Readers who enjoy this book might also enjoy "Butts: A Backstory" by Heather Radke. ?
Readers who enjoy this book might also enjoy "Butts: A Backstory" by Heather Radke. ?
"Despite the thirty-five-year existence of government regulatory agencies and their guiding laws in the United States, including the Toxic Substances Control Act, only five chemicals have ever been banned." p. 98
"Funbags. Boobsters. Chumbawumbas. Dingle bobbers. Dairy pillows. Jellybonkers. Num nums."
@ShyBookOwl #firstlinefridays
Readers who enjoyed this book will also enjoy "Exposed" by Mark Schapiro.
What if you don't want to brush your teeth with an endocrine-disrupting pesticide? What if you'd rather not moisturize with printing inks and industrial solvents? Well, unless you have a chemistry lab in your basement, you're out of luck, because most labels won't tell you anything. (In the United States, foods, drugs, and cosmetics are exempted from federal reporting requirements).
In the United States, seven hundred new chemicals come to market each year, joining the eighty-two-thousand already in use. Of these eighty-two-thousand, only a few hundred have ever been tested for health effects. Despite thirty-five years of regulatory agencies, only five chemicals have ever been banned.
It's time for the hour 12 check in/challenge! The challenge is "A Whole New World". We've been challenged to post books that have changed the way we look at something, whether it's another culture, gender, a new concept, social justice issues, etc.
(Continued in comments because I have more to say!) @24in48 #24in48
I wrapped up season 1 of #Booked2018 on March 28th. I was hoping for lighthearted science and humor in the vein of Mary Roach. Alas, no 😏
The author stressed environmental issues affecting breast health. We can try to improve in what seemed to be a defeatist attitude: “Even if we clean up our planet tomorrow, the industrial detritus of the last century has a created a three-generational problem.”
An interesting read, just not what I expected.
Vacation Day 4. I‘ve been putting off my annual physical because I knew I was going to get my marching orders to radiology. Thanks to @4thhouseontheleft for reminding me of how important it is. I‘m going to put my big girl pants on and do it.
This book looks at breasts from every possible angle. Anthropology, history, breastfeeding, breast cancer, puberty, aging, and plastic surgery. #nonfiction #anthropology #audiobook #audiobooks #awesomeaudiobooks #breastcancer
Continuing catching up. March was an especially hard month and I threw myself into reading as you can tell by 9 books read! Breasts: A natural and unnatural history should be read by every woman I know. Since reading it, I've gifted it to 3 women already. So interesting and insightful. It will have you thinking hard about what you put in your body.
I'm listening to this while I clean. I'm in the chemicals and plastics affecting estrogens chapter. It's really scary how much you'd have to avoid to make a difference in your body BPA levels. I don't think about all the chemicals in my shampoo, the chairs I sit in, the wallet I carry, etc.
BTW, this read isn't all preachy. There's a lot of fascinating history and anatomical science as well!
Listening to this! Y'all should read it! Super interesting and very eye-opening!.
I finished this audiobook this morning on my commute. I highly recommend it. It takes an in depth look into why breasts are bigger than ever, why girls go through puberty so early, and why more women than ever are getting breast cancer. It also discusses what goes in our food, breastfeeding, and evolution. 😍
Plus the cover is perfect.
Breasts, coffee, and late breakfast. ❤️
"Our breasts soak up pollution like a pair of soft sponges."
As a pretty busty lady, I'm sure this is going to be a horrifying read. ?
#science #biology #currentlyreading #ourbodies
I've bought this many books and we're not even 3 weeks into November 🤐😖🙃
#afuckton #somanybooks #brlive #retailtherapy #readathon #buriedunderbooks #notimetoreadthemtho #doesntevenincludeebooks
This. Is. Awesome.