
🍁 The cool down of the weather. My birthday. Costumes & Halloween! Pumpkin everything - lattes, pies, etc...
📚 Paper Towns - John Green hated it
Thanks #spookyautumn @Joy0201 for the tag
Come play along @Wonderwoman89
I enjoyed the book, it was a good read but it can be confusing at times
Book mail....love the Word Cloud Classics, they are beautiful books!
1: dinner with Dracula
2: Grammatical error.
3: visually.
4: dog ear but I'd hate doing it.
5: serial killer
Because it just isn't Halloween without a picture of Bela Lugosi to enjoy.
My Halloween costume a few years ago! The colored contacts were really fun. #fangsoutfriday #hallowreads #costume
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads