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Give Me Your Hand
Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
A mesmerizing psychological thriller about how a secret can bind two friends together forever...or tear them apart. Kit Owens harbored only modest ambitions for herself when the mysterious Diane Fleming appeared in her high school chemistry class. But Diane's academic brilliance lit a fire in Kit, and the two developed an unlikely friendship. Until Diane shared a secret that changed everything between them. More than a decade later, Kit thinks she's put Diane behind her forever and she's begun to fulfill the scientific dreams Diane awakened in her. But the past comes roaring back when she discovers that Diane is her competition for a position both women covet, taking part in groundbreaking new research led by their idol. Soon enough, the two former friends find themselves locked in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse that threatens to destroy them both.
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott

Predictable. Just not satisfying to read. Dumb ending.

Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Eggs Well done 👍🏼 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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So I‘m still trying to figure out what I just read…the story focuses on a disturbed friendship between Kit and Diane that just never resonated with me. It was just really weird. I was excited to see a book set in a laboratory as that is where I work but that excitement died as the story just dragged on and on. I managed to finish it but would I recommend it? Nah!

Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Almost DNFed at 49%, but the audiobook carried me over the finish line. I've never worked in a biology lab myself, but after 20+ years with a spouse in academic and industry labs, I have a sense of the culture, and the "now" lab bits ring false. The "then" portions are more realistic, but it turns out those were pulled nearly verbatim from a real-life mid-90s murder. The motivations of the characters make no sense, and there's no sense of place.

Kimberlone I have enjoyed some of Abbott‘s books but I don‘t remember this one being very good, and I DNF her most recent one about ballet (literally can‘t even remember the name of it right now) 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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The story of two young scientist friends & their secrets & where life takes them. There‘s a fast rhythm to this book .. so I couldn‘t put it down for long. Some horror , and gory bits 😳. Thriller/ mystery. Some lovely thoughts

“Staring up at the sky Diane said it reminded her of the first time she ever saw micrographs of astrocytes, those exquisite star shaped brain cells & discovered the strange beauty of science. It was astonishing to me 👇🏻

Cathythoughts 👇🏻to think the human brain has more cells than there are stars in the Milky Way “ ….. I loved that the story was set in a community of scientists. Will definitely read more by this author. (edited) 3y
Cathythoughts Thankyou for this suggestion @vivastory 3y
TrishB Great review. Maybe I should give this author another go!? 3y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB I really enjoyed this one … I feel like I might just launch into another Megan Abbot … 😁 3y
Tamra I hope this has brought back your reading mojo! 3y
vivastory I'm glad you liked it! I feel like Abbot is fairly varied. I can't wait to read her new one 3y
Cathythoughts @Tamra Thanks 😊! I hope so too 🤞🏻 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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I feel judged 🤨

MallenNC The Libby estimates I get always make me laugh bc I am bad to open a book and immediately do something else so my estimates are way off. 3y
she.hearts.horror @MallenNC Right?! Like can I live Libby … and by live I mean make espresso to pour over coffee ice cream. 3y
Leftcoastzen 👏😀 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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My reading has been a disaster this week .. I cannot settle. I‘m hoping this one will work 🤞🏻

TrishB Hate when that happens! Hopefully this will work 🤞🏻 3y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks! I hate it too , it feels like lost time 🙄so annoying. Anyway 🤞🏻 3y
Ruthiella Good luck 🍀❤️! 3y
Tamra Some days and weeks are like that - it will pass. 😌 💜 3y
Cathythoughts @Ruthiella @Tamra Thankyou ! This one is working so far. First by this author, it‘s moving fast & taking me with it 👍🏻🤞🏻 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Thank you @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for this fun birthday read 😀🌼🌸 I turned into a blanket burrito and read, read, read 🌯 📖

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re very welcome love ❤️ 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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This book was a wild ride. I heard Peter Swanson recommend this author in an interview. Told in a non linear fashion this is the story of Kit and Diane. They met in high school and now are on the elite team with the mysterious Dr. Severin to study women who become violent during parts of their menstrual cycle. Diane‘s childhood is deeply warped and she shares her deepest secrets with Kit who has major problems of her own. Gripping !

