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The Sword in the Stone
The Sword in the Stone | T. H. White
The Sword in the Stone is an Arthurian fantasy novel about the boyhood of King Arthur. The famous story was adapted into a Walt Disney animated movie in 1963.
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🖤 5mo
Eggs Love Sword 🗡️ 5mo
dabbe @Eggs 💜🧡💜 5mo
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It's been about a year since we selected this fantasy classic, “The Sword in the Stone.“ But we're ready now! However, we first get sidetracked by chili and sports analytics. Listen to fully understand the way our brains work: books, sports, and chili. Great episode this week, discussing a great book. Enjoy!


Sword in the Stone | T H White
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Now for a longer read from my bookmark

rubyslippersreads Lovely photo! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😻 1y
Birdsong28 Love the bookmark 😍 1y
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Although this series has been published in one volume (The Once and Future King), they were originally published separately, so I kind of feel like I should review each book on its own 😂 I honestly had no idea what to expect from this story of King Arthur's youth, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! There was so much humor and everyone is basically kind and nice (in the Disney version Sir Ector and Kay are kind of bullies, but here they are actually ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) quite nice!). Also, I was 100% not expecting Robin Hood, so that completely cracked me up. All in all, very much looking forward to part/book 2!!

#OAFKingAlong @AvidRead25 @BkClubCare
#ThingsInCommon with Bed of Roses (challenging haha) - both part of a series! 😁 @Clwojick
Clwojick Woohoo! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly My recollection is of Kay being awful! 🤔 But I hated this book… I was in middle or high school when I read it, and I was super judgy about the anachronisms! 1y
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dabbe Interesting to note: for the 1958 tetralogy, White added two chapters that are not in the original version: one where Wart becomes an ant, and one where he becomes a goose. He learns MAJOR lessons about each culture and their form of government. He also took out the battle between Merlyn and Madam Mim (which is in the Disney movie). The 1958 version of all 4 books is darker than the originals. 1y
TheAromaofBooks @dabbe - That is so interesting! I actually tried to find these books as individuals instead of in the bound volume, but they are no longer common. I wondered if anything had been changed from their original printing. Can't believe they got rid of the battle with Madam Mim! That was one of my favorite scenes from the movie. 1y
dabbe The individual ones are worth some money, too. In the original SWORD IN THE STONE, all of the drawings were done by T.H. White himself! Check and see if your edition has the ant and geese sections. If not, I can give them to you in a pdf format. I'm afraid the individuals are different from the 1958 tetralogy. For example, here's what is different in Book 2 (thanks Wikipedia!): ⬇️ (edited) 1y
dabbe The Queen of Air and Darkness is a substantially different book from The Witch in the Wood, and less than half its length. The general outline is similar, but the tone is darker and more violent and many of the details are different. (edited) 1y
BkClubCare Gosh! I am clueless about all of this and haven‘t seen the movie. Thanks Everyone! I was in an antique store today - wish I had a thought to 👀 look for these titles on the shelf of old books… 1y
TheAromaofBooks @dabbe - Yes, my edition has the ant and geese chapters. Its intriguing to me that those weren't included in the original story, and that the second book was changed so much 20 years after the original publication. It would be fun to find that book and compare the two. 1y
AvidReader25 I was expecting Sir Ector and Kay to be bullies too! I thought the scene where Kay claims to have pulled the sword out himself was really powerful. His father was so patient and gentle as he asked his son if that was the truth. 1y
AvidReader25 @dabbe my copy definitely didn‘t have those sections. I would love the PDFs if you have them! 1y
rubyslippersreads My book has the ant and geese chapters, but when I started watching the movie last night, I thought Madame Mim was a Disney creation. Now I want to read the 1938 version, which is the one Disney bought the rights to. 1y
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Sorry guys, but there‘s no way I‘m not picturing this while I‘m reading. Also, did you all realize Robin Hood was going to be in this? And Madam Mim is pretty terrifying. I love White‘s sense of humor throughout the story so far. I had no idea it was going to be so playful and fun! #OAFkingalong

batsy I had no idea Robin & gang were gonna make an appearance! So fun. 1y
Lcsmcat Me too - and I‘m hearing Dukas‘ The Sorcerer‘s Apprentice too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U4yH4B9deok 1y
AvidReader25 @batsy Right! I love all the references to different things. 1y
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AvidReader25 @Lcsmcat I didn‘t even think of that! Definitely hearing it in my head now. 🧹 1y
BkClubCare Nope, not getting any of these references… 🤔 LOL 1y
Suet624 I was so surprised and delighted when Little John and Robin appeared!! 1y
AvidReader25 @Suet624 Me too! Maid Marian was one of my favorite parts. 1y
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Sword in the Stone | T H White
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Between a So-So and a Pick.

This was a recommendation I got, otherwise I wouldn't have known about this book at all. It was a lot of fun, special and filled with nice ideas and lovable characters. I totally understand that this book is widely loved. I also felt amused and a good time reading it. Still, it's not enough for me to continue the series. I'm fine with the book the way it is, and don't any more.

@TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks I've never actually read this book, although I have a fondness for the old Disney animated movie. 3y
Jari-chan @TheAromaofBooks Before I didn't even know that the Disney movie is based on this book. I only recently found out. The movie is great, though. 3y
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First American edition, 1939, with illustrations by the author and endpapers by Robert Lawson. Just a gorgeous book that almost got sent to the discard pile at the Book Sorting this week.

Lcsmcat 😮 I‘m glad you saved it! 5y
batsy Oooh 😍 5y
Aimeesue @Lcsmcat @batsy I've learned over the years that one of the best jobs at the Book Sorting is the resorting of the discard pile. Those books either go to thrift shops or libraries for their sales, or straight into the recycling bin (we get a lot of torn, stained, smelly, or mildewed, falling apart books.) I find a lot of gems in there! 5y
Suet624 💕💕💕 5y
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I have a hard time getting in to children‘s stories, but The Once and Future King is on the #1001books list and Scribd offered a free month—they have all of the books on audio, so I decided to give it a go.

I loved this book! A time-traveling Merlyn, young Arthur, adventures with animals and Robin Hood, the hilarious King Pellinore and his Questing Beast...so much fun. ❤️

Also, the narration on this audio is amazing!


Daisey This sounds like one I should move up on my list! 5y
Severnmeadows I read The Once and Future King in my teens, and was very interested & moved by it. I liked the first and last book best. (edited) 5y
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Sword in the Stone | T H White
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Me. Especially these days, when time is scarce

GingerAntics This is legit. 6y
MicrobeMom 😂🤣 yep!!! 6y
TheSpineView That's me!🤣 6y
GripLitGrl 😂😂 6y
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Sword in the Stone | T H White
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This #kidlit classic was not what I expected. It was surprisingly . . . dull? Some of the writing was beautiful, but the dialogues with hawks, fish, and other animals were kind of a yawn. And I can imagine kids of a certain era and age being enchanted by the jousting and hunting scenes but I found them tedious. Still the ending was good, and so I'm curious.This is book 1 of the Once and Future King. Anybody read the whole thing? Does it pick up?

rubyslippersreads I‘ve read TOAFK several times (though not for ages—might be time for a reread) and loved it. 😊 6y
merelybookish @rubyslippersreads That's fun! Okay, I'll keep going. It's free on #hoopla so easy and I am curious to see how it unfolds. 6y
Ruthiella I loved this book as a kid! I totally dug the digressions about animals. 😀 6y
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TiredLibrarian I had to read this for an English class when I was younger and it did nothing for me - and I like historical fiction and mythology. I thought it was boring. Caveats: this was many years ago, and I may have been put off by the fact that it was assigned reading 😕🙃 6y
xicanti This was basically my reaction to it, too. I read it in my early twenties and felt like I was either way too old or way too young to approach it for the first time. I never even tried any of the other volumes. 6y
merelybookish @TiredLibrarian @xicanti Good to hear! I wondered if I was too old but then couldn't imagine a kid today digging it. It's no Mists of Avalon. 😛 6y
merelybookish @Ruthiella The idea of being turned into animals was fun. And I did enjoy the dialogue among the trees. 6y
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Sword in the Stone | T H White
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Finished with The Sword in the Stone, book one in The Once and Future King. Loved it! I feel that a rewatch of the Disney movie may be in order. Wellll...now to start The Queen of Air and Darkness! #theswordinthestone #kingarthur #arthurianfantasy #fantasy #merlyn #thewart