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott

Kit Owens and Diane Fleming were high school friends, until Diane told Kit a horrible secret. Kit immediately ended the friendship, hoping she would never see Diane again.
Several decades later, Diane re-enters Kit‘s life, with fatal results.
“Give Me Your Hand” wrings plenty of suspense from its premise, and it‘s a gripping story for most of its length. Unfortunately, the drawn-out ending diminishes the story‘s impact.

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Thank you, Misty! 💙💙💙💙


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re very welcome ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Crazeedi Thinking of you, letter on the way 3y
Slajaunie @Crazeedi ❤️❤️ 3y
Williambill @Slajaunie Hello how are you I liked the way you pictured yourself in your profile if you don‘t mind can we talk 💕 3y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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This was a fun thriller about the past coming back to haunt a woman (in STEM!) when an old friend shows up at her lab as a new employee. Overall not quite what I expected, but worth the read.
#givemeyourhand #meganabbott #thrillerbooks

Bookgoil Looks good! ❤️ 4y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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This book is way better than I thought it would be.
Listening on Audible, which can ruin a book for me,
but the narrator‘s pretty good.

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Busting out the roller blades this morning before it gets too hot. #audiobook

Sleepswithbooks I just had a dream about rollerblading all over a college campus 😂 (I‘ve never even strapped a pair on). 4y
Sharpeipup @Stacypatrice interesting! Had you ever been to that campus before? 4y
Sleepswithbooks @Sharpeipup My Dream was a just at a random college campus rollerblading. 4y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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All things considered, these are my favorite reads, listens, & rereads of 2019! #faves #readingyear #goodreads

Avanders What‘s the book in the upper left corner? Great set! 5y
SomedayAlmost @Avanders “Crone,” Woman-centered horror by award-winning Canadian horror novelist Jae Mazer. Reviewers call her a feminist Stephen King. ( I know her, so I am a wee bit biased.) 5y
Avanders Sounds intriguing!! 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott

I expected so much more, but it was just ok.

BarbaraBB Exactly! 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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An Introvert's Guide to Parties
Step 1: Stay home and read.

LibrarianRyan Have you recovered from Jet lag or is that the purpose of stay home and read. 5y
valeriegeary @LibrarianRyan I did crash pretty hard after our trip, all that go-go-go. But this is also a pretty typical Friday night for us. 😆 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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I really enjoyed this Megan Abbott book, much as I‘ve enjoyed her other work so far. This is a dark story (as expected!) with a feminist slant, in a competitive laboratory setting. I find her writing to be deeply psychological, with an original and very distinctive voice. My boys are away until this evening, so what a perfect excuse to finish this in bed this morning!

Buechersuechtling Reading in bed is the best‼️😃 5y
CaseyLea @Buechersuechtling Absolutely! 😊 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Really looking forward to getting stuck into this - love a good Megan Abbott!

BarbaraBB Just read this one. I hope you‘ll like it better than I did. 5y
CaseyLea @BarbaraBB if it‘s odd, I‘ll probably love it 😂 Fingers crossed, I like it! 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Disappointing. Two ambitious women, chasing a career in science (which is not really relevant for the plot), know about eachother‘s secret. This results in a strange balance between them, waiting to be disturbed.
Megan Abbott wants to put so much in this thriller but in the end it‘s all rather far-fetched.

LeeRHarry Totally agree with your review - I picked it up because I‘m a scientist myself and found that side of it unrealistic. 5y
Redwritinghood Agree. I think this was based on real events, but I agree she didn‘t really make the characters or events plausible. 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Excellent thriller about dark secrets & female competition! 5 stars. No wonder it was nominated for an Anthony Award by Abbott‘s peers. 2 bright girls share stories they can‘t forget. Two decades later, they meet again in the intense world of scientific research, with murderous results. Good performance. Highly recommend. #thriller #TeamSlaughter #girlsinSTEM #scarsthon @Clwojick

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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One good thing about all of this rain-it is great reading & listening weather! And this audiobook is very good! Come back inside, silly cat... #rainydaylistening

jenniferw88 Our cat likes the rain too! If it's pouring down he comes in looking like a punk cat! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
Leftcoastzen 😂😻 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Loving this audiobook! So good I give up my other tasks to sit and listen more fully! #drivengirls #secrets

Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Dark crime novel centring on female friendship and rivalry, here in the context of the ultra-competitive world of research and academia. The chapters go back and forth between "Then" when the two main characters are in high school and "Now" set 12 years later when the two meet up again in the setting of a biochemistry research lab. The buildup to the first big reveal is slow and menacing and the final third ratchets up the tension most enjoyably.