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I checked out a book about owls from the library because I like owls—this is the tawny owl, what Archimedes from The Sword in the Stone would have looked like!

Jennick2004 💜 🦉 7y
BryanaB I love owls! One of my favorite animals 🦉😬 7y
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My cat Mim next to his namesake—the page introducing Madame Mim in The Sword in the Stone.

2BR02B Such a handsome kitter. 😻 7y
RohitSawant 😻😻 7y
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Something to read before work on this rainy day. ☂️

398.2 This sounds good. 7y
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Mim (named after Madam Mim from The Sword in the Stone) got neutered recently and walks around unbalanced with his cone all day. As you can see, he's still pretty out of it!

Meeko93 I love Madam Mim!!! And your kitty is adorable! 7y
DivineDiana Poor baby. 💗 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
Dragon 😻 7y
Purrfectpages The cone days are the worst! I feel your pain...and kitty‘s! 7y
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My dad gave this to me and it has been carried around for decades despite it's missing cover. #wellloved
#riotgrams #welllovedreads

JazzFeathers I love books with a history 😍 7y
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Despite the wonderful writing and the lovely audio narration, I bailed on this at around the 25% mark. Children's lit bores me to tears.

tournevis It has to be pretty darn good to hold my attention. 7y
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saresmoore What a neat description. 7y
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And now you know.

ramyasbookshelf .. and now to figure out how to nonchalantly use this in a sentence tomorrow ;) 7y
bookwrm526 I first met this word in one of the Wrinkle in Time books, but now I can't remember which one lol 7y
SusanInTiburon I don't remember that from the Disney movie ... 🤔 7y
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Doing this as an audio/text combo, in fulfillment of the 'weapon' task for the Eclectic Readers challenge; have wanted to finally read it since reading so much about White in MacDonald's H is For Hawk. Fun!

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When you are trying to pack for vacation.... I stole this from the Internet.

HippieChickHomeschool I think of this every time I pack! 7y
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Many of my selection of books that are #fallingapart were assigned in school. Or (as a re-reader) they were books I read over and over in school. I have lost the covers and if I want to read these copies I have to lay them flat to read as they are in chunks. (Except for The Sword in the Stone despite the missing cover the binding is still good!) Even though that are #tattered they still hold a piece of me! #booklove #springflingreading #oldbooks

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Story time with the boyfriend's turtle

Sword in the Stone | T H White
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I've just finished the first book of the series #theonceandfutureking , called #theswordinthestone . If you like can are my review on goodreads #thwhite

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Sword in the Stone | T H White
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I have never read this series ... I just finished the first book: Sword in the Stone...and am not sure I want to read the rest of the series ... this is so weird to me because I have never before read a tale of Arthur or Camelot that I did not at least enjoy to some degree...I struggled through this one.

Sword in the Stone | T H White
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Next up on audio ... I have the complete series in one audio file...not sure yet if I will listen straight through or if I will stop and read something else in between each book...decisions decisions! 😝🤓

Sword in the Stone | T H White
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I am moving so most of my books are packed, which makes my #SetInaSchool selection a bit of a stretch... But Merlin was a tutor to Wart, after all! I love the gorgeous illustrations by Dennis Nolan in this edition. #booktober

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Look at these endpages!

Owlizabeth 😍😍😍 8y
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I also got this beauty yesterday.

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