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Time to consign! Prepping my son‘s gently used clothes & books to drop off at a big consignment sale tjnighr. Megan Abbott is keeping me company. #audiobooks #anthonyawardnominee

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Finishing this incredible thriller!!! Really enjoy it

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👻📚👻 5y
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Readswithcoffee Welcome to Litsy ☕️📚📚📚☕️ 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌹 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Well. To be honest this felt like it dragged a bit. An interesting premise if it didn‘t entirely work for me

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott


Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Do you listen to audiobooks while you work? Thrillers keep me going during the day.

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Next up...

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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RohitSawant 👏🏼👏🏼 5y
Cinfhen Well played ♥️🙌🏻 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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This was quite the suspenseful story, at one point I was all “ no, no, no “ and I didn‘t want to keep reading and see it all go to hell. But I kept on and while the bodies piled up a bit more, the ending wasn‘t as horrid as I predicted ( not writing wise, bad people choices wise 🤣)

Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Pretty good read but the second death (murder?) wasn't quite believable. All came together well for the ending though, I just wish the murder/death/kill scene had been better.

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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For half the day I think of all the awesome things I will get done when school is finished, by afternoon recess I‘m just dreaming of my bed

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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Needed a new audiobook and I've loved nearly everything I've read of Abbott's so this looks just about perfect. Diving in!

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Well after reading 'You Will Know Me' I was abit sceptical about reading another Abbott book but I'm glad I did.
A great psychological thriller that had me hooked. A very enjoyable read!

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Total brain candy - the story of two women who enter one another‘s lives in high school and then again twelve years later to disastrous results. Toxic friendships are always fascinating but this one is darker and more intense.

Clwojick Helllo Drama! Stacked ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Hooked_on_books I really liked this one. I love how it was written. 5y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Megan Abbott writes flawed yet vulnerable characters that you root for, even though you know you shouldn‘t trust them. The tension she creates is unbearable, the danger palpable. She writes strong, difficult women, who go to the edge to get what they want - and sometimes over it.
In Give Me Your Hand, Abbott unravels the twists and turns of female friendships, layered with competition, soaked in secrets, wrapped in treachery.
Loved this!❤️📚

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Now how am I supposed to turn the page???

Wait...😼... I think that‘s the point 😼


Slajaunie Pets, Mom!! 🐱 6y
ravenlee Well, somebody hasn‘t gotten to the page turn yet, obviously! 😆 6y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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More thrillers about women in STEM please! 👩‍🔬🔪🔬

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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I‘m pretty sure I know what‘s coming and I don‘t know if it‘s that I‘ve read so much Megan Abbott or that I just finished binging all of My Favorite Murder.

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan Abbott
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And these were my wine-fuelled purchases (it was only one glass, but I need something to blame it on, other than just lack of willpower)

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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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1. Library, book stores are too dangerous!
2. Thus far, making dinner with my s.o.
3. Tagged (or anything by her!)
4. Eat, Pray, Love was very overrated imo.
5. @LiterRohde @davidjoseph @NikkiRobson73

@eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs @karajay Give Me Your Hand sounds so good. I tried Eat Pray Love more than once, dnf (edited) 6y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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If you come to this novel, expecting that framework- ambitious, clever, and strong female characters, questionable morals, a complex past, and a high risk present- then you won‘t be disappointed. I loved, that once again, Abbott has written a novel that is entertaining, but also foregrounds female achievement. She does so in such a way that acknowledges that high achieving women can be flawed. Much dialogue around female success fails to do this.

KateFulfordAuthor Terrific review, thanks 6y
ClairesReads @KateFulfordAuthor thank you 🙏🏻 6y
Erinreadsthebooks Great review with a cute cat 😍 Love this post! 6y
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Hollie 😻 6y
TheLibrarian Great review!! And what a cute kitty 😻 6y
ClairesReads @TheLibrarian @Hollie @Erinreadsthebooks thank you!! She‘s hard to photograph well! 6y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Good advice

Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Sylvia 🖤

Krabxzxx Love it 6y
ClairesReads @Litsylily me too 😍 6y
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Give Me Your Hand | Megan E Abbott
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Hoping this is the compelling read I need right now